根据要求写一段英文对话(至少8句,多了不限)这是要求:Where:in line at the school dining roomWho:you and a boy you`ve never seen beforeWhat:you`ve been wating for ten minutes.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 05:49:24

根据要求写一段英文对话(至少8句,多了不限)这是要求:Where:in line at the school dining roomWho:you and a boy you`ve never seen beforeWhat:you`ve been wating for ten minutes.
Where:in line at the school dining room
Who:you and a boy you`ve never seen before
What:you`ve been wating for ten minutes.

根据要求写一段英文对话(至少8句,多了不限)这是要求:Where:in line at the school dining roomWho:you and a boy you`ve never seen beforeWhat:you`ve been wating for ten minutes.
Boy:What's going on here?The line doesn't seem to move at all.
It's been 10 minutes since I came in.
Me:It's been like this at lunch hour.You must be new here.I
don't think I've seen you before.
Boy:Oh,yes.My name is John.John Lee.I am a transfered student.
Me:Welcome.My name is Mary.I'm a Junior.You?
Boy:I'm a sophomore.
Me:You must have Mrs.Hansen as your classroom teacher.She is
Boy:Rally?I'm glad to hear that.All right!The line is moving.
Me:Finally.Thank God.I'm starving.
Boy:Me too.

根据要求写一段英文对话(至少8句,多了不限)这是要求:Where:in line at the school dining roomWho:you and a boy you`ve never seen beforeWhat:you`ve been wating for ten minutes. 英语翻译根据汉语提示写一组对话,要求不少于8句.提示:星期六下午,Bob到Alice家玩.两人就铅笔盒的直尺的英文名称、拼写及颜色进行了一段对话. 根据“李白”写一段颁奖词.要求:至少用一种修辞手法,100字左右.谢了. 帮我写一段关于销售茶叶的英语口语对话,至少20句. 邀请宴会的英文对话student A invites student B to his birthday party. Student B is happy to be invited and accepts the incitation. 根据这个题目写一段对话,求答案啦,要求不要太难的,... 按照要求,请您写一个关于对话的初二英文作文eve的朋友alice和好朋友吵架了.eve给了她一些建议,alice最后找到了与朋友和好的好办法.请根据所给提示写一段60此左右的对话.(提示:rgue with 、w 根据所给情景,编写一段对话,至少要写四句哦. 跪求一段5个人的英文口语对话,关于请客吃饭,或房屋租借至少6到8分钟的情景对话,每人至少4句,内容要包括菜式等!房屋租借主要介绍外观和结构之类的! 假如你是jim.写一段和mike的电话对话.不少于十句.(英文) Jim要举办生日派对,要邀请Mary参加,以这来写一段对话不少于10句英文,呵呵忘了写了 快In the fruit shop所给题目编一段小对话,至少8句 请以“我有一个梦想”开头,写一段排比句,要求要有真情实感,且具有意义.至少要有四五句,小弟拜谢了. 根据下面一段对话. 英语看病对话假设你是Lili,今天有点不舒服,咳嗽,有点发热,去看医生,医生说你感冒了,要多喝水,多休息.请根据介绍编一段对话,至少5个回合. 英语对话,至少100词要求:妈妈打电话给你,说家里,需要买一些香蕉,还要买一些牛奶,你说有点不舒服,妈妈问你怎么了,你说不要紧,你会去购物的.妈妈让你多休息.根据提示编写一段你与妈妈之 和陌生人的对话,写一段用了对话描写 和陌生人进行对话,写一段用了对话描写. 写一段话(英语)根据提供的信息,编写一段对话,最少5句信息:Time:July5th,at7:30pmPlace:Smith~s house ,New StreetCome and enjoy yourself!(是写一段对话,不是写作文,也不是写信)