
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 13:44:09


On Marriage
The rumor says marriage is the grave of love. Then the following real story proves it is wrong.
There are two close friends of my sister's, called Shang and Ai. They were classmates in high school and knew each other very well back then. They became friends first and then fell in love with each other. As my sister knows, they already have a romantic and nice relationship of a long time, almost eight years. Therefore, they will get married in the church of their city on May 1st, 2011, because the girl believes in god and doesn't like the traditional chinese wedding ceremony. They will make promises to each other and get together with their families and friends after this.
Everyone says their marriage will lead them into a happy life. Wish them happy forever!

写个结婚的英语故事,要包含who,what,when,where,why,how的英语作文 英语作文 写一篇关于电影或戏剧的短文包括以下6个问题:1what is the name of it?它的名字是什么?2where does it take place?它发生在那里?3who is in it 里面的人物是谁?4what is the story?故事的内容是什么?5wha 编一个故事,要包含以下5个词语编一个1分钟的小故事,要包含 春天、高兴、和谐、美满、感恩有没有不要结婚的-.- 我会追加分数的 “我们要结婚了”的英语怎么写啊? 求高手写个横幅上句包含瑶,下句包含笳,谐音字也可,朗朗上口最好,要喜庆点的,准备结婚时候挂横幅 歇后语包含的故事 包含故事的歇后语 结婚了!英语咋写? 结婚吧 英语怎么写? 求英语帝!帮忙写个嫦娥奔月的故事,越短越好! 写一篇关于结婚过程的英语作文要按时间顺序来的 有个故事是假的大概是 男孩要结婚然后就挖母亲的心脏什么的这故事挺感人的很久以前的了谁还记得? 请帮忙写一个英语请假条帮忙写个以亲友结婚要去当伴郎为理由写个请假条,感激不已 写一篇短文,要包含五个成语写一篇短文,不要太长,一二百字就行.至少要包含五个成语文章最好是带哲理性的,不要故事 假如我要结婚怎样写一份英语请柬 求帮忙写个英语故事故事里包含happy flower friendly weekend expensive bookstore sunny family sunglasses unbrella notebook bridge.故事长度为30到70秒之间说完即可, 朋友女儿结婚贺词该怎么写我有个朋友的女儿结婚,祝福语应该怎么写? 结婚贺语怎么写?刚刚进公司,遇到带我的师傅结婚,师傅是个美女,我不知道怎么写结婚贺语?