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two clock has been busy all his life.One day,an old clock to a ton said:"you a year to put 525600 it with me." Very frightened,and said,"wow,so much,how could it be?!How can I finish under so much!" By this time,another old clock say with smile:"don't be afraid,you need only a second place once every second,insist to come down." Very happy,thinking about:a second place once didn't seem hard,have a try.Sure enough,very easily and then put to it.Imperceptible in the past year,has put the 525600 ton!两只钟已经忙活了一辈子.有一天,一只老钟对一只小钟说:“你一年里要摆525600下啦.” 小钟吓坏了,说“哇,这么多,这怎么可能?!我怎么能完成那么多下呢!” 这时候,另一只老钟笑着说:“不用怕,你只需一秒钟摆一下,每一秒坚持下来就可以了.” 小钟高兴了,想着:一秒钟摆一下好像并不难啊,试试看吧.果然,很轻松地就摆了一下.不知不觉一年过去了,小钟已经摆了525600下!A little pig,a sheep and a head of cows,was held in the same corral.Once,the shepherd caught little pig,it loud screaming,fiercely resist.Sheep and cows hate its howling,then say:he often catch us,we are not at.The pig to answer a way:catch you and catch me completely different things,he catch you,just to your hair and milk,but who caught me,but to my life!一只小猪、一只绵羊和一头乳牛,被关在同一个畜栏里.有一次,牧人捉住小猪,它大声号叫,猛烈地抗拒.绵羊和乳牛讨厌它的号叫,便说:他常常捉我们,我们并不大呼小叫.小猪听了回答道:捉你们和捉我完全是两回事,他捉你们,只是要你们的毛和乳汁,但是捉住我,却是要我的命呢!France a remote town,reportedly has a special predictions springs of water,often appear signs,can cure all sorts of illnesses.One day,a walks with a cane,little legs of veterans,a lame lame walk through the town of road,next to the town with the sympathy to kiss said:poor guy,will he ask god for have a leg?This sentence is the army soldiers heard,he turned around and said to them,I'm not going to ask god has a new leg,but to ask him to help me,that I don't have a leg,also know how to make a living.法国一个偏僻的小镇,据传有一个特别灵验的水泉,常会出现神迹,可以医治各种疾病.有一天,一个拄着拐杖,少了一条腿的退伍军人,一跛一跛的走过镇上的马路,旁边的镇民带着同情的回吻说:可怜的家伙,难道他要向上帝祈求再有一条腿吗?这一句话被退伍的军人听到了,他转过身对他们说:我不是要向上帝祈求有一条新的腿,而是要祈求他帮助我,叫我没有一条腿后,也知道如何过日子.A old man in the fishing by the river,a child walk through to see his fishing,the old man skilled,so before long it caught a full basket of fish,the old man saw a child is very lovely,to put the whole basket fish gave him,children shook his head,the old man amazing asked:why don't you?The little boy replied:I want you to the hands of the rod.The old man asked:do you want to fishing pole?The child said:this basket fish before long it finished eat,if I have the rod and I also can catch,lifetime could eat.有个老人在河边钓鱼,一个小孩走过去看他钓鱼,老人技巧纯熟,所以没多久就钓上了满篓的鱼,老人见小孩很可爱,要把整篓的鱼送给他,小孩摇摇头,老人惊异的问道:你为何不要?小孩回答:我想要你手中的钓竿.老人问:你要钓竿做什么?小孩说:这篓鱼没多久就吃完了,要是我有钓竿,我就可以自己钓,一辈子也吃不完.