苦求大学英语演讲稿2分钟的题目是food and culture,2分钟的时间,词汇不要太生涩的.主题为 食物和文化写不出来楼下的太长了。2分钟的样子。

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苦求大学英语演讲稿2分钟的题目是food and culture,2分钟的时间,词汇不要太生涩的.主题为 食物和文化写不出来楼下的太长了。2分钟的样子。
苦求大学英语演讲稿2分钟的题目是food and culture,
主题为 食物和文化

苦求大学英语演讲稿2分钟的题目是food and culture,2分钟的时间,词汇不要太生涩的.主题为 食物和文化写不出来楼下的太长了。2分钟的样子。
Food And Culture
A typical meal starts with some cold dishes,like boiled peanuts and smashed cucumber with garlic.These are followed by the main courses,hot meat and vegetable dishes.Finally soup is brought out,which is followed by the starchy "staple" food,which is usually rice or noodles or sometimes dumplings.Many Chinese eat rice (or noodles or whatever) last,but if you like to have your rice together with other dishes,you should say so early on.
Everything is relative,cultural difference being no exception.Culture,as the total pattern of human behavior and its products,oversteps geographical limits and historical conditions in many ways,and it is characterized by its strong penetrativeness and fusibility.
It is no surprise to see phenomena characteristic of one culture existing in another.As a result,some people even fear that the world will become a dull place when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike.
Nevertheless,the “cultural sediment” formed through long-range accumulation is not to be easily removed,and the cultural tradition handed down from generation to generation shows great consistency and continuity.The cultures of different regions and nations still have their own distinctive peculiarities,and therefore significance still needs to be attached to the study of the individualities of different cultures against the background of their universality.
[Chinese Food] In most dishes in Chinese cuisine,food is prepared in bite-sized pieces (e.g.vegetable,meat,doufu),ready for direct picking up and eating.Traditionally,Chinese culture considered using knives and forks at the table barbaric due to fact that these implements are regarded as weapons.It was also considered ungracious to have guests work at cutting their own food.
[Culture] A large part of traditional Chinese culture is about finding the balance of Yin and Yang in relation to Qi,health and the meridian system in order to find harmony.Traditional Chinese medicine consists of a number of treatments including Chinese herbology and acupuncture.Other less intrusive forms of health improvement include qigong and meditation.
The culture of food and dining in the West is a little different from that in China.The proper western dinner at a fine restaurant is one of manners,focusing on conversation.You are expected to have knowledge of table manners such as what folk or knife to use as these are essential in western dining.The meal would consist of several courses including a soup or salad,an appetizer,the main dish,and a dessert.The atmosphere will be filled with light music that would only serve as background as people converse with each other.The decorations are usually sparse and are only meant to highlight the atmosphere that is being created by the music.This type of dining is different from the dining experience in most restaurants in China.However,with the increase in internationalism,more restaurants are opening which reflect the more western dining style.The Chinese people,now more affluent and knowledgeable about international customs,are beginning to join in this dining experience.This is not to say that people have given up the deep richness in culture that Chinese food represents.It only means that more choices and tastes are becoming available to population.This represents a significant improvement as it will change the perception that the height of western dining is fast food.As cultural communication expands,knowledge of western food will improve

你自己减点阿!网上资料不多,这是最好最合适的了,再要也没有了。我看了一下,也没什么特难的词阿,应该还ok的,这种水平在大学里面差不多了。 Food culture and religion Food is an important part of religious observance and spiritual ritual for many faiths including C...


