
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 18:21:23

(1)头四个詹姆士都是暴死,留下了未成年的诸位王子,他们的幼年伴随着最野蛮的摄政统治.虽非弱人,这些国王后来都未获得任何决定性权力.哀叹和痛苦必定是他们的主要情绪.绝望了的政权邀请那些重要的人,在王家宴会桌上把他们逮捕并斩首;年幼的国王面对此景空洒泪水.“整个15世纪,重要人物几乎无一例外、丝毫不差地飞扬跋扈、难以驾驭.如果他们当中有谁想强调自己,他只有作自己一伙人的首领,即给一群劫匪当头.尤其“苏格兰外岛勋爵”的属民,总是准备闯入苏格兰其它地方.重要人物一到国王面前就卑贱寒酸、衣衫褴褛地拜倒在地,让人想起基督的苦难,但暗地里积蓄不少.当某个国王偶尔有力量的时候,他就穿越国土,处决数以千计的人”【The great figures are almost without exception nuances of one and the same boundless despotism and intractability throughout the fifteenth century.If one of them wants to assert himself,he can do so only as the chief of his clan,that is,at the head of a platoon of plunderers.Especially the people of the Dominus ab Insulis [“Lord of the Isles”] are always ready to break into the rest of Scotland.There are momentary abject humiliations of great individuals before the kings,kneeling barefoot in their shirts and invoking the sufferings of Christ,but with secret reservations.Now and then,in moments of strength,a king traverses the country and has thousands executed.】.
(2)权势人物的扈从是他靠权力征召的大队大队的骑士,他们当中有一大批是马贼;人们要么跟从一位马贼头领,要么缴纳高额的保护费【The retinue of mighty men are huge bands equitum ejus ex ditione collectorum inter quos ingens latronum vis [of horsemen collected by his power,among whom is a great force of thieves]; one either had to join a dux latronum [leader of thieves] or pay high protection.】.
(3)至少詹姆士三世治下的宫廷是爱好音乐的.他的对手后来杀光了他的扈从.诸国王觉得他们被其对手邪恶的魔法纠缠着,此外还有别的事.【The court was musical at least under James III.His opponents then killed off his retinue.The kings thought they were bothered by their adversaries' wicked witchcraft,among other things.】

(1)头四个詹姆士都是暴死,留下了未成年的诸位王子,他们的幼年伴随着最野蛮的摄政统治.虽非弱人,这些国王后来都未获得任何决定性权力.悲伤和痛苦必定是他们的主要情绪.绝望的政权邀请那些重要的人,在王家宴会桌上把他们逮捕并斩首;年幼的国王面对此景空洒泪水.整个15世纪,重要人物几乎无一例外、丝毫不差地飞扬跋扈、难以驾驭【The great figures are almost without exception nuances of one and the same boundless despotism and intractability throughout the fifteenth century.】.如果他们当中有谁想强调自己,他只有作自己一伙人的首领,即给一帮劫匪当头.尤其“苏格兰外岛勋爵”的属民,总是准备闯入苏格兰其它地方.重要人物一到国王面前就卑贱寒酸、衣衫单薄赤脚下跪,让人想起基督的苦难,但暗地里积蓄不少.当某个国王偶尔有力量的时候,他就穿越国土,处决数以千计的人.暴饮暴食也从英格兰传了进来.

1) 4 James is the first violent death, you left a minor prince, accompanied by their young regent of the most brutal rule. Though not weak people, the King was neither given any decisive powers. Lamen...


1) 4 James is the first violent death, you left a minor prince, accompanied by their young regent of the most brutal rule. Though not weak people, the King was neither given any decisive powers. Lamented, and their suffering must be the main sentiment. Desperate regimes invite those important people in the Royal banquet table they arrested and beheaded; Young King Air tears water straight face. "The whole 15th century, important figures, almost without exception, no less, either, it is difficult to master. If anyone would like to stress them himself, he only made himself the leader of a group of persons, to head a group of robbers. In particular, "Lord Scottish island" China is always ready Scotland entered elsewhere. an important figure on the front of the King lowly poor, ragged and Bow down before, is reminiscent of Christ's suffering, but many secretly savings. When a powerful king occasionally when he cross on the land, executions of thousands of people "
(2) powerful figures Neighbor his powers acquired by the Cavaliers Battalion Battalion, a large number of them are Mazei; People either follow a Mazei chieftains, or pay high protection fees
(3) At least James III, the court is under the rule-loving music. His opponent then kill his Neighbor. Zhu King think they are evil magic of its rivals struggle with, in addition to other things.



校对英文(1)头四个詹姆士都是暴死,留下了未成年的诸位王子,他们的幼年伴随着最野蛮的摄政统治.虽非弱人,这些国王后来都未获得任何决定性权力.哀叹和痛苦必定是他们的主要情绪.绝望 英文校对是什么 校对 英文怎么翻译 校对色差 英文怎说? 哪个翻译公司提供英文校对服务? 四面八方都是头(打一个字) 老人留下遗言,17头骆驼分给3个儿子,长子分1/2,次子分1/3,三儿子分1/9,骆驼不许宰杀,问大家该如何分诸位都是能人啊!佩服!速度真TMD快! 请问“校对” (做校对工作的人)英语怎么说?注:是指做校对工作的人.名词.谢谢! 校对的英文怎么写?那校对员怎么写? 离开的都是风景、留下的才是人生、英文怎么翻译 成语:()头()脑要四个,除了摇头晃脑! 英语校对,华译网英语论文校对质量和英语论文校对价格如何?是英语母语外籍校对吗?华译网的英语校对质量是比较高的,他们的英文论文和英文文件校对服务质量水平建立在他们丰富的英文母 下面四处“硬着头皮”都是口头语,请根据语境,分别换四个字的书面语.(1)“英子,不要怕无论什么困难的事,只要只要硬·着·头·皮·去做就闯过去了.”( ).(2)“怎么还不起来,快起!快 下面四处“硬着头皮”都是口头语,请根据语境,分别换四个字的书面语言(1)“英子,不要怕无论什么困难的事,只要只要硬·着·头·皮·去做就闯过去了.”( ).(2)“怎么还不起来,快起!快 英文 头怎么讲 头的英文怎么说 铲头英文怎么说 英文 头 怎么写