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《Pride and Prejudice》(《傲慢与偏见》)
The book is narrated in free indirect speech following the main character Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with matters of upbringing, marriage, moral rightness and education in her aristocratic society. Though the books setting is uniquely turn of the 19th century, it remains a fascination of modern readership, continuing to remain at the top of lists titled "most loved books of all time", and receiving considerable attention from literary critics. This modern interest has resulted in a number of dramatic adaptations and a plethora of books developing Austin's memorable characters further.
.《The Miserable Ones》(《悲惨世界》)
Jean Valjean (Liam Neeson) is released after 19 years in a quarry for stealing bread. He is hardened till he met a Bishop to stay for a night. Valjean changed and became the mayor after 9 years. Inspector Javert (Geoffrey Rush) recognises him and tries to reveal who he is. Fantine (Uma Thurman) a factory worker is fired because she has a bastard child. As a result, Fantine became a prostitue and became sick. Valjean realised what happened to her and takes care of her. Inspect Javert finally manage to reveal Valjean for who he was. Fantine dies and give Valjean the authority to take care of her child, Cosette. Valjean escapes and finds the child and lived in a church for 10 years. Cosette (Claire Danes) now grown up goes to Paris with Valjean during a revolution. Cosette met a man, Marius and falls in love. Inspector Javert finally realises that Valjean was in Paris and tries to find him again.
《The Old Man and the Sea》(《老人与海》)
The Old Man and the Sea recounts an epic battle between an old, experienced fisherman and a giant marlin said to be the largest catch of his life. It opens by explaining that the fisherman, who is named Santiago, has gone 84 days without catching any fish at all (although a comment made at some point in the book reveals that he had previously gone 87 days without catching one). He is apparently so unlucky that his young apprentice, Manolin, has been forbidden by his parents to sail with the old man and been ordered to fish with more successful fishermen. Still dedicated to the old man, however, the boy visits Santiago's shack each night, hauling back his fishing gear, feeding him and discussing American baseball — most notably Santiago's idol, Joe DiMaggio. Santiago tells Manolin that on the next day, he will venture far out into the Gulf to fish, confident that his unlucky streak is near its end.

爱丽丝镜中漫游记 200个字的,你可以删除一些赞美的话。绝对原创。
Do you know how weirdness and preposterous the little girl’s dream?In a boring afternoon,a rabbit with a wear watch took a girl began the magic journey.Who is the...


爱丽丝镜中漫游记 200个字的,你可以删除一些赞美的话。绝对原创。
Do you know how weirdness and preposterous the little girl’s dream?In a boring afternoon,a rabbit with a wear watch took a girl began the magic journey.Who is the girl?She is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland’s hero Alice.After resding this book,I have a special kind of magical feeling.The writer made use of his imaginer to create Alice’ lavish dream.In the dream,Alice was able to turn big or small, she could form the kingdom’pocker card ,went through into a mirror world,everybody in these unbelievable world was unco,maybe I can say is inconceivable.I have to admire the writer’ability and his lovely childishness.Although the story is not convulsion,it still sttracts me. When I open the book ,I think I become a child again and go on a tour with Alice. Maybe this is the book’ charming and attractiveness.Alice is a simple girl who is full of curiosity.Especially,she has a warm heart. The novel let us see and believe in goodness of humanity,which is the successes place.I could learn so much from the little girl Alice,such as brave,calm and optimistic.There are many graceful poems in the story,I also made progress in writing.In general,this book has a big force to made people good and kind.


名著三本的故事梗概150词以内哦.拜托拜托啦.我的作业啊英语的哦 三本名著的读后感.跪求三本名著的读后感, 求一片英语名著的英语故事梗概(150words)最好是悲惨世界的英文故事梗概 三本名著的简介,急! 这本书叫什么名字 关于名著万向思维有一本书是关于名著的就是关于那些高中必读的名著故事梗概让考生快速了解名著的大概故事情节这本书叫什么名字 空城计故事梗概简单的越少越好50字以内,二三十字就可以. 英语故事梗概600左右的英语名著的故事梗概请注明是什么名著 一本名著 五篇读后感也就是说这一本名著中至少要包含五篇文章,1000字以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内! 推荐一本名著 50字以内 故事梗概!时间紧!任务急!三国演义中:割须弃袍、三让徐州这两个成语的典故(即故事梗概)每篇200字以内! 阅读一本名著,写成其故事梗概,并初步分析其艺术成就.阅读一本名著,写成其故事梗概,并初步分析其艺术成就(也就是这部名著的写作方法,人物形象塑造的特点,它所反映的时代背景流传至今 三本名著中的50个比喻句和50个排比句请写下来名著对应的句子 只在三本名著中去找 有名著么?推荐几本.要故事概括和作者介绍.故事梗概啊! 最后的常春藤叶的故事梗概200字以内 故事梗概最好50字或100字以内的 雷锋的故事梗概100字以内.急. 求一篇英语作文,题目是(读一篇英语名著的简写本,用自己的话简述这本书的故事梗概,并谈谈你对这本书的评价),请英语大神们积极抢答 求名著介绍..用于语文课前的演讲..名著都可以.若可以..麻烦提供以下三本为先:.....