
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 15:17:35


Among all the cities I have been to,Shenzhen is the one that I have been to the most frequently.I went there mostly because of business and there are countless tall buildings in Shenzhen as in Guangzhou.But people there have faster steps than those in Guangzhou.Because the population is mostly made up of people from other parts of the country,dishes with with different taste can all be shared in Shenzhen.

I've been Shenzhen many times before for work and business. There were many skyscrapers like those in Guangzhou,but the speed of life was much faster than that in Guangzhou. Also,there were many immigrants in Shenzhen, so people can get varies local foods here.

Among the cities I visited, ShenZhen is the most often one.Most of the time I went on business errand.
There are lots of tall buildings, similar as in Guangzhou. But the pace of life is faster tha...


Among the cities I visited, ShenZhen is the most often one.Most of the time I went on business errand.
There are lots of tall buildings, similar as in Guangzhou. But the pace of life is faster than in Guangzhou. All kinds of foods from all around China can be found, as there are many people from other places.


Of all the cities that I have been to, Shenzhen tops it all in terms of the number of times I've visited - most of the time on business trips. There are skyscrapers all over town, nearly as many as G...


Of all the cities that I have been to, Shenzhen tops it all in terms of the number of times I've visited - most of the time on business trips. There are skyscrapers all over town, nearly as many as Guangzhou. However, the tempo there is way faster than that of Guangzhou. There are a variety of restaurants to choose from, probably because of the large population of people from all over the world(country).


The most city have been to, it is Shenzhen, I always went there for buisness trip, it is similar with Guangzhou that the city is full of skyscrapers. However, the pace of life is faster than Guangzhou...


The most city have been to, it is Shenzhen, I always went there for buisness trip, it is similar with Guangzhou that the city is full of skyscrapers. However, the pace of life is faster than Guangzhou, The food in there is wider variety since there are lots of migrant workers,so, people can have country-wide dishes locally in the city.


在我所去过的城市里,深圳是去得最频繁的一个。去那儿大多是出差,深圳和广州差不多,高楼林立。但是深圳的生活节奏比广州快。因为外来人口占总人口的绝大比例,深圳汇集了四方菜系,各种口味应有尽有。 望采纳

Among the cities I 've been to, Shenzhen is a city I visited more often than not, but each vist was based on business trips. Despite being full of the high rises, which is similar to those in Guangzh...


Among the cities I 've been to, Shenzhen is a city I visited more often than not, but each vist was based on business trips. Despite being full of the high rises, which is similar to those in Guangzhou, it has a faster pase of life, however. Featuring of local dishes in different parts of the Cpuntry, the food and drinks in Shenzhen are available to those who moved from other cities.


Shenzhen is the city for business trip most often which I have been for business trip. Compared with Guangzhou, there are also a large quantity of mansions and life rhythem is quicker than Guangzhou; regarding food,you may taste various foods owing to increasing strangers there.

将下面中文译英我去过的城市,数深圳最多,每次去多为出差,那里高楼林立和广州差不多.但是那里生活节奏,比广州快.饮食因为是外来人口较多,各地方菜都可吃到. 深圳英孚英语如何,有去过的没有,深圳英孚英语性价比怎样? 厦门风景优美还是海南风景优美?我在深圳,春节的时候想出去旅游,因为时间有限,只可以选择一个地方游玩,所以请去过的朋友告诉我究竟哪个城市风景优美呢? 我国主要海滨浴场是否会有海蛇、海龟、鲨鱼对泳客构成威胁?以下面五个较著名的海浴城市为例来讲吧.大连、兴城、北戴河、深圳大梅沙、北海银滩.多问句,去过的朋友认为上面所提的城市 深圳的城市现代化怎么样 英语翻译1:请问你来深圳的目的,是旅游还是出差?你去过广东那些城市?2:请你谈谈自己的人生和职业规划, 谁去过深圳华强北中心的华尔街英语啊, 将下列中文词组改成英文一张我家人和我的照片一起吃午饭格林市场买票一起吃冰激凌已经去过海洋公园 我去过这么多的城市,最喜欢的是杭州.英语怎么说? 杭州是我曾经去过的最美的城市.用英语怎么说 这是我去过最美的城市之一“翻译成英文 修改病句:我曾经去过北京、杭州、西安的许多城市旅游. 英语翻译请帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文,及用1.你在广州住了多长时间?5天.什么时候后来的?上周日下午2.你什么时候去超市啊?你去过那么?去过,我已经去过那两次了3.TOM,你在做什么?我正在浇 帮我把下面的中文写成英文句子,非常着急,您好,是欧洲的P先生将您的邮箱联系方式告诉我,关于L先生签证的事情请问您可以帮助我们吗?我们已经去过意大利签证中心,但是没有拿到签证.请问L 全世界哪里会一直在下雪?一年四季?或者哪里是下的最多的城市?!城市?OK?我想和我爱的人一起去,我去过哈尔滨 ,我不想去哪,我想和他去国外,去国外!浪漫一辈子,想起就开心.我很爱他,我希望 深圳朗阁英语怎么样?有谁去过深圳朗阁的, 你去过南极吗?南极有很多人去过,但我没有去过,你能将你的南极之旅分享给大家吗? 四个城市的气降水量和气温四个城市为深圳 北京 西安 拉萨四个城市中,一年中气温变化最小的是,最大的是四个城市中,年降水量最少的是,最多的是