
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 23:08:16


Sunrise at Sea of Dalian
I used to Dalian.
The sea of Dalian is very beautiful.The seabirds were flying in the sky with a song.After a moment,the sun rised up slowly.Shining in the sky,and qined seabirds a mentullic huster.The sun rised up higher and higher.And the sky became brighter and brighter.The people all got up.After a while,the cocks sang.A new day strated,people will be busy.
That was nice.(记叙)
Non-Smoking Day
On Non-smoking Day,a school did a survey about how many students smoke.
Here are the results:3% of the students often smoke.7% of the students smoke sometimes.These students say that they smokes just for fun and they look cool while they are smoking.Nearly everyone knows smoking is bad for people's health,espesially for teenagers.As for students,we shouldn't smoke.These who smoke should give up smoking.And if our family members smoke,we should try to stop them.Students who have never smoked shouldn't try it.
Rember:Smoking is harmful to your health.(议论)
Learn from the Hero
There are many heroes around us.In Wenchuan,there is a little hero.
After Wenchuan Earthquake,as a student,Lin Hao is nine years old.He saved two students' lives when the earthquake happened.Then,he brought them to safety place.They had a seven-hour walk.I think Lin Hao was so brave.Because he is only a Primary School student.Maybe we can't be brave.We are supposed to take pride in him.He is a little hero in China.When he was in trouble,he couldn't give up.I am deeply moved by him.
We should be proud of these heroes.(记叙?)
Keep Healthy
It's important for us to keep healthy.And everyone has different ways to keep healthy.
First of all,we must have a balanced habit.You must have breakfast.I think it's so important.And eating dinner less.I think doing many sports are good for our bodies.When you have free time,you can go to the Sport(体育馆).And we are supposed to run,play basketball and do exercise.The third,we must have enough sleeping time.Scientists think people must sleep over eight hours a day.And I think taking a walk is good for our heat.
You can use these ways to keep healthy.(算是议论,也有可能是说明)
Advantage and Disadvantage of Ad
Nowadays,advertising is everywhere in cities and towns.
But in my opinion,I don;t afree to put up advertisements.Firstly,so many colorful advertisements make our cities and towns look untidy and ugly.We need a clean and comfortable environment to live in.Then,some advertising can be confusing or misleading.For instance,some of them can lead you to buy some products that you don't really need.So it is a waste of time as well as money.Besides,some products are not as good as those in advertisements.So it may cheat customers sometimes so that they won't believe what the advertisements say any ore.
In a word,we should try not to put up advertisements.(议论)
除了最后一篇有老师指点拿去比赛以外 = =
真的很辛苦呃 = =

初中英语日记(我要记叙文..议论及说明文闪、)差不多初一、初二水平.我要5篇、最好是原创.0.0| 如何通过回答语文的阅读题(记叙文、议论问、说明文)使作阅读题的能力提高?我今年初三. 阳光下我感受生活的温暖作文、记叙文、600字左右、要含议论和叙事 初中英语日记 初中英语日记我不要太难的 以“镜子”为题,按记叙文、说明文、议论分类1.镜子的自述 2.镜子的启示 3.他是我的一面镜子4.镜子的应用 5.一面心灵的镜子 6.镜子的故事 初中英语作文 我最崇拜的体育明星说明文哦 求一篇600字记叙文 《我的_________习惯》.紧急我要的是记叙文....议论抒情散文小说什么就算了...拜托了 给我一些语文阅读题,记叙文和一篇说明文! 说明文的读后感怎么写啊,求方法,记叙文我会,那说明文我不会, 记叙文写作时,记叙,描写,议论,抒情等方式怎样组合更好些?我要写论文! 说明文和记叙文的 语文说明文、记叙文…有哪些修辞手法及作用…?我的薄弱点…要好好补…希望分开说清楚! 关于做的浪费时间的一件事初中英语作文一件事 记叙文啊 不要说明文 和议论文 作文《地理知识在我身边》 突出在我身边,要记叙文,不要说明文.是通过身边小事有感 寒假日记350字要记叙文谢谢 谁给我几篇关于桥的说明文和记叙文,要对比写作,关于上海南浦大桥的! 我要初一下册 阅读短文 10篇说明文 10篇议论文 10篇记叙文 和题分开