
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 04:52:28


例:1、主动:The children gave the foreign guests a warm welcome.
被动:The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children.
2、主动:People regard him as brilliant.
被动:He is regarded as brilliant by people.
以上两例都是一般时态用be done的例子,be有人称、时、数变,第三人称foreign friends是复数,时态一般过去时,所以"be done"就是were given,而People regard him as brilliant一句,被动后的"be done"就变成单数第三人称is regarded的形式了.
This speech was delivered by comrade Wang. (was delivered即一般过去时的被动态)
There was a serious train accident near the border. Two people were killed and twelve were injured.
A person who is truly honest is called a straight arrow. 直言不讳的人才是真正诚实的人.
A note was passed up to the speaker. 有人给讲演者递上来一张纸条.
John was elected president of the class instead of Harry. 乔治被选为班长而代替了亨利.
The information is urgently needed. 急需这个资料.
完成时态have done,被动将been加中间.
(过去完成时had done也包括在内).
例:1、主动:We have studied English for 3 years off and on at the spare-time school.
被动:English has been studied for 3 by us years off and on at the spare-time school. (have随新主语变为has)
2、主动: They had produced 100 tractors by the end of last year.
被动: 100 tractors had been produced by the end of last year.
3、主动:They have set up a power station in their home town.
被动:A power station has been set up in their home town.
4、主动:They have warned us to be careful of rats.
被动:We have been warned to be careful of rats.
5、主动:People have piled plastic bags full of rubbish in streets.
被动: Plastic bags full of rubbish have been piled in streets.
6、主动:We have used nuclear energy to produce electricity.
被动:Nuclear energy has been used to produce electricity.
7、主动:No one has ever beaten him at tennis.
被动:He has never been beaten at tennis.
(No one涉及到全否定和部分否定问题,见否定一讲)
The subjects of these lectures have been announced by the lecture committee.
主动: Somebody had cleaned my shoes.
被动: My shoes had been cleaned by somebody.
被动句中的by引出的宾语,一般说来,如果是人称代词你、我、他等,均可省略,someone no one不由by来引出.如果是名词不能省略,但当今英语也都可省略了.
主动:The Chinese people will make more space explorations in the future.
被动:More space explorations will be made in the future by the Chinese people.
After a period of use, the batteries should be changed. 电池使用一段时间后,应该更换.
Usually, the electricity is on for 24 hours. But tomorrow it will be cut off in the day time. 通常是昼夜供电,明天白天将停电.
More peaceful uses will be found for nuclear explosives in the future. 在将来会发现更多的和平利用核爆炸的途径.
More hard work will be needed to make this wonder come true in a short time from now. 从现在起要使这些奇迹在短时间内成为现实还需要做更多的艰苦工作.
make...come true 使……成为事实; come true做宾补(见感使动词口诀).
The machine will not be used again. 这机器不能再用了.
一、There be 句型陈述句比较特殊, 其附加疑问句的结构为there be的倒装,而不带句子主语.例如:
There is something wrong with the computer, isn't there? 这台电脑有点毛病,是不是?
There aren't any fish in the river, are there? 这条河里没有鱼, 是吗?
二、当陈述部分的主语是everyone,everybody, someone, nobody, no one,none, anyone, somebody等合成不定代词时, 在非正式文体中,附加疑问句中的主语通常用he或they.例如:
Someone opened the door, didn't he/they? 有人开了门,是不是?
Nobody went to the cinema, did they? 没人去看电影,是吗?
三、当陈述部分的主语是everything, nothing, something, anything等合成词,附加疑问句中的主语用it.例如:
Nothing serious happened, did it? 什么事情也没有发生,对吗?
Everything is ready, isn't it? 一切准备就绪了,不是吗?
四、当陈述部分的谓语动词是am的肯定形式时,附加疑问句的谓语动词用aren't,而不用am not;当陈述部分的谓语动词为am not时,附加疑问句的谓语仍用am.例如:
I am five years younger than you, aren't I? 我比你小五岁,不是吗?
I am not late, am I? 我没有迟到,对吗?
五、当陈述部分带有few, little, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, never, nowhere, nothing, no one, nobody等表示否定或半否定意义的词时,附加疑问句的动词用肯定形式.例如:
The old man can hardly read, can he? 这位老人不识字,对吗?
Little food has been left, has it? 吃的东西几乎没剩下,是吗?
He has few good friends, has he? 他几乎没有要好的朋友,是不是?
六、当陈述句部分带有否定前缀的词时,此陈述句当作肯定句, 其后的附加部分用否定形式.例如:
The students were impolite, weren't they? 那些学生没有礼貌,不是吗?
