英语翻译本文以7种水生植物为主要研究对象,包括轮金鱼藻Ceratophyllum demersum、眼子菜Potamogeton distinctus、金边石菖蒲Acorus granzineus、灯芯草Aquatic grass、鸢尾Iris tectorum、香菇草Potamogeton malainus、

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 00:51:33

英语翻译本文以7种水生植物为主要研究对象,包括轮金鱼藻Ceratophyllum demersum、眼子菜Potamogeton distinctus、金边石菖蒲Acorus granzineus、灯芯草Aquatic grass、鸢尾Iris tectorum、香菇草Potamogeton malainus、
本文以7种水生植物为主要研究对象,包括轮金鱼藻Ceratophyllum demersum、眼子菜Potamogeton distinctus、金边石菖蒲Acorus granzineus、灯芯草Aquatic grass、鸢尾Iris tectorum、香菇草Potamogeton malainus、聚草Cyperus glomeratus,分别以其构建成人工湿地模拟系统,开展不同类型水生植物湿地中总氮去除效果,通过实验提出具有较高水质净化能力,同时兼具景观效果的水生植物种类,并最终应用于景观水体水质处理中.实验结果表明:(1)、挺水植物、浮叶植物、沉水植物中除氮能力依次为金边石菖蒲>鸢尾>灯芯草、香菇草>聚草、金鱼藻>眼子菜,在景观水体处理中,将金边石菖蒲、香菇草和金鱼藻共同运用于人工湿地系统中,既能实现水质净化,同时植物种类的多样性也增加了其景观效果.(2)、沉水植物除氮效率高,处理三周后,金鱼藻和眼子菜水体中的总氮浓度就下降至3.00mg/l和3.24mg/l,因此沉水植物可运用于需快速净化水质的项目中.(3)、水生植物水体中总氮和硝氮的浓度变化趋势接近.(4)、水生植物水体中氨氮和硝氮的浓度呈此消彼长的关系.(5)、水生植物对于水体中的氨氮的去除种间差异不大,但对总氮以及硝氮的去除效果存在较明显差异.

英语翻译本文以7种水生植物为主要研究对象,包括轮金鱼藻Ceratophyllum demersum、眼子菜Potamogeton distinctus、金边石菖蒲Acorus granzineus、灯芯草Aquatic grass、鸢尾Iris tectorum、香菇草Potamogeton malainus、
In this paper, seven kinds of aquatic plants as the main study, including the round of Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton Potamogeton distinctus, Phnom Penh, Acorus gramineus Acorus granzineus, rush Aquatic grass, Iris Iris tectorum, mushrooms grass Potamogeton malainus, poly grass Cyperus glomeratus, respectively adult workers in their wetlands to build simulation systems, to carry out different types of aquatic plants in wetland removal efficiency of total nitrogen, through experiments to have higher water purification capacity of the landscape at the same time the effect of both types of aquatic plants, and ultimately the water used in water treatment landscape in. The experimental results show that: (1), Ting-water plants, floating-leaved plants, submerged plants, in addition to the ability of nitrogen followed by Phnom Penh Acorus gramineus> Iris> rush, mushrooms and grass> poly grass, hornwort> Potamogeton in the Landscape Water processed, will be in Phnom Penh Acorus gramineus, mushrooms Ceratophyllum demersum grass and common application of artificial wetland system can achieve the water quality purification, the diversity of plant species at the same time also increased the effectiveness of its landscape. (2), submerged plant nitrogen in addition to high efficiency, to deal with three weeks, Ceratophyllum demersum and Potamogeton water on the total nitrogen concentration decreased from 3.00mg / l and 3.24mg / l, is therefore submerged plants can be applied to be Rapid purification of water quality projects. (3), aquatic plants and denitrification of nitrogen in water of total nitrogen concentration close to trend. (4), aquatic plants in water and ammonia nitrogen concentration of NOx was the shift in the relationship. (5), aquatic plants for removal of ammonia in water between species, but on the total nitrogen removal and denitrification of nitrogen than the existence of significant differences in effect.

Article 7 species of Aquatic plants as the main research object, including round Ceratophyllum algae demersum, goldfish pondweed Potamogeton distinctus Acorus calamus, JinBianShi granzineus, grass, Aq...


