
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 21:50:53


At this moment I felt the urge to cry,burst into tears,I would like accumulated in the hearts of all the pain will fall into tears.此时此刻我有种想哭的冲动,放声的哭,我想把积累在心中的痛苦一股脑的全哭出来.想着想着我就很伤心,眼泪止不住的就流了下来,我很想彻彻底底的哭一场,这样也许我心理会好受些.I pondered very sad,tears streaming down on the unstoppable,I want to cry can thoroughly,so maybe I will feel better psychologically.
我得承认我有些固执,一旦认准了一件事就很难回头,认准了一个人就更难回头,唯有碰得遍体鳞伤才会罢手.I have to admit I am a little stubborn,once seriously set back a very difficult matter,and passed a person more difficult to turn back,only ending up black and blue will give up.也许是老天的捉弄,也许一开始就是错误,我就不应该喜欢上她.Might be God's tease,and perhaps a start wrong,I should not love her.可事实是我就是喜欢她,深深的喜欢,从第一次见到她我就喜欢上她了.The fact is I just like her,deep love,from the first time I see her I love her.
跟她接触的越多我就发现我喜欢她更深,我不知道这算不算爱,可能是吧.In contact with her the more I discovered that I like her more deeply,I do not know if it is not love,Maybe.在这段日子里我一直很矛盾,我很喜欢她,我希望她能够做我的GF,可是我也知道这太难了,毕竟她已经有了BF.During the time I have been very contradictory,I like her,I hope she can do to my GF,but I know it too difficult,after all,she already had BF.拆散别人是一件不道德的事情,我不想干这种事情,真的不想.Break up others is an immoral thing,I do not want this kind of thing,really do not want to.可是每天备受煎熬的思念真的让我很痛苦,早上起床的时候会想着她,晚上睡觉的时候还会想着她,白天看书的时候会想着她,做梦的时候会梦见她,她几乎每时每刻都出现在我的脑海里.However,a suffering daily thoughts really made me a very painful in the morning when get out of bed thinking that she would sleep at night,when she will be thinking about during the day when the reading will be thinking about her dream will be dream time her,and she is almost all the time in my mind.我也想过忘记她,不再想她,可我发现我做不到,真的做不到.I also thought forget her,no longer want her,but I found that I can not do,really can not do.

Now I want to cry, cry aloud the impulse, I want to accumulate in the heart of the stream of pain. Think about me very sad, tears flowing down the surge is complete, I'd like a heart, so perhaps ignor...


Now I want to cry, cry aloud the impulse, I want to accumulate in the heart of the stream of pain. Think about me very sad, tears flowing down the surge is complete, I'd like a heart, so perhaps ignored the better.
I must admit I have some stubborn, once thought a thing to assign a person back, back, but harder to touch black and blue will stop. Maybe god's trick, perhaps is wrong, I shouldn't like her. But the truth is I like her, deep love, from the first met her, I like her.
Contact with the more I discovered that I liked her deeply, I don't know if this is not love, could be. In those days I have been very contradictory, I like her very much, I hope she can do my GF, but I also know it too hard, she has a BF. Others are a break, I want something immoral, really want to do such things. But the day of the missing really unbearable pain, let me when I wake up in the morning and evening sleeping would think she'll think her during the day, when reading a book about her dream, dream of her when she almost every time appear in my mind. I also want to forget her, no longer want to her, but I found I couldn't do it, really 这个行吗


先说一下 楼上的两位使用翻译机翻译的,做我的GF 竟翻成了 do my GF
以下是我的精心翻译 楼主要给分阿
At this moment I want to cry and cry out loud. I want to cry out all the pain piled up in my heart. I became sad when I was...


先说一下 楼上的两位使用翻译机翻译的,做我的GF 竟翻成了 do my GF
以下是我的精心翻译 楼主要给分阿
At this moment I want to cry and cry out loud. I want to cry out all the pain piled up in my heart. I became sad when I was thinking and tears just coming out of my time. I just want to cry my eyes out. This might help me feel better.
I have to admit it that I am a little bigot, not able to turn once I settled. When I established an opinion about a person, I can never change it unless I get hurt badly. Maybe it's destiny, maybe it's a mistake. I shouldn't have liked her. But the truth is I like her and I like her deeply, from the first time I saw her.
The more I get to know her, the more I like her. Don't really know if it's love though. It just might be. These days I've been ambivalent. I sure like her and want her to be my girlfriend. But it's too hard. She already has a boyfriend after all. I know get in between two people who are in love is wrong and immoral. I don't want to do it. I really don't. But being in pain of missing someone everyday makes me even sadder. I think about her all the time when I get up, when I go to bed, when I read and when I dream. I've tried to get over her and never bring her up again but I can't. I just can't.


At this moment I want to cry, cry out freely, I would like to cry out all the pains in my heart. I became sad when think about the days when we were together. Tears continue to come up, flowing like a...


At this moment I want to cry, cry out freely, I would like to cry out all the pains in my heart. I became sad when think about the days when we were together. Tears continue to come up, flowing like a spring. I just want to have a thorough cry so that I might feel much better.
I have to admit I am a little stubborn, unable to turn about once I feel that it's right. Especially when I think a person is my Miss Right,I feel it is difficult for me to set back, perhaps I would give up when I was badly hurt in my mind. Perhaps, it is my fate, a mistake from the beginning, I shouldn't have fallen in love with her. But the fact is that I love her, from my bottom of heart, at the first time when I met her.
The more I get to know her, the more deeply I like her. I don't know whether this can be called as love. Perhaps it is. There is a conflict in my mind. I like her very much and I want her to be my girlfriend. However, it is quite hard since she has had a boyfriend already. Making two person in love split is immoral, which I don't want to do really. But I am suffering from the pain of missing her eveyday,thinking about her when I get up, thinking about her when I go to bed.My mind goes to her when reading in the day. Her image appears in my dream. Her image occurs to my mind all the time.I have try to forget her, not to think about him. However, I can't do that, I really can't make it.



Now I want to cry, cry aloud the impulse, I want to accumulate in the heart of the stream of pain. Think about me very sad, tears flowing down the surge is complete, I'd like a heart, so perhaps ignor...


Now I want to cry, cry aloud the impulse, I want to accumulate in the heart of the stream of pain. Think about me very sad, tears flowing down the surge is complete, I'd like a heart, so perhaps ignored the better.
I must admit I have some stubborn, once thought a thing to assign a person back, back, but harder to touch black and blue will stop. Maybe god's trick, perhaps is wrong, I shouldn't like her. But the truth is I like her, deep love, from the first met her, I like her.
Contact with the more I discovered that I liked her deeply, I don't know if this is not love, could be. In those days I have been very contradictory, I like her very much, I hope she can do my GF, but I also know it too hard, she has a BF. Others are a break, I want something immoral, really want to do such things. But the day of the missing really unbearable pain, let me when I wake up in the morning and evening sleeping would think she'll think her during the day, when reading a book about her dream, dream of her when she almost every time appear in my mind. I also want to forget her, no longer want to her, but I found I couldn't do it, really.


dui a 你爱上老外啦?

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