你自己减点阿!网上资料不多,这是最好最合适的了,再要也没有了。我看了一下,也没什么特难的词阿,应该还ok的,这种水平在大学里面差不多了。 Food culture and religion Food is an important part of religious observance and spiritual ritual for many faiths including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. The role of food in cultural practices and religious beliefs is complex and varies among individuals and communities. Any introduction to such a diverse and complex topic will not be able to include everything. Instead, here is a sample of some ways in which various religious groups include food as a vital part of their faith. Understanding the role of food in cultural and religious practice is an important part of showing respect and responding to the needs of people from a range of religious communities. However, it is important to avoid assumptions about a person’s culture and beliefs. If in doubt, ask. Christianity The various faiths of Christianity include Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. The regulations governing food and drink differ from one to the next, including some faiths that don’t advocate any restrictions. Selected facts include: Some Catholic and Orthodox Christians observe several feast and fast days during the year. For example, they may fast or avoid meat on Fridays, during Lent or on Good Friday. Some eat fish instead. Most Protestants observe only Easter and Christmas as feast days and don’t follow ritualised fasting. The ritual of communion is regularly celebrated by many Christians. This involves eating bread and drinking wine (or substitutes) to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Some Christians don’t drink alcohol. These include many members of the Salvation Army and other Protestant churches. Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists also avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. Many Seventh Day Adventists don’t eat meat or dairy products. Those that do eat meat don’t eat pork. Self-denial (of food), or fasting, is sometimes considered to be ‘praying with the body’. It is believed to improve spiritual discipline by overcoming the sensations of the physical world and focusing on prayer and spiritual growth. It may also be used by some Christians as a way to respect those people around the world who regularly face starvation or malnutrition. Judaism Judaism can be Liberal or Orthodox, depending on how strictly people follow (adhere to) the Jewish laws. Kashrut refers to the laws pertaining to food in the Jewish religion. Kosher means that a food is ‘fit’ or permitted. Foods such as pork and shellfish are strictly forbidden. The Jewish ‘food laws’ originated more than 3,000 years ago and contribute to a formal code of behaviour that reinforces the identity of a Jewish community. Food forms an integral part of religion in life for a practicing Jew. Other selected facts include: Foods must be prepared in the right way in order to be Kosher; for example, animals that provide meat must be slaughtered correctly. The consumption of certain foods, including dairy products and fish, is subject to restrictions; for example, there are rules forbidding the mixing and consumption of dairy products with meats. Ritualised fasting is also included in Judaism. For example, Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement – is a Jewish fast that lasts from approximately dusk till dusk. Jewish feast days include Rosh Hashanah and Passover. The Passover commemorates the birth of the Jewish nation. The food eaten helps to tell the story of the Exodus; for example, bitter herbs recall the suffering of the Israelites under Egyptian rule. Islam Moderation in all things (including eating and dietary habits) is central to the Muslim way of life. When done according to the way of Allah, daily acts like eating are considered a form of worship. In Islam, the concept of Halal – meaning ‘lawful or permitted’ – is applied to all areas of a person’s life and includes regulations surrounding food. All foods are allowed (Halal) except for those that are considered harmful. Prohibited foods (and other aspects of life) are called Haram. Other selected facts include: The list of Haram foods includes pork, alcohol and any products that contain emulsifiers made from animal fats, particularly margarines. Bread or bread products fermented by yeast may possibly contain traces of alcohol and so may be considered Haram. Gelatine made from pork or from any other animal that is not Halal is forbidden. (Some gelatines may be Halal.) Caffeinated drinks such as coffee may be considered Haram. Muslim fasting periods vary. The month of Ramadan requires mandatory fasting from dawn until dusk as do other dates of religious significance, such as the ninth day of Zul Hijjah. Hinduism Hindus believe in the interdependence of life. People who practice the Hindu religion don’t eat meat from animals or any food that has involved the taking of life. They also avoid foods that may have caused pain to animals during manufacture. ‘Karma’ is believed to be the spiritual load we accumulate or relieve ourselves of during our lifetime. If a Hindu consumes animal flesh, they accumulate the Karma of that act, which will then need to be balanced through good actions and learning in this life or the next. Selected facts include: Many Hindus are vegetarian but this is not compulsory. Depending on the level of adherence to this belief, in many cases beef is forbidden while pork is sometimes restricted or avoided. Prohibited animal products tend to vary from one country or region to the next. For example, duck and crab may be forbidden in one geographical location while fish may be part of the staple food for people living in other areas. Most Hindus do not eat beef or beef products, because the cow is held to be sacred. Dairy products including milk, butter and yoghurt may be eaten. Foodstuffs such as alcohol, onions and garlic are thought to inhibit the Hindu’s quest for spiritual enlightenment. They are therefore avoided or restricted. Fasting depends on the person’s caste (or social standing) and on the occasion; for example, rules regarding fasting depend on whether the day has religious or personal significance. Buddhism The dietary rules of Buddhism, which is more of a life philosophy than a religious doctrine, depend on which branch of Buddhism is practiced and in what country. Selected facts include: In his multiple lives on Earth, Buddha cycled through various animal forms before attaining the form of a human being. Most Buddhists choose to become vegetarian to avoid killing animals. Similarly to the Hindu concept of Karma, Buddhism proposes that violence or pain inflicted on others will rebound on you, hence the need for a vegetarian lifestyle. Some Buddhists believe that a contributing cause of human aggression is violence against animals. Some Buddhists avoid meat and dairy products, while others only shun beef. This is affected by cultural, geographical and dietary influences. Religious dates vary from one region to the next. Mahayana Buddhism, for example, celebrates three festivals for the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha, while Theravada Buddhists observe all three events on a single day. Buddhist monks tend to fast in the afternoon. Buddhist monks and nuns are not allowed to cultivate, store or cook their own food; instead, they must rely on ‘alms’, which are donations from believers. This sometimes includes meats, as monks and nuns aren’t allowed to ask for specific foods. Where to get help Your religious or cultural advisor Your place of religious observance Things to remember Food is an important part of religious observance for many different faiths, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. The role of food in cultural practices and religious beliefs is complex and varies among individuals and communities. If you are providing hospitality to people from different backgrounds, always serve a selection of vegetarian and meat foods on separate trays. A variety of non-alcoholic drinks should also be available.