It's illegal to drive a car without a license, isn't it? 没有驾照开车是违章的,不是吗?
※ 含有否定含义的词在陈述部分作动词的宾语时,其反意疑问句用肯定结构,也可以用否定结构.例如:
You got nothing from him, did you? 你从他那儿什么也没得到,是吗?
七、如果陈述句是主从复合句而主句的谓语是动词I(we) + think, believe, suppose, imagine, reckon, fancy等词时,附加部分应与从句中的谓语在时态上保持一致.例如:
I suppose you are not serious, are you? 我想你不是当真吧,是吗?(不可用don't I?)
We think they have finished their homework, haven't they? 我们认为他们已经完成了家庭作业,不是吗?
I believe that you will enjoy the party, won't you? 我相信你会喜欢这次聚会的,不是吗?
八、当陈述部分是祈使句时,附加部分可以不与前面的祈使句的动词保持一致,而是根据不同的用意选用shall, will, can 等.例如:
Don't make noise, will you? 不要吵闹,行吗?
Let's help each other, will you/won't you? 让我们互相帮助,好吗?
Let me do it for you, will you/won't you? 让我来帮你做这件事,行吗?
Let us have a look at your new dictionary, will you/won't you? 让我们看一看你的新词典,好吗?
〔注〕Let's(包括说话者本人)开头的祈使句,附加部分常用shall we?或shan't we? 表示征求意见. Let us/me/him不包括听话人在内开头的祈使句,附加部分则要用will you?或won't you?
A. 在疑问句中
Will they come to see us this weekend ? 这个周末他们将来看我们吗?
Are you talking about the film you saw last Monday ?
Can you speak another foreign language except English?
Where did you buy the dictionary, in the book store nearby or in Xinhua bookstore?
She is not a student, isn't she ? 她不是个学生,对吗?
B. 在感叹句中
Isn't it a beautiful garden ! 多么美丽的花园啊!
What a beautiful garden it is ! 多么美丽的花园啊!(在这种句式中,主语在谓语之前,属于自然语序.对于主语和谓语而言,语序没有倒装.)
Have you ever seen such a naughty kid like him !
C. 在陈述句中
1) 为了避免句子部分内容不必要的重复,常用"so + be动词(助动词、情态动词)+主语"或"neither / nor + be动词(助动词、情态动词)+主语"的倒装句式.其中第一个句式表示"与前面所述的肯定情况相同", 第二个句式表示"与前面所述的否定情况相同".例如:
His brother is a college student; so is mine.
His brother is not a college student; nor is mine .
He used to have his further study abroad; so did I.
He didn't use to have his further study abroad; neither did I.
One of my friends can speak three foreign languages; so can his wife.
One of my friends cannot speak three foreign languages; neither can his wife .我的一个朋友不会说三门外国语,他的妻子也不会.
They are now preparing for their final examinations; so are we .
They are not now preparing for their final examinations; nor are we .
①This is the last thing that interests me.
②That is one of the rooms that are free now.
③He is the only one of the students who is interested in sports.
五、当way做先行词时,后面跟的定语从句缺少状语时,关系词可以使用that,in which或者不加关系词
I didn't like the way that he eyed me.
I didn't like the way in which he eyed me.
I didn't like the way he eyed me.
This is the place (where/that) we met yesterday.
I shall never forget the day (when/that) we first met.
The reason (why/that) he came so early is his own affair.
Do you know the right time (when/that) the meeting begins?
It rained all night and all day,during which time the ship broke in pieces.
I called him by the wrong name,for which mistake I should apologize.
The prince was the person in whose honor the ball was given.
例如:The day will come when the people all over the world will win liberation.
when引导的定语从句修饰the day,但是主句the day will come太短,如果把后面的定语从句放在the day后面,主语太长,给人头重脚轻的感觉.
Her sons,both of whom work abroad,ring her up every week.
An angry crowd surrounded the buses,most of which were already full.
I bought a dozen eggs,six of which broke down when I dropped the box.
That building,which cost $5 million to build,has been empty for years.
例如:The great trouble he took to show us how to run the machine made him completely tired out.
take great trouble to do something是一个固定词组,先行词the great trouble后面的定语从句为he took to show us how to run the machine,made为主句的谓语动词.
Dr.Smith still talks like the man (that) he was ten years ago.
My typewriter is not the machine (that) it was.
十二、there be结构用做定语从句时,使用关系代词that,既能指人也能指物,但往往省略
The 9:15 is the fastest train (that) there is to Oxford.
Kent is supposed to be a gifted footballer (that) there has ever been.

