请求高人写一篇英文的文章,write a feature areticle "life has so much to offer"大概 800字左右,写的好的话分翻倍...让我很觉的实用的话就再翻倍.请大家发发善心吧......救救处于水深火热当中的我....有

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 15:00:57

请求高人写一篇英文的文章,write a feature areticle "life has so much to offer"大概 800字左右,写的好的话分翻倍...让我很觉的实用的话就再翻倍.请大家发发善心吧......救救处于水深火热当中的我....有
write a feature areticle "life has so much to offer"
大概 800字左右,写的好的话分翻倍...让我很觉的实用的话就再翻倍.

请求高人写一篇英文的文章,write a feature areticle "life has so much to offer"大概 800字左右,写的好的话分翻倍...让我很觉的实用的话就再翻倍.请大家发发善心吧......救救处于水深火热当中的我....有
Love needs not only receiving but also giving.This issue was more like the principle outlined in the book or movie "Pay it Forward" – where you do not pay back the person who helped you,but rather help others in need.I have begun to see that those who are always available to help others are the ones who do not need to ask twice when they are in trouble.But I have also noticed that there are some people who expect others to run around them,but do very little from their side.Eventually it becomes a chore to help these people,and they might find that others start avoiding them.
From a happy enjoyable life dedication.People who love good,often frankly contented,happy enjoyable.Fan Zhongyan said the "first and worry about all over the world,the latter enjoy the world",in which the music is to music,is "first and worry about all over the world" a good return.In contrast,while corrupt officials succeed in an old saying goes:" no more than three meals a solar eclipse; fertile hectares,more than seven nights sleep."it said:"to know not only perilous." A If less than people,greedy,is bound to lose the mind and become a slave to material desires,and ultimately be swallowed up by.Such a life,there is no value.Only those who always,always,always thinking of others,at dedication of people willing to devote themselves to happiness and a meaningful life to take the road of their own time,but after all,is to be conscience and public opinion condemned.
Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel.
All claimed that they were the best.
The most important.
The most useful.
The favorite.
Green said:
"Clearly I am the most important.I am the sign of life and of hope.I was chosen for grass,trees and leaves.Without me,all animals would die.Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."
Blue interrupted:
"You only think about the earth,but consider the sky and the sea.It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea.The sky gives space and peace and serenity.Without my peace,you would all be nothing."
Yellow chuckled:
"You are all so serious.I bring laughter,gaiety,and warmth into the world.The sun is yellow,the moon is yellow,the stars are yellow.Every time you look at a sunflower,the whole world starts to smile.Without me there would be no fun."
Orange started next to blow her trumpet:
"I am the color of health and strength.I may be scarce,but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life.I carry the most important vitamins.Think of carrots,pumpkins,oranges,mangoes,and papayas.I don't hang around all the time,but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset,my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."
Red could stand it no longer he shouted out:
"I am the ruler of all of you.I am blood - life's blood!I am the color of danger and of bravery.I am willing to fight for a cause.I bring fire into the blood.Without me,the earth would be as empty as the moon.I am the color of passion and of love,the red rose,the poinsettia and the poppy."
Purple rose up to his full height:
He was very tall and spoke with great pomp:"I am the color of royalty and power.Kings,chiefs,and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom.People do not question me!They listen and obey."
Finally Indigo spoke,much more quietly than all the others,but with just as much determination:
"Think of me.I am the color of silence.You hardly notice me,but without me you all become superficial.I represent thought and reflection,twilight and deep water.You need me for balance and contrast,for prayer and inner peace."
And so the colors went on boasting,each convinced of his or her own superiority.Their quarreling became louder and louder.Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed.Rain started to pour down relentlessly.The colors crouched down in fear,drawing close to one another for comfort.
In the midst of the clamor,rain began to speak:
"You foolish colors,fighting amongst yourselves,each trying to dominate the rest.Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose,unique and different?Join hands with one another and come to me."
Doing as they were told,the colors united and joined hands.
The rain continued:
"From now on,when it rains,each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace.The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so,whenever a good rain washes the world,and a Rainbow appears in the sky,let us remember to appreciate one another.

十一月 9, 2007 - 星期五
There will always be those people in your life you aspire to be, the people that show extreme determination and courage, that lead others and are incredibly ...


十一月 9, 2007 - 星期五
There will always be those people in your life you aspire to be, the people that show extreme determination and courage, that lead others and are incredibly well respected by their peers. Unfortunately, this books about a cocky, sarcastic, slightly egotistic, some might say astranged character with an unconventional outlook on life and massive hair. Don't expect great narrative techniques or any of the like, because you won't find it here. Instead imagine the ramblings of a blind drunk, funny at times, embarrassing and generally lacking sense. Enjoy
Guys like me, just shouldn't hold their hopes up. Second guessing ourselves till the things we build slowly dismantle into one untidy mess. We try to juggle far too many things at once, and if your like me, thats a big problem... Because i cant juggle.
Through many stages in my life i have gone for something, then mid way somehow talked myself round to not persuing it. Problem is, when you have already got involved it's like a 99 flake ice cream in the sun, you have two choices. Either get stuck in and eat it, or watch as it slowly dribbles down your hand in a unpleasant sticky mess. Now faced with such a situation the masses would geerally agree that getting stuck in would be the wiser option, whereas me, i lack rationality.

