看和改我的英语演讲稿的语法是否有错误!急快!以下是稿(我是初中的):A.B.Good morning,everyone!Today we will tell you about our dream.A.I’m older two minutes than my sister .So I’m older sister B.I am younger two mi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 20:12:40

看和改我的英语演讲稿的语法是否有错误!急快!以下是稿(我是初中的):A.B.Good morning,everyone!Today we will tell you about our dream.A.I’m older two minutes than my sister .So I’m older sister B.I am younger two mi
A.B.Good morning,everyone!Today we will tell you about our dream.
A.I’m older two minutes than my sister .So I’m older sister
B.I am younger two minutes than my sister.So I am younger sister.
AB.We are twins.We look the same.But sometimes we have some differences.
A.At an early age I want to be a shop assistant.
A.Because my mother tell me the assistant can eat a lot of foot.I am very happy .So I want to be a shop assistant.
B.But I'd like to be a scientist.
B.Because scientists very famous.It has a lot of money.
AB.Then in the primary,we have different dreams.
A.I want to be a teacher .
A.Because the teacher can give students a lots homework.What about you?
B.I want to be a painter.
A.Why is that?
B.Because I love painting .I hope I have Ma Liang's Magic pen I think is excited.
A.At now I want to be a writer.That is cool!You know why?
B.No,you said.
A.Because I love reading very mach!And writer of book for many people see.How about you?
B.EH~I want to be a engineer.
A.Why do you think so?
B.Because engineers may build a house and do a lot of design.
A.This is a good dream.
AB.We are said to ourselves "I can manage" Everyone has dream.Just at the dream that will achieve .
AB.That’s all.Thank you.

看和改我的英语演讲稿的语法是否有错误!急快!以下是稿(我是初中的):A.B.Good morning,everyone!Today we will tell you about our dream.A.I’m older two minutes than my sister .So I’m older sister B.I am younger two mi
A.B.Good morning everyone!Today we [would like to] tell you about our dream[s].
good morning后面不用停顿,直接就good morning everyone就可以了.would like to...:想,希望可以.这样说比较适合,另外因为是两个人,所以dream应该是dreams
A.I'm two minutes [older] than my sister .So I'm [the] older sister.
B.And I am two minutes [younger] than my sister.So I am [the] younger sister.
AB.We are twins.We look the same.But [we are also different.]
A.[When I was a young child] I want[ed] to be a shop assistant.
A.Because [our mom told] me [that] the assistant can eat a lot of [food].So I [was] very happy,[and] I want[ed] to be a shop assistant.
这里你用的是mother,虽然没有错,可是你是和你的妹妹说话,用mother会太生疏.同样的因为是和妹妹在说话,my mother的my也被改成了our(我们的~).还有就是is的过去式:was,want和wanted.
B.[I wanted] to [become] a scientist.
严格来说语法方面to be也是正确的,可是因为你是希望成为科学家,become会更适合.
B.Because scientists [can become] very famous.[They will then have] a lot of money.
can become是可以变成,可以成为~的意思.当然同样的,因为他们可以变成名人,也will,将会拥有很多钱.
AB.Then in the primary [school],we [also had] different dreams.
primary不是小学的意思.小学是primary school或elemenray school.要加上school哦~还有就是had是have的过去式,要注意你是说小学的事情,所以也是要用过去式哦.
A.I want[ed] to be a teacher .
A.Because teacher[s] can give students lots homework.What about you?
觉得用teachers比the teacher好很多,因为不光是一个老师可以啊,很多老师都可以给学生好多作业哦~第二点就是a lots,这个是错误的,要不是lots,没有a的,要不就是a lot.
B.I want[ed] to be a painter.
A.Why is that?
B.Because I love painting .I [wished to] have Ma Liang's Magic pen.I [thought that was exciting].
A.[But] now I want to be a writer.You know why?
At now是完全的中国英语.你想说现在,实际上直接Now开始就可以了,不用加前面的At的.不过我放了一个But在前面,因为这样会比较流畅.还有就是That is cool《自己说自己有点自大啊,哈哈~还是删了吧,
A.Because I love reading [so much]!And [lots of people read your books if you're a writer].How about you?
B.Um,I want to be [an] engineer.
a 和 an,元音前是an哦.
A.Why [engineer]?
B.Because engineers [can design and] build house[s].
A.This is a good dream.
AB.[We always say to] ourselves "[nothing is impossible]" Everyone has dream[s].[Dreaming is the first step to achieving.]
we are是“我们是~”的意思,所以你觉得“我们是对自己说~”在中文里面通吗?所以我改成了we always~,意思是“我们总是~”.另外如果用“我们”对自己说的话的话,“I always~”比较不适合,所以干脆就避开,用一句很经典的“nothing is impossible”(没有不可能的).最后的一句真的看了几边才明白意思,我想你是想表达只要赶梦想,总会达到(或者类似)的意思吧.Dreaming is the first step to achieving是说“去梦想是成功的第一步”
AB.That's all.Thank you [for listening].
不好意思我比较啰嗦啊~不过不光要赶作业,我觉得如果意思明白的话,背起来会更轻松一点吧.Good luck!

I’m two minutes older than my sister .So I’m older sister .
At early ages I want to be a shop assistant.
Because scientists are very famous and earn a lot
I hope I have Ma Liang's Magic pen I think it is excting.

看和改我的英语演讲稿的语法是否有错误!急快!以下是稿(我是初中的):A.B.Good morning,everyone!Today we will tell you about our dream.A.I’m older two minutes than my sister .So I’m older sister B.I am younger two mi 语病判断:“直觉往往都是错误的”是否有错误?“直觉往往都是错误的”从语法上看是否有错误?“往往”和“都是是否可以搭配? 英语演讲稿关于“感恩的心”语法单词错误求改正是网上找的,不知道有没有语法和单词的错误.希望各位高手能帮我改正.The poet said:spring flowers to the door pushed open a.I said:Thanksgiving to the door push 求高人帮 看和改我的英语讲稿的语法是否有错误!凡好必加分!Good afternoon everyone, do you know why are we saying Macau is Las Vegas of the East? It’s because the gambling business, so we cannot leaving aside that point when w 求英语高手帮我检查下这两个句子的语法是否有错误么?求英语高手帮我检查下这两个句子的语法是否有错误么?我总感觉别扭,如果有不合适的地方,应该如何改?1,People always blame his failure on some 我是韩国人~帮我看一下这几个句子里面有没有语法上的错误~ 谁能帮我改英语演讲稿? 求一篇英语演讲稿大约2分钟左右的演讲作文,语法简洁无错误,主题不限 together make tomorrow 看着好像有点语法的错误,但是我又想保留这个意思组了个团队叫tomato 简称TMT,然后想到together make tomorrow觉得意思不错,语法貌似有问题,又不想改.求高手支招,或者改别的英语 急求一篇英语演讲稿 关于我心中的英雄 急求一篇两百单词左右的关于校园生活的英语演讲稿语法在初三阶段和高一阶段的,演讲稿里的生词别太多. 英语翻译有没有语法上的错误.有错的话帮忙改下 有好的英语演讲题目吗 急 帮我看看有没有什么语法的错误可好 请语法高手回答 下面两个例句是否有错误,(时量补语) 我要学习一年的汉语.我要学习汉语一年.这两个句子是否有语法上的错误.特别是 :我要学习汉语一年.这句话是不是有语法上的错误 求英语大神看下,语法有无错误 有的话怎么改 “时尚是一种生活方式”这句话是否有语法或逻辑上的错误? 英语翻译请问这个句子如何翻译,是否有语法上的错误?