英语翻译作为一个文科生,我向来对science course不感兴趣 .up to now,the only science course I 记忆犹新的,就是high school那节介绍“男女有别”的生物课,在我国保守的环境下,我们对此知之胜少,所以大

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 06:35:34

英语翻译作为一个文科生,我向来对science course不感兴趣 .up to now,the only science course I 记忆犹新的,就是high school那节介绍“男女有别”的生物课,在我国保守的环境下,我们对此知之胜少,所以大
作为一个文科生,我向来对science course不感兴趣 .up to now,the only science course I 记忆犹新的,就是high school那节介绍“男女有别”的生物课,在我国保守的环境下,我们对此知之胜少,所以大家都感到非常好奇,表现出intensely求知欲……
我很喜欢舞剑,这是一种中国传统的运动,有点像舞蹈,很轻松,对身心都有好处,一开始我的长辈们很喜欢这项运动,渐渐就影响了我.现在我每天早上我早饭前都去Dragon Lake Park 练一会,这样让我可以远离繁忙的生活,亲近自然……
最让我开心的一件事是中国男足赢了韩国,此前很多年我们都没赢过,更何况那场比赛队员们团队配合的很好,3个进球都很精彩,让我很是抓狂,甚至晚上都没有睡着.本来跟同学约好第二天早上去Dragon Lake Park玩的,结果我一直睡到中午才起来,于是我只好发短信给他们道歉了.

英语翻译作为一个文科生,我向来对science course不感兴趣 .up to now,the only science course I 记忆犹新的,就是high school那节介绍“男女有别”的生物课,在我国保守的环境下,我们对此知之胜少,所以大
As a liberal art student,I was never interested in the science courses.Up until now,the only science class that I still remember is a class about physiology from the high school biology.Under the conservative tradition of China,we had little knowledge about it.So everyone was very curious about that class,and showed strong desire in learning...
I have an interest in a sport called Wujian.It is a traditional Chinese sport similar to a dance style of swordsmanship.This sport is relaxing,and good for our physical health.At the begining,the seniors of my family were doing it,and then it gradually had an impact on me.And now,I go to Dragon Lake Park to practice it every morning befroe my breakfast.It allows me to be away from the busy life style for a bit,and get close to the nature...
The most delightful thing for me is that the Chinese national socer team won the game that was against the koreans.We didn't have a chance to win it for many years before.The team memebers of this game did a perfect job on cooperating with eath others,all of the three goals were very splendid!It made me overjoyed so that I couldn't even sleep for the night.My classmates and I were planning on going to the Dragon Lake Park the next day,but I slept straight to the noon.By the time I woke up,I had no choice but sending them text messages to aplogize.
Good luck!

As a student of art, I have never taken much interest in science courses. Up to now, the only science course that remained fresh in my memory was one biological class in high school, at which the "dif...


As a student of art, I have never taken much interest in science courses. Up to now, the only science course that remained fresh in my memory was one biological class in high school, at which the "differences between man and woman" were discussed. In a comparatively conservative country like China, the teenagers have little knowledge about gender and sex. So all students in my class were very curious and showed an intense desire for such knowledge.
I like sword play very much. Sword play is a traditional sport in China. It's kinda like dancing, quite relaxing, thus beneficial to both the physical and mental health of the practicer. At the beginning, only the elders in my family loved this sport very much, but gradually they also influenced me. Now every morning before breakfast I go to the Dragon Lake Park to practice sword play for a while, which helps me escape from the busy urban life and get close to Mother Nature...
One of the happiest things I can remember was the victory of the Chinese national men's soccer team against the South Korean team. The Chinese team had kept a losing record against the South Koreans for many years before that. More importantly, in that winning match, the Chinese players showed great teamwork and coordination, and scored three magnificent goals. I was so ecstatic that I could fall asleep the whole night. My classmates and I had planned to go to the Dragon Lake Park the next morning, but because of the soccer game and the sleepless night, I didn't wake up until noon and missed the appointment. So I had to send mobile phone text messages to them to apologize for that.



