英语连词(and,or,but主要这三个,太多了就不现实了),主要连接什么?(介词?动词?句子?)还是说是省略?我只想牛人团的zhdr 老师提问,其他人回答了,-------------------主要连接什么?(介词?动

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 03:16:24

英语连词(and,or,but主要这三个,太多了就不现实了),主要连接什么?(介词?动词?句子?)还是说是省略?我只想牛人团的zhdr 老师提问,其他人回答了,-------------------主要连接什么?(介词?动
我只想牛人团的zhdr 老师提问,其他人回答了,

英语连词(and,or,but主要这三个,太多了就不现实了),主要连接什么?(介词?动词?句子?)还是说是省略?我只想牛人团的zhdr 老师提问,其他人回答了,-------------------主要连接什么?(介词?动
Two and two makes four.二加二得四.(数词)
Read slowly and loudly.读得既要慢些又要大点声音.(副词)
She is beautiful and cute.她又漂亮又可爱.(形容词)
He went there to and fro several times.他来来回回去了那里好几次.(小品副词)
My father and mother are both workers.我的父母都是工人.
Try and shoot the bird.开枪打那只鸟试试.(用在go,come,try,write或see与其他动词中间表示目的)
We talked and talked.我们说呀,说呀,说个没完没了.(用在两个意思相同的动词之间反复发生的行为)
We ate and drank to our full content.我们尽情地连吃带喝饱餐了一顿.(连接其他动词表示同时或紧接着进行的行为)
He is at home and does his homework at the desk.她在家伏案做作业.(并列谓语)
He went out of the door and into the dark.她出了门走进黑暗之中.(并列状语,介词短语)
The boy at home and in bed caught cold.呆在家躺在床上的男孩感冒了.(并列后置定语)
I did not answer,and he,too,kept silent.我没有回答,(而)他也不作声.
Go at once and you will see her.马上去,那么你就会见到她了.
The cure for bad teaching is good teachers,and good teachers cost money.解决教学质量差的办法就是请好的教师,但请好的教师是需要花钱的.
All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square.昨天陆续有大批人到来,午夜时有几千人聚集在广场上.
You could only really tell the effects of the disease in the long term,and five years wasn't long enough.真的,这种病只能在很久以后才能看出它的影响,而5年的时间还不够长.
同理,or 和 but 也是如此.
John or you are in Class Two.约翰或者你在二班.(名词)
two or three miles两三里(距离)(数词)
late last night or rather early this morning昨晚深夜,或者更确切地说,今天一早.(形容词)
He cannot read or write.(动词)
Make haste,or (else) you'll be late.快点,要不然就来不及了.(句子)
No one but she saw the prowler.除了她以外没有一个人看见那个行窃者.(代词)
It never rains but it pours.光打雷不下雨.(句子)
There is no doubt but right will prevail.毫无否定疑问,正义将取得胜利.(句子)
There never is a tax law presented but someone will oppose it.现行的税法没有一条是没人反对的.(句子)

表示我没看懂你问什么,and和or表示并列或者选择并列的成分,就是一般这个词前一个的是什么成分,后面连接的就是一样的内容,比如My son and my daughter 就都是表示人的名词,比如,Contect us by phone or via email,因为前面用介词by后面的成分要和前面一样也是用介词;然后或者某些特殊用法的短语,比如比较级那种more and more啊,或者eith...


表示我没看懂你问什么,and和or表示并列或者选择并列的成分,就是一般这个词前一个的是什么成分,后面连接的就是一样的内容,比如My son and my daughter 就都是表示人的名词,比如,Contect us by phone or via email,因为前面用介词by后面的成分要和前面一样也是用介词;然后或者某些特殊用法的短语,比如比较级那种more and more啊,或者either...or...啊这得具体看语境和句子判断,没有特别规定接什么的~~
but可以在书面语当中接句子,(当然and或者or有时候也接句子,就是一般口语会这么用,写东西这么用比较少,不太正式)至于接动词什么的要看句子成分,你这个句子里的谓语动词是什么放在什么地方具体看,一个单句只能有一个动词,一般这种连接词如果是和前面并列的成分会用动名词或者不定式比较多,就是动词的to do形式~~


1. 用来连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子,可译为“和”、“并”、 “又”、“兼”等。如:
Lucy and I go to school five days a week. 我和露西每周上五天学。(连接两个并列主语)
You must look after yourself and keep healthy. 你必须照顾自己并保持身体健康。(连接...


