来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/08 05:54:49
中国人的饭局讲究最多,这在世界上没有哪一个国家能够比肩.从座位的排放到上菜的顺序,从谁先动第一筷到什么时候可离席,都有明确的规定,把“中国是礼仪之邦”这个概念诠释得淋漓尽致. 在中国人的饭局上,靠里面正中间的位置要给最尊贵的人坐,上菜时依照先凉后热、先简后繁的顺序.吃饭时,须等坐正中间位置的人动第一筷后,众人才能跟着各动其筷. 中国历来都是无酒不成席,劝酒是中国饭局最有特色的部分.饭局开始时,主人常要讲上几句话,之后便开始劝酒.主人先将杯中的酒一饮而尽,客人一般也要喝完.不但主人要劝酒,客人与客人之间也要敬酒,为了使对方多饮酒,敬酒者会找出种种必须喝酒的理由,若被敬酒者无法找出反驳的理由,就得喝酒.罚酒是中国人敬酒的一种独特方式,罚酒的理由也是五花八门,最为常见的可能是对酒席迟到者的“罚酒三杯”. 吃完饭后,人们并不是马上就散去,往往还要聊上一会儿,以增进感情.等坐中间位置的人流露出想走的意思后,众人才能随之散去.
Chinese people pay too much attention on table manners.There's no other country can be compared with.From table position to the order of dishes,from who start eating with chopsticks first to when could call for a end,there are rules which fully defines China the country of etiquette.On dinner table,Chinese usually save the central place for the person who is the most respectale.Dishes are provided as to the order-cool comes first and warm latter,simple served before main dishes.After the people sitting in the center begins eatting,the dinner starts.
No wine,no dinner ,tradition of Chinese table manner becomes the special part on table.When the dinner begins,the host usually have a little talk and propose a drink.In order to persuade people drink,the drink proposer will make up various of reasons.If the guest cannot defend himself,he has to drink.
Another unique persuading drink way is penalty drinking,The reason could be various,the most commonly for example,being late could result in drinking three glasses as penalty.
After dinner,people don't just go back home,they always have some talk to maintain the relations.When the most respectale person express dismissing,people shall leave.