
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/27 19:44:28


Grounding switch in the state,the operator loads the switch,and clockwise rotated the handle can be stored,dumped in place,press the button to ( green ) to brake.press the red button ( ) the operation.every one must be a round the door locked.make sure that after the operation is the switch,and clockwise rotation is grounded and counterclockwise turn the switch.grounding

Grounding switch is sub-gate state, working load switch, turn the handle clockwise energy storage, energy storage in place, by closing button (green) Closing. By sub-gate (red) button sub-gate. Each o...


Grounding switch is sub-gate state, working load switch, turn the handle clockwise energy storage, energy storage in place, by closing button (green) Closing. By sub-gate (red) button sub-gate. Each operation of a round must be an energy storage. Recognized under the door properly closed, the operation of grounding switch, grounding switch clockwise rotation is legitimate, and anti-clockwise rotation is sub-grounding switch.


。。。。。。。Grounding switch is sub-gate state, working load switch, turn the handle clockwise energy storage, energy storage in place, by closing button (green) Closing. By sub-gate (red) button sub-ga...


。。。。。。。Grounding switch is sub-gate state, working load switch, turn the handle clockwise energy storage, energy storage in place, by closing button (green) Closing. By sub-gate (red) button sub-gate. Each operation of a round must be an energy storage. Recognized under the door properly closed, the operation of grounding switch, grounding switch clockwise rotation is legitimate, and anti-clockwise rotation is sub-grounding switch.


英语翻译接地开关处于分闸状态时,操作负荷开关,顺时针转动手柄储能,储能到位后,按合闸按钮(绿色)合闸.按分闸(红色)按钮分闸.每操作一个回合必须储能一次.确认下门关好后,操作接 为什么只有当接地开关处于分闸状态,才能合隔离开关 低压柜 ABB所有空气开关都处于分闸状态不带任何负荷 合上总刀闸 为什么下面的空气开关会爆炸 电容柜空气开关爆炸低压电容柜 所有空气开关都处于分闸状态不带任何负荷 合上总刀闸 为什么下面的空气开关会爆炸变压器是2000KvA的 为什么接地刀闸处于闭合位置时不能关合断路器、隔离开关? 电气开关上 分闸 合闸 接地 检修高压断路器时,开关在分状态,怎样操作释放能量? 真空开关、隔离开关、负荷开关、刀开关、空气开关能带负荷操作是______;不能带负荷操作的是 当饮水机处于加热状态时,温控开关S0处于什么状态?为什么? 饮水机处于保温状态时温控开关s0应处于什么状态 连接电路时开关应处于什么状态?为什么?处于断开状态,防止短路发生 六氟化硫负荷开关回路(接地)电阻标准是多少? 连接电路时开关处于断开状态是为了 连接导线时,开关应处于什么状态 断路器,隔离开关,负荷开关,开关,刀闸,接地开关有什么区别?停电时顺序怎样的?送电时顺序怎样的? 电路开关断开时 电路处于___状态,闭合开关,灯泡发光,此时电路处于___状态 操作中发生带负荷误拉、误合隔离开关时怎样处理. 当发生带负荷拉合开关的误操作时,怎么办?