1. 用来连接语法作用相同的词、短语或句子,可译为“和”、“并”、 “又”、“兼”等。如:
Lucy and I go to school five days a week. 我和露西每周上五天学。(连接两个并列主语)
You must look after yourself and keep healthy. 你必须照顾自己并保持身体健康。(连接两个并列谓语)
They teach us Chinese and we teach them English. 他们教我们汉语,我们教他们英语。(连接两个简单句)
2. 如果连接两个以上的词语,通常把and放在最后一个词语前面;为了强调,可在两者之间分别加上and;把词语连接起来时, 通常把较短的词语放在前面。如:
I like eggs, meat, rice, bread and milk. 我喜欢鸡蛋、肉、米饭、面包和牛奶。
All that afternoon I jumped and sang and did all kinds of things. 那天整个下午我又唱又跳,做各种各样的事情。
The apples are big and delicious. 苹果又大又好吃。
3. 有些用and连接的词语,次序是固定的,不能随意改变。如:
men, women and children 男人、妇女和儿童
fish andchips炸鱼加炸土豆片
在口语中,and常用在go, come, try等动词后连接另一个动词,表示目的。此时and相当于to,不必译出。如:
Go and see! 去看看!
Come and meet the family. 来见见这家人。
Work hard and you will live happily. = If you work hard, you will live happily. 如果你努力工作,你就会活得愉快。
Come early and you will see him. = If you come early, you will see him. 如果你早来的话,你就会见到他。
and用在句首,起承上启下的作用, 可译为“因此”、“那么”、“于是”等,也可不译。如:
And what's this?那么这是什么呢?
And the air today is nice and clean.今天的空气真清新。
and常用来连接两个动词或动词词组,后一个动词所表示的动作发生得迟一点 。此时and相当于then,可译为“然后”。如:
Then he got out of the lift and climbed up to the fifteenth floor on foot. 于是他从电梯里走 出来,然后步行爬上第15层楼。
Go along the street, and take the third turning on the right. 沿这条街走,然后在第三个路口向右拐。
They talked and laughed happily. 他们愉快地边谈边笑。
The baby watched and listened. 这个婴儿边看边听。
and连接两个动词或两个分句,带有因果关系,此时and相当于so,可译为“便”、“ 于是”、“因而”、 “结果”等。如:
She couldn't find her mother and began to cry. 她找不到妈妈,于是哭了起来。
It's a fine day today, and everyone is busy. 今天是个好天气,因而人人都很忙。
and连接两个分句,第二个分句是第一个分句的补充或进一步说明,可译为“又 ”、“同时”等。如:
If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to eat less food - and you also have to take more exercise. 如果你想既苗条又健康,你就得少吃食物——同时,你还得多进行运动。
Don't be late - Oh, and put on your old clothes. 别迟到——噢,还要穿上你的旧衣服。
and表示转折时,相当于but,但语气较弱,可译为“而且”、“可是”、“不过” 或不译。如:
I mean you eat too much, and you don't take enough exercise. 我的意思是你吃的太多,而且运动得不够。
They call me Lily sometimes, and I don't always tell them that they've made a mistake. 他们有时叫我莉莉,但我并不总是告诉他们说他们弄错了。
用and 连接两个相同的动词表示动作的反复;用and连接两个相同的副词,表示动作的延续;用and连接同一个形容词或副词的比较级表示程度的逐步加深。如:
The baby laughed and laughed. 这个婴儿笑呀,笑个不停。
They talked on and on very happily. 他们很高兴地谈了又谈。
She looked at me and cried harder and harder. 她看着我,哭得越来越厉害。
He uses a lift to go up and down. 他乘电梯上楼下楼。
When Christ was born nearly two thousand years ago. many people, rich and poor, gave him presents. 差不多两千年前,耶稣出生时,许多人,无论贫富,都给他礼物。
What's one and two? 一加二是多少?
There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year. 一年有365天。
Both John and Ann have got penfriends. 约翰和安都有笔友。
The museum is between the post office and the hospital. 博物馆位于邮局和医院之间。
I love autumn because it's nice and cool. 我喜爱秋天,因为它很凉爽。
Is the radio off or on? 无线电关上了还是开着的?
Would you prefer tea or coffee? 你喜欢茶还是咖啡?
Come on, or we’ll be late. 快点,否则我们要迟到了。
He must be joking, or else he’s mad. 他一定在说笑话,要不就是疯了。
He was not clever or good-looking. 他不聪明,也长得不好看。
They sang and danced. 他们既唱歌又跳舞。
The work is more or less finished. 工作大体上完成了。
But 作为连词在大多数情况下都用作并列连词,但有时在一些固定结构中也可用作从属连词。
作为并列连词,but 可以连接两个并列的分句或者两个并列的成份,译为“但是”,“可是”。能表示下列意义:
They are tired but happy.
I was going to write, but I lost your address.