1. The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children.
2.He is regarded as brilliant by people.
3.A person who is truly honest ...


1. The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children.
2.He is regarded as brilliant by people.
3.A person who is truly honest is called a straight arrow. 直言不讳的人才是真正诚实的人。
4.A note was passed up to the speaker. 有人给讲演者递上来一张纸条。
5.John was elected president of the class instead of Harry. 乔治被选为班长而代替了亨利。
6.The information is urgently needed. 急需这个资料。


Referred to as the Asian Games Asian Games Asia's largest integrated Games held every four years term with the Olympic Games held in interphones. Initially sponsored by the Asian Games ...


Referred to as the Asian Games Asian Games Asia's largest integrated Games held every four years term with the Olympic Games held in interphones. Initially sponsored by the Asian Games Federation in 1982 by hosting the Olympic Council of Asia. Since the beginning of the first session in 1951 has so far held 15 sessions. International Olympic Committee recognized the Asian Games as an official Games in Asia.
16th Asian Games in 2010 November 12-27 in Guangzhou China and Guangzhou is China's second city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing had in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be located 41 events the history of the Asian Games are the largest events ever. Guangzhou Asian Games will be held after the Tenth Asian disabled.
In March 2004 a total of four cities hosting the Asian Games: Guangzhou Kuala Lumpur Seoul (Seoul) Amman; but the other three bidding cities have decided to quit competing. July 1 2004 OCA announced that Canton was the right to host the 16th Asian Games.
Asian Games emblem on November 17 2006 Sun Year-end Memorial Hall in Guangzhou solemnly announced to the symbol of Guangzhou - "wuyang statue" as the main outline of the design patterns become the emblem of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games.
Apart from the Olympic Games has 28 the Asian Games there are 13 non-Olympic Games including the new Go wushu dragon boat and other Chinese traditional items.
November 26 2006 the Sixteenth Asian Games Organizing Committee was held in Guangzhou Zhongshan Memorial Hall in 2010 Asian Games emblem launch from Canton Zhangqiang designers design a symbol of "Guangzhou" Guangzhou has become the emblem design Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games emblem. The logo design to the increase in soft lines form a shape similar to the outline shape wuyang torch symbolizing the Asian Games torch burning and never extinguished. Embodies the symbol of Guangzhou city Guangzhou has also expressed the people's aspiration but also the performance of the Games should be dynamic.
Guangzhou Asian Games mascot named LeyYangyang a set of five kinds for the largest number of previous Asian Games mascot. "Wuyang" the city of Canton are the most famous a sign to five sheep as a mascot fully reflects the host country host city of the historical background spiritual outlook and cultural charm. It has five sheep with the Beijing Olympic mascots "Beijing welcomes you" similar name the image of sports are stylish five sheep respectively named "Xiang" "Ah and" "such as the Arab-Israeli" "Ah Yi" "LeYangyang" form a "harmonious smug music titled"。expression of the people in Asia Guangzhou Asian Games will bring "good luck harmony happy successful and happy" the good wishes and also conveyed the current Games "harmony passion" philosophy.
Guangzhou Asian Games Mascot of creativity from the Canton city legend. It is said that a long time ago Canton had once occurred famine year after year people living in dire poverty. One day the sky has five immortal respectively Imago riding mouth of 5 cents sheep Canton come. Xianren the rice to the Guangzhou people and wish never famine here and five cents into a stone sheep to stay in Canton. From then on Guangzhou Lingnan into the most affluent places. Thousand years ago the "title wuyang Valley" legend making the "wuyang" has become the most famous city of Canton a sign