food and culture .food is a very important thing in our daily life .without food we wouldn't live in the earth .so ,for important thing ,we always pay more attention to watching it !like food ,there i...


food and culture .food is a very important thing in our daily life .without food we wouldn't live in the earth .so ,for important thing ,we always pay more attention to watching it !like food ,there is many kind of food .In china ,between the south food and the north food have many different !for example ,the south like rice but the north like Pasta. since the earliest civilization appeared in the earth .culture appeared at the same time ,and developed with the civilization .now ,there is many different culture in the world ,almost every country has its own culture .and every culture has the equal position of the world ! we hope the world will be more beautiful with food and culture's developing !


苦求大学英语演讲稿2分钟的题目是food and culture,2分钟的时间,词汇不要太生涩的.主题为 食物和文化写不出来楼下的太长了。2分钟的样子。 求一篇3分钟英语演讲稿主题是大学新生的经历,3分钟英语演讲稿, 求一片大学英语演讲稿 题目是culture through music 求一篇5分钟大学英语演讲稿 求一篇原创大学英语演讲稿,题目是“What We Cannot Afford to Lose ”,三分钟能读完. 求一篇3到5分钟的英语演讲稿,题目是我的幸福观, 求一篇英语演讲稿,3分钟左右的,题目是我爱我校 求一篇1.5分钟的英语演讲稿.题目是“practise makes perfect” “熟能生巧” 急求3到5分钟大学英语演讲稿!题目《激情与兴趣是成功的最主要动机》激情与兴趣是去做某件事或你呢个将某事做成功的主要动机.3分钟以上 求一篇2分钟的英语演讲稿 2分钟大学英语演讲稿题目if i were an english teacher急急急... 英语演讲稿高一英语演讲比赛,题目是Motherland,300词,2分钟.求演讲稿 大学一分钟英语演讲稿. 求一篇大学英语演讲稿,题目“我的大学我的梦想”题目“我的大学我的梦想”,要简单一点的,在两分半到三分钟讲完 求个大学英语演讲的PPT 三分钟左右 求英语演讲稿5分钟励志类,大学水平 求一篇大学英语演讲稿.最好是故事.三四分钟左右. 求关于青春,感恩或责任的大学精彩英文演讲稿,三分钟左右,谢啦.也希望有英语演讲经验的朋友们分享一些经验及高频的即兴问答题目.主要是演讲稿啊,朋友们。