
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 06:06:46


It has already half a year since I was joining the Fujian Daimler , review the half a year to work, with the support and help of my colleagues, strict demands on themselves, and according to the requirement of the company, well, completes own labor of duty. Through the half a year to study and work, I have gradually adapted to the surrounding life and work environment, to work also gradually into the state, work means has considerable changes. I will officially became a member of the company feel very honored. On the occasion of the half a year to become a full member, the work were summarized in this paper.
Training programme is indispensable for new employee, after I attended training programme I have a great idea of Company’s culture, mission and vision, as well as Company’s product portfolio, rules, regulations and security education., the company organization for two days of new staff training, through the training of the cultural background of the Daimler I had more comprehensive knowledge to the company's products, and rules and regulations also had some knowledge of. The second day training is also the most important safety education, further improve safety consciousness.
My job responsibilities are mainly for personal reimbursement and business trip reimbursement, including review employees’ payment application. At the same time, I am also dealing with the payment request for customs clearance fees. Everything need enough patience, In these processes , I always keep modest learning attitude, use knowledge in practice , to accept the new knowledge, improve my operation ability. And in this process, the error is inevitable, I deeply feel it is very important for me to improve own quality. During this time, work ability get improved; At the same time come to realize there are many need to learning, I believe I will have big breakthrough in future
To do a job, I think it is very important to have a responsibility. and complete the good. Do the own duty. This is a kind of invisible responsibility, propel I, toward this direction diligently, continuous improvement, the rise.
Company has been in rapid development and hope in the next work, you can continue to enrich themselves, and strive to do a good staff development for our company to make its due contribution.

This means much for me.

This means a lot to me.
This is very important to me.

Through six months of study and work, I have grown accustomed to the surrounding living and working environment, work gradually into the state, work has made significant changes....


Through six months of study and work, I have grown accustomed to the surrounding living and working environment, work gradually into the state, work has made significant changes. I was about to officially become part of the company and proud. Positive on this occasion, a summary of this work half a year.
New employee orientation is essential in order to allow new employees to the company have a better understanding of company employees to participate in the organization of a new two-day new employee training, training through the culture of my Daimler background have a more comprehensive understanding of the rules and regulations of the company's products and there is a degree of understanding. The second day of training is the most important safety education to further enhance security awareness.



英语翻译在公司,我主要的负责个人报销和差旅报销的审核及清关费的申请和编制凭证。每件事情都需要足够的耐心,在工作的过程中,我始终虚心求教的态度,学习求真务实的工作作风和 英语翻译 作为展望公司的销售,我主要负责汽车零件厂的销售工作 我是之前和您有过联系在XX公司负责XX业务的ALAN,现在我在这边主要负责.上面情景是这样的,我是之前在一个XX公司在那个公司负责XX业务那边我叫ALAN,现在换到了另一家公司负责XX业务叫BILL 英语翻译1:IT网络设施:负责公司程控交换机及计算机网络等通讯设施设备的部署,主要体现在对公司IT 机房的建设和管理上2:服务器:负责公司内部各类服务器建立、迁移、日常管理及维护 英语翻译我的采访对象是中国船坞公司驻韩国的代表,他的职务是副总经理,在公司主要负责和处理市场部相关的事务和工作 .我主要采用提问的方式就我关心的Marketing和advertising 等问题进行采 英语翻译大二的暑期实践期间,在这家私营的小公司工作了两周.该公司的主要业务是个人电脑、办公设备和监控设备的销售及维护.我实习期间主要负责个人电脑的安装和维修,短短的两周时间 英语翻译1 负责公司日常的费用报销;每日核对、保管收银员交纳的营业收入.负责日常现金、支票的收与支出,信用卡的核对,及时登记现金及银行存款日记账;2 每月配合人事编制好工资表, 英语翻译如题~要书面语的翻译XX于某年在XX公司工作至今,主要负责公司的行政管理工作就翻译后面一句话~ 英语翻译我们是一家建筑安装公司,经营经理主要负责工程项目的开发,真的! 英语翻译首先让我介绍一下自己,我叫XXX,已经在我们公司工作了8年.我来自X部门,主要负责X的工艺改进,在今年,我已经完成了X机的改造,和一些工序的改进,但这些成绩都已经成为过去.能够作为 英语翻译负责公司网络系统的规划,配置和管理;负责公司网络系统日常维护和监控,保证正常运行;负责公司网络系统运行故障处理和预防性维护;负责公司网络安全规则的制定,以及配置手 我需要关于公司费用报销制度的文章 发票抬头有什么含义和作用?比如我是ABCD公司的职员,我买了箱洗面奶留着自己用,那么我开了个ABCD公司抬头的发票,想留着以后有机会了去报销,那么在我还没报销时,用公司抬头开了这张发票, 英语翻译尊敬的先生或女士:您好,我是XX公司的总经理XXXXX,我谨作为A先生在我公司七个多月间的直接领导写此推荐信.A自2011年7月1日入职以来,在我公司担任助理一职,主要负责国外总部与中 英语翻译:我主要负责维修机械设备 我主要负责这个产品英语翻译, 英语翻译自2008年工作至今曾担任过公司前台,行政专员工作.现为董事局主席秘书.由于前台工作表现突出,在工作三个月后公司就将我调为公司的行政专员.主要负责公司行政琐碎事情,例如:办 英语翻译之前在XXX公司的客服部门工作了7个月 主要负责来电客人的机票 酒店预订以及个别投诉