As a student of art, I have never taken much interest in science courses. Up to now, the only science course that remained fresh in my memory was one biological class in high school, at which the "dif...


As a student of art, I have never taken much interest in science courses. Up to now, the only science course that remained fresh in my memory was one biological class in high school, at which the "differences between man and woman" were discussed. In a comparatively conservative country like China, the teenagers have little knowledge about gender and sex. So all students in my class were very curious and showed an intense desire for such knowledge.
I like sword play very much. Sword play is a traditional sport in China. It's kinda like dancing, quite relaxing, thus beneficial to both the physical and mental health of the practicer. At the beginning, only the elders in my family loved this sport very much, but gradually they also influenced me. Now every morning before breakfast I go to the Dragon Lake Park to practice sword play for a while, which helps me escape from the busy urban life and get close to Mother Nature...
One of the happiest things I can remember was the victory of the Chinese national men's soccer team against the South Korean team. The Chinese team had kept a losing record against the South Koreans for many years before that. More importantly, in that winning match, the Chinese players showed great teamwork and coordination, and scored three magnificent goals. I was so ecstatic that I could fall asleep the whole night. My classmates and I had planned to go to the Dragon Lake Park the next morning, but because of the soccer game and the sleepless night, I didn't wake up until noon and missed the appointment. So I had to send mobile phone text messages to them to apologize for that.


英语翻译作为一个文科生,我向来对science course不感兴趣 .up to now,the only science course I 记忆犹新的,就是high school那节介绍“男女有别”的生物课,在我国保守的环境下,我们对此知之胜少,所以大 一个女生对我这么说 向来缘浅 奈何情深 文科生 读什么书握现在高一了报了文科数学英语都不太好尖子班是进不了了但是我也想好好做一个文科生我想请问大家我作为一个文科生高二正式分班我应该做些什么呢读些什么书来扩充自 文科生紧急求助!不过作为一个文科生我表示依然不会计算浓度为0.25mol?L-1的某一元弱酸HA的pH值.已知Ka,HA=4.0×10-8. 作为一个文科生,地理应该掌握的知识有哪些? 英语翻译基于SCIE的国家自然科学基金资助产出论文计量研究 经济基础决定上层建筑,一个文科生给我说的一句话, 为什么做数学题时总觉得一听就懂,作为一个文科生可以怎样在短时间提高数学成绩? 化学题!文科生紧急求助!哪位化学达人帮我做做下面这道题吧,很简单的,不过作为一个文科生我表示依然不在温度400K时,计算0.22kgCO2气体在0.02m3容器中产生的压力是多少? 化学题!文科生紧急求助!哪位化学达人帮我做做下面这道题吧,很简单,不过作为一个文科生我表示依然不会300K时,A气体在4.0×104Pa下,体积为1.25×10-4m3,B气体在6.0×104Pa下,体积为1.50×10-4m3,现将这 作为一个普通人为什么要学政治先说明,我是一个高中生.当然作为文科生不得不学政治,但我觉得只为考试学而不知道这个学习一个学科的意义与作用,我实在学不下去~1.学校背的那些一大堆理 高三生如何提高地理成绩 作为一个地理基础不是很好的学文科我 怎样在80天内快速提高地力成绩呢 英语翻译不管是对是错,我只是作为一个好朋友站在她那边,这就是一个朋友应该做的! 文科生如何培养理性思维?刚刚做了1个月的小文科生,已然感觉到了一些风花雪月的文科情怀,可是我不希望自己是这样迂腐寒酸的人.我希望作为一名文科生的同时,我可以尽量多的培养自己的 我是文科生,能学环境工程吗?有多大影响?我对化学没兴趣 作为一个交换生你最大的挑战是什么英语翻译 作为一个数学功底非常弱的文科生,GRE&GMAT程度的数学水平能不能应付注册会计师和ACCA中的数学常识 英语翻译德国人向来都很守时的.