求英语辩论《死刑是否应该存在》的话题!我是做在正方的 也就是同意死刑的存在 我应该怎么辩呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 06:24:12

求英语辩论《死刑是否应该存在》的话题!我是做在正方的 也就是同意死刑的存在 我应该怎么辩呢
我是做在正方的 也就是同意死刑的存在 我应该怎么辩呢

求英语辩论《死刑是否应该存在》的话题!我是做在正方的 也就是同意死刑的存在 我应该怎么辩呢
My Idea about capital punishment
In the modern global community,the ideas of liberalism and democracy are widely accepted.People embrace freedom to an extent that has never been achieved throughout history.However,some countries go a little bit too far.The abolishment of capital punishment is just one example.These counties argue that no authority is entitled to deprive individuals of their right to live.Even those who commit felonies such as murder,rape and arson should be put in prison rather than on a guillotine.They believe their practice embodies humanism which goes well beyond the tit-for-tat juridical tradition that is passed down for generations.In my mind,however,death penalty should not be abolished,as long as there is a possibility of grave crimes in the world.
In the Chinese language,there is a proverb that goes like this:A merciful angel frightens no devil.(门神善了鬼不怕).The capital punishment is the last weapon that awes potential criminals.If there were no nuclear bombs,would China have felt at least apparently at ease at the militaristic menace posed by the USSR in early 1960s?Perhaps this is not an appropriate analogue,but China is a country which holds one fourths of the world population.Now our country is still not safe enough partly due to lack of policing.If the penalties are loosen,China will be in a mess,with so acute confrontational sentiments between the rich and poor and so uneven distribution of properties.Not only won’t our goals of a better-off society be achieved,but stability,our basis of national development will also be threatened.
I will have to mention the case of Singapore as well.We all know that a year ago an young Australian was executed there for carrying drugs.Singapore was thus widely criticized for its despotism by European and Australian presses.Given that the independence of justice of one nation should be respected if it does not defy international laws,we must know that Singapore is a key port.If the law is not strict enough,will this tiny country enjoy its peace and stability as we constantly admire?
You may say that both China and Singapore are oriental countries whose rulers are descendants of thousand-year-long feudal monarchies.We just shift our focus to the most liberal country,the United States.Do Americans say goodbye to death penalty?We safely come to a conclusion that it death penalty is not a case of tradition,but an earthy need indeed.
You may also argue that despite the abolishment of capital punishment the EU is still well-organized with no significant rise in crime rate.That is correct.I never deny that EU is safer than the US and China.But I would like to remind you of Milocevic’s death in Hague.Yes,even if he is convicted won’t he be killed at once,but he was left in a small room with no access to basic medical care.He died of heart attack.What a good death.The Europeans remove a pain in the ass without using a knife.Europeans treasure human rights.They tried Milocevic for his genocide of Croats.But note the Rwanda genocide.Which Tony Blair or Jacque Chirac grieved for the victims of Rwanda genocide?Where was the EU then?I find sheer dual standards.I find typical hypocrisy.
To accomplish humanity we have too many things to do,except the consideration of the abolishment of death penalty.Perhaps this is done one day in the future when China is more democratic and liberal.But now,we must stick to death penalty for the good of the majority of the citizens,not of the criminals.

求英语辩论《死刑是否应该存在》的话题!我是做在正方的 也就是同意死刑的存在 我应该怎么辩呢 求英语辩论《死刑是否应该存在》的题材!求英语辩论《死刑是否应该存在》的题材!及英语辩论赛常用语!我是反方 悬赏急求英语短辩论词,7月19号晚上前交付关于中国是否该取消死刑,我的论点是应该,只要130左右,好的重赏,倾家荡产的赏!大侠们。请尽量用些常用的词。 一个关于是否要废除死刑的辩论,我们是反方,赞成废除死刑,不过也可以提供有利于正反的观点,供参考.英语的更好! 英语辩论帮忙写几个英语句子,中国应该设死刑吗?辩论应该废除死刑.帮忙想几个句子,晚上辩论赛用, 辩论话题:京剧应不应该进课堂我想要 京剧应该进课堂 的原因 求一篇辩论提纲,关于死刑该不该取消的,是提纲啊 英语翻译死刑不但不人道,反而变相的增加了犯罪率.显而易见,xx国家应该废除死刑.这句话英语怎么说. 与关于大学选课是否看兴趣辩论相关的视频或者话题,拜求. 关于话题辩论的英语 80字 关于话题辩论的英语 80字 关于话题辩论的英语 80字 关于话题辩论的英语 80字 求流行或时事辩论话题适合中学生辩论的 英语翻译死刑的产生、发展及现状世界范围内死刑的存废观 死刑存在价值及局限性限制死刑的适用对象完善死刑复核条件 今年科普边辩论热点 & 历届科普英语辩论话题~求历届科普英语决赛辩论话题,最好还有今年的科普热点以及历届一等奖的 辩论内容~答案好的话还可以再加悬赏分! 求辩论赛话题:“面对日益火热的房地产,中国政府应该强制干预”的正方四辩陈词 急 谢谢啦!明天就要去辩论了 这是我第一次参加辩论 不会啊~ 辩论,应不应该见风使舵见风使舵的话题!