Article 7 species of Aquatic plants as the main research object, including round Ceratophyllum algae demersum, goldfish pondweed Potamogeton distinctus Acorus calamus, JinBianShi granzineus, grass, Aquatic buttercups tectorum, mushrooms, Iris Iris malainus Potamogeton grass, grass glomeratus Cyperus, with its constructs simulation system, the artificial wetland in different types of Aquatic plants in total nitrogen removal efficiency of wetland, through experiment with high water purification capacity, at the same time, both the landscape effect of Aquatic plants species, and eventually application in landscape water treatment. Experimental results show that: (1), water plants, plant, water plants in addition to JinBianShi calamus for nitrogen ability > > buttercups and mushrooms grass iris > >, goldfish grass cluster algae pondweed in landscape water treatment, will JinBianShi calamus, mushrooms, grass and common used in the goldfish algae artificial wetland systems, which can realize water purification plants species diversity, at the same time, it also increases the landscape effect. (2), and the submerged plant except nitrogen efficiency, after three weeks of treatment, goldfish and pondweed total nitrogen in water fell to 3.00 mg/l and 324 mg/l, therefore the submerged plant can be used to quickly in purifying water quality in the project. (3), aquatic plants, total nitrogen in water and nitrate nitrogen concentration trend. (4), the aquatic plants in the water of ammonia and nitrate concentrations of nitrogen is reciprocal relationship. (5), aquatic plants for water in the ammonia nitrogen removal of the difference between the total nitrogen, but not for nitrate nitrogen removal and the effect is obvious difference.


The main body of a book is used for 7 kinds hydrophytes studying a marriage partner mainly, dish Potamogeton distinctus , Phnom Penh rhizoma graminei Acorus granzineus , lampwick grass Aquatic grass ,...


The main body of a book is used for 7 kinds hydrophytes studying a marriage partner mainly, dish Potamogeton distinctus , Phnom Penh rhizoma graminei Acorus granzineus , lampwick grass Aquatic grass , fleur Iris tectorum , mushroom grass Potamogeton malainus, gather grass Cyperus glomeratus including wheel cedar moss Ceratophyllum demersum , eye son , establish the manpower wet land simulation system respectively with whose structure, the general nitrogen dislodges effect in the wet land carrying out the different type hydrophyte , purify an ability by the fact that experiment put forward has higher water quality , is utensil landscape concurrently at the same time the effect hydrophyte kind, And ultimate apply to landscape wave water quality is processing. The experiment bear fruit is indicated: (1), straight of water plant, floats to gather grass , cedar moss> eye son in leaf plant , heavy water plant except that the nitrogen ability is Phnom Penh rhizoma graminei> fleur> lampwick grass , mushroom grass in proper order> dish, the wave is processing in landscape, in applying Phnom Penh rhizoma graminei , mushroom grass and cedar moss to manpower wet land system commonly, both and can realize the water quality purification, plant kind diversity has also increased it's landscape effect at the same time. (2), sinks water plant after except that the nitrogen is efficient , handling three cycles , the cedar moss and eye general nitrogen thickness in you dish wave come down right away till 3.00 mg/l and 3.24 mg/l, in sinking water plant therefore but applying to the project requiring a fleetness to purify water quality. (3), in hydrophyte wave, the general nitrogen and saltpetre nitrogen thickness change trend make up to. (4), in hydrophyte wave, the ammonia nitrogen and saltpetre nitrogen thickness assume this eliminating that long relation. The hydrophyte takeoff interspecific crossing difference to ammonia nitrogen in wave is not big (5), the takeoff to the general nitrogen and the saltpetre nitrogen there exists more obvious difference in effect but.


In this paper, seven kinds of aquatic plants as the main study, including the round of Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton Potamogeton distinctus, Phnom Penh, Acorus gramineus A...


