英语翻译我知道工程确实有点大哈~但是如果有朋友肯认真帮我,一定会追加分的!在此先对认真看过的朋友表示崇高的敬意!注意:切忌使用翻译软件!AS one of the world’s biggest and most influential Int

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 14:17:04

英语翻译我知道工程确实有点大哈~但是如果有朋友肯认真帮我,一定会追加分的!在此先对认真看过的朋友表示崇高的敬意!注意:切忌使用翻译软件!AS one of the world’s biggest and most influential Int
AS one of the world’s biggest and most influential Internet companies,Google has always done a superb job in meeting,and even anticipating,people’s needs for Internet-related services.
Eric Schmidt,Google’s CEO,recently put forward a thought-provoking proposal.In a recent interview Schmidt said that young people should be allowed to change their identities – not just web names and cyber IDs,but real-life identities – because they may have done stupid things in their youth which they’ll later regret.
Unlike previous generations,today’s young people have a unique problem – the Internet never forgets,nor forgives.Embarrassing photographs,videos or other material will be stored on personal websites,social networking sites,school pages,or friends’ sites,virtually forever.
Young people should be able to change their names so that embarrassing or compromising material from the past will not haunt them or negatively impact their adult lives.
What do you think?Do you agree that people should be allowed to change ID to escape former misdeeds on the Internet?
YES This is a good way to protect people’s privacy in the Internet age.
1.Today’s young people record details of their lives on the Internet from a very young age on sites such as Facebook or Kaixin.They may not know it,but some of this information may turn out to be bad for them in the future.They should get a second chance.
2.Apart from content that young people voluntarily put on the Internet to share with friends,there are also a lot of illegal or criminal activities on the Internet which result in stolen identities,invasion of privacy and other violations.Victims of these crimes should get a clean sheet.
3.Young people are not mature and can’t be fully responsible for what they do on the Internet.It makes sense that they say goodbye to their cyberworld past when they become adults.
NO People can’t simply undo things by changing names.
1.The fundamental issue is to take care what you do on the Internet,even if you are young.People can change names but they can’t erase memories of what they have done,nor can they undo the harm of past deeds.These things could still haunt them even after they change their ID.
2.Letting people change their identity easily could enable criminals to escape the law.It would also be difficult to tell if people’s reasons are genuine when they ask to change identities based on their “Internet past”.
3.The policy could encourage irresponsible behavior in young people,as they know they could avoid future trouble for what they do on the Internet now by changing names.They may become more careless and reckless and do more stupid things which they’ll regret later.

英语翻译我知道工程确实有点大哈~但是如果有朋友肯认真帮我,一定会追加分的!在此先对认真看过的朋友表示崇高的敬意!注意:切忌使用翻译软件!AS one of the world’s biggest and most influential Int
你好 以下为本人手工制作 希望你能对答案满意并遵守你的诺言(个人心理底线是40分的悬赏分)
AS one of the world’s biggest and most influential Internet companies, Google has always done a superb job in meeting, and even anticipating, people’s needs for Internet-related services.
附:superb adj. 堂皇的, 宏伟的; 极好的, 一流的, 上乘的; 华丽的
Eric Schmidt, Google’s CEO, recently put forward a thought-provoking proposal.
谷哥的CEO Eric Schmidt 最近提出了一项令人深思的提议.
附:thought-provoking adj. 令人深思的, 发人深省的
put forward 放出; 提出; 拿出
In a recent interview Schmidt said that young people should be allowed to change their identities – not just web names and cyber IDs, but real-life identities – because they may have done stupid things in their youth which they’ll later regret.
Unlike previous generations, today’s young people have a unique problem – the Internet never forgets, nor forgives.
Embarrassing photographs, videos or other material will be stored on personal websites, social networking sites, school pages, or friends’ sites, virtually forever.
Young people should be able to change their names so that embarrassing or compromising material from the past will not haunt them or negatively impact their adult lives.
What do you think? Do you agree that people should be allowed to change ID to escape former misdeeds on the Internet?
YES This is a good way to protect people’s privacy in the Internet age.
是的 这是在网络时代保护人们隐私的一个很好的途径
1. Today’s young people record details of their lives on the Internet from a very young age on sites such as Facebook or Kaixin.
1.关于今天的年轻人的很多生活细节在他们很小的时候就被记录在互联网网站上,诸如Facebook 或 Kaixin
They may not know it, but some of this information may turn out to be bad for them in the future. They should get a second chance.
2. Apart from content that young people voluntarily put on the Internet to share with friends, there are also a lot of illegal or criminal activities on the Internet which result in stolen identities, invasion of privacy and other violations. Victims of these crimes should get a clean sheet.
3. Young people are not mature and can’t be fully responsible for what they do on the Internet. It makes sense that they say goodbye to their cyberworld past when they become adults.
NO People can’t simply undo things by changing names.
1. The fundamental issue is to take care what you do on the Internet, even if you are young. People can change names but they can’t erase memories of what they have done, nor can they undo the harm of past deeds. These things could still haunt them even after they change their ID.
2. Letting people change their identity easily could enable criminals to escape the law. It would also be difficult to tell if people’s reasons are genuine when they ask to change identities based on their “Internet past”.
3. The policy could encourage irresponsible behavior in young people, as they know they could avoid future trouble for what they do on the Internet now by changing names. They may become more careless and reckless and do more stupid things which they’ll regret later.



















