来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 06:23:45
我们四人当中属何亮游泳最厉害.当时我们正玩的高兴,但因为我游泳前没有做准备活动,我的脚突然抽筋了,我连忙大叫,他们几个人听到我的喊叫,一个个惊呆了都站在岸上不敢过来救我,忽然何亮一个猛子向我扎过来,用力将我往上托,并大声说:“抓住我,不要松手”我紧紧的抱住他.他艰难的往岸上游,这时才见他们几个慌张跑过来才帮忙. 小荷经过了这件事,我和何亮成了一个形影不离的好朋友!而且他也是我和我爱人的“红娘”.哈哈
The friend,in you sad,painful time will put out a hand that person; The friend,in you happy,the joyful time will share that person together with you.
Remembered elementary school sixth grade time,one day,on the street the nobody left,does not have including a fly.I and schoolmates could not bear,goes to the submersible bridge swimming together.A our line has four people:I and He Liang,Ma Kui,are greatly fat.we in the middle of four people are He Liang swim fiercely.At that time we were playing happiness,before but because I swam,have not done the warming-up exercise,my foot sudden convulsions,I yelled hastily,their several people heard my yelling,one all was startled has stood in the ashore does not dare to rescue me,He Liang a dive gripped suddenly to me,made an effort upward to hold me,and said loudly:“holds me,do not let go” I closely to grasp him.He difficult toward shore upstream,by now only then saw their several to run over flustered only then helps.Small Holland passed through this matter,I and He Liangcheng have always been together good friend!Moreover he is also I and my spouse “the Hong Niang”.Ha~
This is the friend of mine!Is worth my life unforgettable friend!