[to be continued]
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五月 21, 2007 - 星期一
New Writing
Explanations of a hopeless fear..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Forgotten in an otherwise changing world, I cannot help but think what I have brought to life, what do I really have to offer anyone? Truth be told my list draws short, for achievement I have none, closest friends I have lost, a need for my being does not exist in another's mind. I sell myself day after day, falsely advertising myself to be who I am truly not. Year ago today you'd find me behind closed door hidden in darkness with tear struck face, waiting for the result to change my life, the fear of cancer set firm in my mind. Thinking that everything was over, I had become everything I feared, and lost everything I'd ever cared about. My own self-pity drove the one I loved away, because of my stupidity, my fear, my greed. I thought twice that month to end it all, stop my torment right there and then, I was down and out with no hand to help me up. I could not express to others my emotion, for I could not bring myself to say the words. Do you know how it feels when you believe that everything is working against you? The loneliness it brings, the gut wrenching sickness you feel, knowing that fate is in the hands of an unchangeable force, I hope that no other experience the torment that it play upon your mind. It brought me to tears, and to this day the thought that never shall I lead a normal life, still gets me down, so low that all I want to do is cry upon a friendly shoulder. But no shoulder can I find for true friendship escaped me long ago.
I miss the days when of carefree life, when I could just wake up and go, get on with my day and make it what I want. But limitations I now face. An ongoing reminder every time I rise, the constant ache in spine throughout the day, every time I swallow that little white pill, just another way to hide my secrets. I get scared sometimes, because the doctors words are still so present in my mind. I must take it easy he said, limit myself upon what I can and cannot do, for if my condition increases to become a problem, then I may face the rest of my life sitting in a 4 wheeled chair, depending on others for help. I do not want to spend my life below the level of others, any who know me will say that I like to be involved, what kind of life can I lead constantly living in limitation? I have lost too much of my life to limit myself upon the words of another man, even now as I write I find myself holding back my anger, for I do not believe that one bright eyed teen should have to undergo such a thing, and I wish not that any other shall suffer the same fate.
Even today, many that know me do not understand why I am so reserved, I do not tell many because I do not wish to be labeled as a lesser person for it. I do not have much to offer, but the things I can offer I do not wish to jeopardize. In the past year I have become a person who is still a stranger to me, no self confidence do I possess, and I miss life chances through fear of rejection, those who I truly like shall never know for I am too afraid to express, I stumble upon my words when I speak, and kill the vibe. I do not see why anyone would want a guy with nothing to offer. So I simply sit here, and let my self pity rise until it brings about another unsteady time, frantically I will search for someone to confide in, but find them I do not, everyone seems too busy to understand that I hurt beneath this smile. Through my lowest stages I was offered counseling, this simply doesn't help, I cannot put across my fears nor let out my worries to a person of who I do not know, I cannot express myself them, nor can I find the once friendly faces I used to rely upon to ease my burden.
These days I do not walk as tall as I did, I merge into the crowd in an attempt to hide my forgotten face, I do not feel much of myself, I am an unstable wreck, but you must try to understand that I cannot help this. I know what tomorrow brings, I just wish it was unpredictable like it used to be, I wish I was the person people used to know, and the person I wanted to be, until then forgive me, for one day I shall accept myself for who I am, but till then I shall continue to have worries and even the occasional tear, please try to accept that. Thankyou


请求高人写一篇英文的文章,write a feature areticle life has so much to offer大概 800字左右,写的好的话分翻倍...让我很觉的实用的话就再翻倍.请大家发发善心吧......救救处于水深火热当中的我....有 急,急,急.请求高人帮忙写一篇500—700字的人生哲理的文章关于人生,感情。和事业的文章。 写一篇英文短文,题目为“how to write a short essay”我需要一篇关于“怎么写英语短文”的英语文章 可以帮我用英文写一篇大约120个单词的文章么?Write a short passage about the role of numbers and mathematics in Chinese culture. Write a short passage about mother's love.写一篇关于母爱的文章,体裁不限. 求高人写一篇淘宝服装的推广文章.谢谢 请求高人帮忙写一篇英语招聘信:write a want ad for a company using the information PrOVIDed below 招聘岗位“销售经理”要求:大学学历或以上,至少两年食品行业工作经验,英语和德语流利,有良好的团队 请求的英文怎么写 帮忙写一篇关於communication的文章 英文的 500字左右 要求:Write a 500-word essay explaining how communication happens according to the Communications Model.Include an explanation of the concept of noise.Give examples.不要复制别 请求老师帮助我写一篇以[温馨的回忆]为题的文章不少于400字 Write a report about ways of saving paper如题,写一篇文章, Write two paragraphs describing your friends.写一篇文章 The story of a fashion designer服装设计师的故事 要用英文写一篇文章 要文章啊 请求高人帮我写首英文诗 几句就行 请帮我写几句简单的英文诗 内容不限制 我现在大一 求一篇外国人写的关于三国的英文文章 用英文写的一篇关于外国节日的文章 写一篇关于朋友的英文文章 要中文翻译 谁能帮我写一篇关于四季的英文文章啊~