
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/21 20:17:22


Tobacco mosaic chinaware,also called the white tobacco mosaicchinaware,it is with contains the cobalt blue the cobalt ore is theraw material,describes the decorative design in a utensil on thechinaware carcass of tire,again coats transparent glaze,time fires after the high temperature.这是青花瓷的介绍,再介绍周杰伦唱的那首歌曲:
宣纸上 走笔至此搁一半
你的美一缕飘散 去到我去不了的地方
天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里
就当我 为遇见你伏笔
天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
月色被打捞起 晕开了结局
如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽 你眼带笑意
极细腻 犹如绣花针落地
帘外芭蕉惹骤雨 门环惹铜绿
在泼墨山水画里 你从墨色深处被隐去
天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里
就当我 为遇见你伏笔
天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
月色被打捞起 晕开了结局
如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽 你眼带笑意
The element embryo outlines the tobacco mosaic 笔锋 thickly todownturn
The bottle body describes at the beginning of peony like you妆
Slowly 檀香 penetration window concern I however
On the xuan paper writes rapidly to this puts one half
The glaze color exaggerates the female court attendant to attempt theflavor to harbor
But you 嫣然 as soon as smiles like is in bud
Your American wisp scatters could not go to me the place
天青色 and so on the misty rain but I am waiting for you
The smoke from kitchen chimneys curls raises separates theriver surely in
汉隶 imitated the previous dynasty in the bottle bottom bookthe elegance
On when me for meets your foreshadowing
天青色 and so on the misty rain but I am waiting for you
The moonlight is salvaged 起晕 has opened the result
If is handed down for generations the blue and white porcelainfrom attends to from is beautiful your eye belt happy expression
Color white 花青 brocade carp vividly Yu Wande
When copy Song typeface inscription actually keeps thinkingabout you
You hide in 窑烧 in the millennium secret
Extremely exquisitely just like the embroidery needle to fallto the ground
Outside the curtain the Japanese banana annoys the suddendownpour knocker to annoy the verdigris
But I passed by that Chiangnan young town to annoy you
In splashes ink in the landscape painting you to hide from theblack color deep place
天青色 and so on the misty rain but I am waiting for you
The smoke from kitchen chimneys curls raises separates theriver surely in
汉隶 imitated the previous dynasty in the bottle bottom bookthe elegance
On when me for meets your foreshadowing
天青色 and so on the misty rain but I am waiting for you
The moonlight is salvaged 起晕 has opened the result
If is handed down for generations the blue and white porcelainfrom attends to from is beautiful your eye belt happy expression
Outside the Japanese banana curtain the rain sound isanxious,
In the blue and white porcelain the appearance is old.
Low-spirited being overwhelmed with emotion,only leaves is over.