what happend while Linda was on the telephone 中while是否可以写成when 为什么这里用while而不用when
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:43:10
what happend while Linda was on the telephone 中while是否可以写成when 为什么这里用while而不用when
what happend while Linda was on the telephone 中while是否可以写成when 为什么这里用while而不用when
what happend while Linda was on the telephone 中while是否可以写成when 为什么这里用while而不用when
Linda was on the phone “Linda正在打电话”是一个持(延)续性动作.
what happend?
what happend
what happend while Linda was on the telephone while不是不可以用在句中吗
what happend while Linda was on the telephone 中was on the phone讲解一下好吗
what happend是什么意思
what happend while Linda was on the telephone 中while是否可以写成when 为什么这里用while而不用when
what‘s happend 还是 what’s the happend那一个正确?
what happend 和what had happend 怎么用
What is happend over there?
what happend with you对么
while和when谁用在句首谁用在句中 what happend () Linda was on the telephone填什么,为什么呢,
Do you know what happend to him?
He was heard_______just now.What happend?
What happend 的原句是什么?
what happend sister什麼意思?
what happend这么说对吗还是说 what was happend happend是动词过去 为什么这么用
Do you know what happend to him?为什么用what happend to him?