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刺杀希特勒》(Valkyrie:历史) 2009 (115 min) 英文影评:
What becomes of a movie star when the career hits a hiccup and the lustre starts to fade?If the movie star is smart,they go back to basics,reconnecting with the fire of their formative years.What drove them back then?What first made them strive for greatness?"When I was a kid I always wanted to kill Hitler," Tom Cruise revealed recently."I hated that guy and all he stood for."
Valkyrie,then,is not just the latest Tom Cruise action thriller.It is the fruition of a dream; a boyhood fantasy writ large; a Hollywood blockbuster that provides an opportunity that was denied him in life.Inevitably he bungles it.
Bryan Singer's picture casts Cruise as Claus von Stauffenberg,the Wehrmacht colonel who spearheaded the 20 July 1944 plot to save the fatherland.Wounded in battle and sporting a natty eye-patch,von Stauffenberg has grown sick of war.He wants to "show the world that not all Germans are like Hitler".He hates that guy and all he stands for.
The obvious sticking point here is that (spoiler!) von Stauffenberg did not actually kill Hitler.The plot failed and the conspirators were executed.Played as a tragedy,or a stark study of failed ambitions,this might not have been a problem.Except that Singer opts to frame Valkyrie as a high-concept wartime suspense thriller,inviting us to suspend our disbelief and go along for the ride.
The 1944 plot was at least fiendishly planned and generally well executed.Singer's,by contrast,seems flawed and foolhardy from the start.
But what of Singer's co-conspirator?Valkyrie paints von Stauffenberg as the archetypal "good German",a model of elegant disenchantment.And yet Cruise,for all his skills as a performer,does not do disenchantment.For all the anguished moments of doubt,the constant stares into the mirror,his von Stauffenberg is essentially Top Gun with an eye-patch.
The film's curious melange of dialects only underscores this quality.Von Stauffenberg's cohorts are played by British actors (Bill Nighy,Terence Stamp,Kenneth Branagh) who deliver their lines in English accents.The villainous Nazi is portrayed by German actor Thomas Kretschmann who speaks English in a German accent.And then - standing separate and apart - is Cruise himself,intoning his lines in pureblood American.He might as well have been dropped in from an Allied plane; a gung-ho Hollywood hero sent in to clean up a very European mess.He couldn't manage it as a kid,and he can't quite do it now.Hitler one; Tom Cruise nil.
布莱恩辛格的图片蒙上克鲁斯的克劳斯冯施陶芬贝格,在国防军上校谁带头1944年7月20号阴谋拯救祖国.在战斗中受伤,并身穿整洁眼补丁,冯施陶芬贝格增加患病的战争.他希望“向世界表明,并不是所有的德国人喜欢希特勒” .他讨厌那个家伙和他主张.
但是歌手的同谋?女神油漆冯施陶芬贝格作为典型的“德国好人” ,一个优雅的模型觉醒.但克鲁斯,他的所有技能,作为一个演员,所有的痛苦的时刻,毫无疑问,不断地凝视到镜子,他的冯施陶芬贝格基本上是壮志凌云的眼睛修补程序.
影片的好奇混杂的方言不仅强调了这一点质量.冯施陶芬贝格的同伙正在发挥英国演员(比尔奈伊,特伦邮票,肯尼斯布莱纳)谁提供的线在英语口音.纳粹的罪恶所描绘的是德国演员托马斯克莱彻曼谁讲英语的德国口音.然后-除了常设单独-是克鲁斯本人,他的线intoning美国在pureblood .他可能也已下降盟军飞机从一个长庚浩好莱坞英雄发出清理非常欧洲一团糟.他无法管理它作为一个孩子,他不能做到现在.希特勒之一;汤姆克鲁斯为零.

give me the movie.