
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 08:13:30

比如一些简单的单词,good,many,a lot of等等

1.individuals,characters,folks替换(people ,persons)
2:positive,favorable,rosy (美好的),promising
(有希望的),perfect,pleasurable ,excellent,outstanding,superior替换good
3:dreadful,unfavorable,poor,adverse,ill (有害的)替换bad
如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换
eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games,enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms.When it approaches to graduation ,as a result,they records are less impressive.
4.(an army of,an ocean of,a sea of,a multitude of ,a host of,many,if not most)替换many.
注:用many,if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词.
Eg.Many individuals,if not most,harbor the idea that….同理 用most,if not all ,替换most.
5:a slice of,quiet a few ,several替换some
6:harbor the idea that,take the attitude that,
hold the view that,it is widely shared that,
it is universally acknowledged that)替think
7:affair ,business ,matter 替换thing
8:shared 代 common
9.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits )
10:for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion
11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式.所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.
Eg.sth has gained growing popularity.
popular with the advancement of sth.
12.little if anything,或little or nothing替换hardly
15.exceedingly,extremely,intensely 替换very
16.hardly necessary,hardly inevitable ...替换 unnecessary,avoidable
17.sth appeals to sb,sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb.be interested in
18.capture one's attention替换attract one's attention.
20.be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of代 indicate,suggest ,fear
21.give rise to,lead to,result in,trigger 替换cause.
22.There are several reasons behind sth 替换..reasons for sth
23.desire 替换want.
24.pour attention into 替换pay attention to
25.bear in mind that 替换remember
26.enjoy,possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思)
28.frown on sth替换 be against ,disagree with sth
29.to name only a few,as an example替换 for example,for instance
30.next to / virtually impossible,替换nearly / almost impossible (实习编辑:顾萍)

六级作文常用单词置换要考六级了,我想知道六级作文中常用单词的置换,比如about可置换为approximate等等,如何在六级作文中多用复杂而吸引眼球的单词,明天就要考了,多举例子,感激不尽比如一 六级写作常用单词常用单词表 六级作文单词错了扣多少分 谁知道英语口语中的常用词组有哪些?我想知道英语口语中的常用词组!词组,单词都行 我想扩大词汇量,请问我要怎么背单词,要阅读和口语常用的我想问背什么书呢,六级,考验,还是别的 我想过六级,但是不喜欢记单词,听力听了很多,还是不好,怎么办呢 我想知道我的2012年12月的六级作文有没有偏题, 求一写写作文常用的单词,4级水平xie xie明天考托福了,报报佛脚,麻烦给一些写作文常用的单词 主要是好一段时间没写作文,单词都不会拼了 六级作文最低分我今年六级作文完全偏题了,但是至少语句通顺,字数合理,卷面整洁.我想知道我最少能得多少分?急求 英语常用口语单词有哪些有很多一样或意思相近的单词,我想知道哪些是口语常用单词 我想知道一些常用西餐英语单词我想知道的是常用西餐的所有汁酱和菜名的单词 六级又挂了,不知道用什么单词书才好 生活中常用的英语单词我想知道一些关于生活中的一些常用单词!大概1000个就好了,要是常用的! 英语A级作文常用句式 单词 短语加上中文翻译 六级作文写错了单词划掉再写影响得分吗 2011年大学英语四级还有六级作文都是什么,要6月份和12月份的抱歉,我打错了,我想问的是2010年的,我想知道12月份题目是什么,比较急 哥们六级作文知道不 哥们 六级作文知道吗