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《西风颂》 1 狂野的秋风啊,你这秋的精气! 没看见你出现,枯叶已被扫空, 像群群鬼魂没见法师就逃避—— 它们或枯黄焦黑,或苍白潮红, 真是遭了瘟灾的一大片;你呀, 你把迅飞的种子载送去过冬, 让它们僵睡在黑黢黢的地下, 就像尸体在各自的墓里安躺, 直到你那蔚蓝的春天妹妹呀 对梦乡中的大地把号角吹响, 叫羊群般的花苞把大气吸饮, 又让山野充满了色彩和芳香. 狂野的精灵,你正在四处巡行, 既拉朽摧枯又保护.哦,你听! 2 你呀,乱云是雨和闪电的使者, 正是在你震荡长空的激流上 闪电被冲得像树上枯叶飘落, 也从天和海错综的枝头骤降: 宛若有个暴烈的酒神女祭司 把她银发从幽暗的地平线上 直竖向中天,只见相像的发丝 在你汹涌的蓝莹莹表面四起, 宣告暴风雨的逼近.残年濒死, 你是它挽歌,而正在合拢的夜 便是它上接天穹的崇墓巨陵—— 笼着你聚起的全部水汽之力, 而黑雨、电火和冰雹也都将从 这浓云中迸发而下.哦,你听! 3 你呀,在巴亚湾的浮石小岛旁② 地中海躺着听它碧波的喧哗, 渐渐被催入它夏日里的梦乡, 睡眼只见在那强烈的波光下, 微微颤动着古老的宫殿城堡—— 那墙上满是青春苔藓和野花, 单想想那芬芳,心儿就会醉掉! 你却又把它唤醒.为给你开路, 平坦的大西洋豁开深沟条条, 而在其深处,那些水底的花树、 枝叶譃曰有树汁的泥泞密林 也都能立刻就辨出你的号呼, 顿时因受惊而开始瑟缩凋零,③ 连颜色也变得灰暗.哦,你听! 4 我若是被你托起的一片枯叶; 我若是随你飞驰的一团云朵; 我若是浪涛在你威力下喘息, 分享你有力的冲动,那自由,哦! 仅次于不羁的你;我若是仍然 在我的童年时代,仍然能够做 你在天空邀游时的忠实伙伴—— 因为那时,奔得比你快也未必 是梦想;那我就不会如此艰难, 无须这样哀求你.请把我掀起, 哦,就当我是枯叶、云朵或浪涛! 我,跌倒在人生荆棘上,滴着血! 我,太像你:倔强、敏捷又高傲, 但岁月的重负把我拴牢、压倒. 5 让我像森林一样做你的诗琴, 哪伯我的叶像森林的叶凋落! 这两者又美又悲的深沉秋音 你那呼啸的浩荡交响会囊括. 但愿你这刚烈的精神我也有! 但愿一往无前的你也就是我! 请把我已死的思想扫出宇宙, 就像你为催新生把落叶扫除! 而且凭着我这一诗歌的经咒 把我的话语传遍这人间各处, 像由未灭的炉中吹送出火花! 愿你通过我的嘴响亮地吹出 唤醒这人世的预言号声!风啊, 冬天既快来,春天难道还远吗? 《 Analysis of Percy Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind”》 In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Percy Bysshe Shelley tries to show his desire for transcendence, by explaining that his thoughts and ideas, like the 'winged seeds' are trapped. The West Wind acts as a force for change and forward movement in the human and natural world. Shelley sees winter not just as the last season of vegetation but as the last phase of life. Shelley observes the changing of the weather from autumn to winter and its effects on the environment. Shelley is trying to show that a man’s ideas can spread and live on beyond his lifetime by having the wind carry his 'dead thoughts' which through destruction, will lead to a rebirth in the imagination, and in the natural world. Shelley begins his poem by addressing the 'Wild West Wind'. He then introduces the theme of death and compares the dead leaves to 'ghosts'. The imagery of 'Pestilence-stricken multitudes' makes the reader aware that Shelley is addressing more than a pile of leaves. His claustrophobic mood is shown when he talks about the 'wintry bed' and 'The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low/ Each like a corpse within its grave, until/ Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow'. In the first line, Shelley used the phrase 'winged seeds' which presents i . . . The 'closing night' is used also to mean the final night. The 'pumice' shows destruction and creation because when the volcano erupts it destroys. This acts as an introduction and a foreshadow of what is to come later. ' also helps the reader prepare for the climax which Shelley intended. It seems that it is only in his death that the 'Wild Spirit' could be lifted 'as a wave, a leaf, a cloud' to blow free in the 'Wild West Wind'. The 'pumice' is probably Shelley's best example of rebirth. As the rising action continues, Shelley talks about the 'Mediterranean' and its 'summer dreams'. Again, he uses soft sounding words to calm the reader into the same dream-like state of the Mediterranean. He then writes like a mourning song 'Of the dying year, to which this closing night/ Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre/ Vaulted with all they congregated might'. Percy sees his ‘dome’ as a volcano and when the 'dome' does 'burst,' it will act as a 'Destroyer and Preserver' and creator. In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Shelley uses the wind to represent driving change and a carrier for his ideas.