In this paper, seven kinds of aquatic plants as the main study, including the round of Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton Potamogeton distinctus, Phnom Penh, Acorus gramineus Acorus granzineus, rush Aquatic grass, Iris Iris tectorum, mushrooms grass Potamogeton malainus, poly grass Cyperus glomeratus, respectively adult workers in their wetlands to build simulation systems, to carry out different types of aquatic plants in wetland removal efficiency of total nitrogen, through experiments to have higher water purification capacity of the landscape at the same time the effect of both types of aquatic plants, and ultimately the water used in water treatment landscape in. The experimental results show that: (1), Ting-water plants, floating-leaved plants, submerged plants, in addition to the ability of nitrogen followed by Phnom Penh Acorus gramineus> Iris> rush, mushrooms and grass> poly grass, hornwort> Potamogeton in the Landscape Water processed, will be in Phnom Penh Acorus gramineus, mushrooms Ceratophyllum demersum grass and common application of artificial wetland system can achieve the water quality purification, the diversity of plant species at the same time also increased the effectiveness of its landscape. (2), submerged plant nitrogen in addition to high efficiency, to deal with three weeks, Ceratophyllum demersum and Potamogeton water on the total nitrogen concentration decreased from 3.00mg / l and 3.24mg / l, is therefore submerged plants can be applied to be Rapid purification of water quality projects. (3), aquatic plants and denitrification of nitrogen in water of total nitrogen concentration close to trend. (4), aquatic plants in water and ammonia nitrogen concentration of NOx was the shift in the relationship. (5), aquatic plants for removal of ammonia in water between species, but on the total nitrogen removal and denitrification of nitrogen than the existence of significant differences in effect.


英语翻译本文以7种水生植物为主要研究对象,包括轮金鱼藻Ceratophyllum demersum、眼子菜Potamogeton distinctus、金边石菖蒲Acorus granzineus、灯芯草Aquatic grass、鸢尾Iris tectorum、香菇草Potamogeton malainus、 英语翻译作为列夫托尔斯泰经典著作《安娜•卡列琳娜》中的主要人物,安娜这一角色已被人们反复研究和回味,成为世界文学史上一个不可或缺的亮点.本文将以安娜的生活悲剧为研究对象 英语翻译本文以冲压模具为研究对象,主要是以冲压模具的失效形式作为切入点,重点分析了以下几种冲压模具:如冲裁模、拉深模、冷挤压模在各种不同的工作条件下,形成模具失效的原因及 中翻英,最好专业一点,本文以中国为主要研究对象,构建了一个研究跨国公司直接投资对东道国产业发展影响的理论分析.跨过公司以其强大的资本存在给发展中国家带来巨大的外部效应,这种 以R-x为研究对象,讨论影响其主要化学反应-SN 的四种影响因素 强调心理学不应该以意识为主要研究对象的学派是 科学以什么为研究对象 英语翻译浅析我国中小旅行社发展策略本文以我国中小型旅行社发展为研究对象,通过对我国中小型旅行社在旅游市场竞争日益激烈的背景下的发展现状,作出系统分析,提出了适应我国中小旅 英语翻译哪位兄弟帮我翻译一下:(本文以化工废水为研究对象,总结了现行的环境水样前处理技术.化工废水 前处理 技术) 英语翻译从《福尔摩斯》看侦探小说的艺术魅力 【摘 要】 本文以柯南道尔的《福尔摩斯》为主要对象材料,分别从神探福尔摩斯的形象,有关福尔摩斯的短篇小说和长篇小说故事情节特点以 英语翻译本文主要以中国银行财务报表为研究样本.采用杜邦分析的方法,通过中国银行年度财务报表数据,重点说明了公允价值运用后对我国上市公司财务报表的影响.本文从公允价值相关理论 英语翻译为获得楠竹笋最适宜的贮藏温度,本文以楠竹笋为研究对象,研究在5±1℃、10±1℃、常温贮藏条件下,随贮藏时间的增加楠竹笋各项品质指标的变化.结果表明:楠竹笋在10℃、5℃低温下 “以整体为研究对象,库仑力为内力” 英语翻译枪械可靠性直接影响武器的战术技术指标,是武器研究的一个重要内容.本文以81式自动步枪为研究对象,根据其在实际使用过程中出现的故障问题,应用枪械可靠性评估理论,分析了其故 英语翻译本次课程设计以苹果酒的外包装为研究对象,旨在设计出合理苹果酒包装纸盒.并主要通过查阅资料,市场调研,计算等方式对苹果酒外包装尺寸图像制版和印刷流程进行设计,最终使其 宏观经济学以整个国民经济为研究对象 怎么翻译 英语翻译摘要本文以火电厂环境会计成本核算为研究对象,全面分析以火电厂为例的我国企业如何更好的实施环境会计的成本核算.初步明确环境会计的基本内容,并重点综合环境会计成本核算 英语翻译本文主要名校网络公开课为研究对象,运用SPSS分析软件和Excel软件对河北省的5所高校的“网络公开课对大学生影响力调查问卷”进行数据分析和整理,并结合结构访谈法、文献收集法