Not one but two!
He is not good at maths, but he is good at English.
He scarcely knows French, but he speaks English perfectly.
A:I have won the long jump.
B:But that's wonderful!
I'm sorry, but I can't come.
Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the library?
固定短语:1、not only … but (also) … 这是一组关联并列连词,表示其所连接的成份在意义上后一项对前一项的补充和引申,但侧重点在后一项上,意思是“不但……而且……”。但使用这一组关联并列连词必须注意两点:
(1)、当 not only … but also 连接两个并列成份作主语时,其谓语动词的形式按照就近原则来确定。
(2)、当 not only … but also 连接两个并列成份时采用部分倒装形式,即倒装 not only 分句,而 but also 分句则采用陈述句语序。如:
△ Not only the mother but also the children are sick.
△ Not only is he interested in the subject but also all his students are beginning to show interested in it.
有时,but 和 also 可以被分隔使用。如:
She was not only compelled to stay at home but she also forbidden to see her friends.
有时,but also 能被 but … as well 所取代。如:
He can not only speak English but French as well.
2、but then, 意思是“不过,另一方”,相当于 nevertheless, on the other hand”。如:She speaks English fluently, but then she did live in London for four years.
3、not that … but that … 引导两个并的原因状语从句,that 相当于 because, 意思是“不是因为 …… 而是因为 ……”。如:
I haven't worked out the maths problem, not that I have no time for it, but that I can't work it out. 有时 not that … but that … 结构可单独出现。如:
Not that I won't go, but that I don't know which is the way to go.
But 在一些固定结构中作从属连词,引导状语从句和名词从句。
But that 可以用来引导条件状语从句,意思是“倘若,要不是”。《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》和一些语法书上将此结构中的 but 看成介词,that 则引导了特殊的介词宾语从句,但是《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》和章振帮先生所著《新编英语语法》等认为 but that 为复杂从属连词, but that 从句为条件状语从句,本人倾向于后一种看法。 That 从句一般不作介词补足成分,将 but that 理解为复杂从属连词,有助于确切理解从句 but that 的真正意义, but that 从句用陈述语气,而主句则常用虚拟语气,but that 从句可以同否定的 if 从句互换。例如:
But that you lent him a large sum of money, he would have gone bankrupt.
If you hadn't lent him a large sum of money, he would have gone bankrupt.
有时 but that 从句出现于含有 not 的主句之后,意思是:“只有…… 才 ……”。例如:
He will not find the answer but that he studies it thoroughly.
He will not come but that he is asked.
用 no sooner … but … 结构引导比较状语从句,but 相当于 than 如:
It no sooner started raining but it stopped.
3、用 not but that (what) 结构引导让步状语从句,意思是“虽然,诚然”。如:
He is very strong — not but that he will catch cold sometimes. 意思为“他身体很强壮,虽然有时会患感冒”。
I've never walked that far, not but what I could do it if I tried. 意思为:我从来没走那么远,虽然我要走还是可以走。
(1)not so … but (that/what)… 或 not such a … but,意思为“不是如此……以致于不”。其中 but 的意思是接近于“that … not …”。例如:
He is not such a fool but that he can see through Mary.
(2)否定句+but(that)+从句,意思为“每当……总是……”,其中 but 相当于“that…not …”,通过双重否定来表达肯定的因果关系。例如:
I never go past my old school but I think of the happy years I spent there.
I didn't doubt/denty/question but that…
There is no doubt/question but(that)…
这些结构中的 but 或 but that 并无实在意义,相当于连词 that 。例如:
there is no doubt but he is the quilty one,意思为:“毫无疑问,犯罪的就是他”。
在实际应用中,but 用作连词和介词容易混淆。如果 but 被看作连词,其后的人称代词可以被看成是一个省略的谓语部分的主语。应该是主格形式。例如:
Everyone lost fainth in the plan but she.
No one found the answer but she.
更为常见的是 but 用作介词,这样其后的人称代词“she”可改为格“her”。
但是,一般说来,but 和其后的人称代词如果置于谓语动词之前,人称代词用主格形式。如:
Evryone but she lost fainth in the plan.
No one but she found the answer.