英语翻译我知道工程确实有点大哈~但是如果有朋友肯认真帮我,一定会追加分的!在此先对认真看过的朋友表示崇高的敬意!注意:切忌使用翻译软件!AS one of the world’s biggest and most influential Int 这个字怎么打?(石肯)广东南海桂城有个叫石(石肯)的地方,所以这个字是存在的,这个确实有点难度?我知道念geng,但是怎么打! 1000纸鹤的意思我也不知道怎么说,就是其实挺简单的事情吧,对我来说确实有点复杂,我也不废话了,大家往下看吧……我狂追一个女孩很久了,但是事实说明我确实是一个俗得不能再俗的人了,呵 英语翻译我不知道你对我是什么感觉,但是我知道我喜欢你,虽然你比我大,但是也不是大很多,如果你愿意的话,我想我们也不会存在你说的那些问题,年龄不是问题,如果可以拥有你,我会好好珍 英语翻译我知道歌词 但是找不到中文翻译. 英语翻译我觉得直译的话确实是复合零售商,但是觉得读起来怪怪的,因为我们中文里没这么个叫法。不知道还有没有更贴切的翻译啊? 点蜡烛的场所快白情人节了,我想用蜡烛对他说我爱你,但是我不知道把蜡烛放哪点,如果放广场上的话人太多,茶社的话空间好象有点小,只能在桌子上摆```我想摆大一点的 不知道有谁知道给我 英语翻译数学老师知道如果汤姆解不出这道难题,那么很可能班上别的同学也解不出.(chances are that)我确实知道,现在不少年轻人有一边做作业,一边听背景音乐的习惯.(have the habit of doing one thing 英语翻译你知道,我那时手头有点紧,没有多少钱 为什么海水会涨潮退潮?海水退潮到什么地方去了?比较愚蠢的问题,但是我确实不知道, 以前世界上第二大的海洋生物是什么?算了,这问题确实有点难,我把问题换一换吧,拜托大家帮我找找世界上最大的十种海洋生物. 英语翻译同上~这首不是大流行的即使知道要见面``但是我觉得更好听呢~ 英语翻译我知道这个句子的翻译,但是就是怎么译都觉的有点别扭,不是很通顺,谢咯!尽量翻译的顺口点! 水瓶女与天秤男的爱情我是水瓶女,他们说瓶瓶的性格挺古怪的,有点捉摸不透,但人缘很好,这也确实啦.最近,我喜欢上了一个天秤男,我跟他告白的类,可是他拒绝了,但是4天后才拒绝的,我知道 美的塑料热水壶是否有害健康,塑料热水壶释放的有害物质主要有哪些,会导致怎样的危害!我买的热水壶的型号是MK-17P12D,每次烧水的时候都有点塑料味,虽然是大厂家美的出的,但是确实有 英语翻译我知道歌词但是不知道意思 请问一下这句英语句子有没有语法错误?I can not imagine the people in the war what would happen in the feture.这是机器翻的,我感觉有点别扭,但是我查了一下imagine这个单词确实可以接双宾语,如果是这 英语翻译希望我没有打扰你,但是我真的好想和你成为朋友.希望你不介意.为了写这几句话我花了几天时间请教了5,6个人.这确实是辛苦但是如果你能和我做朋友我觉得这是值得的.对不起,其实