
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 14:44:42

Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.At the first
time,Hu Xin,his new boss,sent him with an experience reporter and a photographer
to cover the story.before goina out to work,he told him to be curious and must have a good "nose" for the story.and listen to the speakers.carefully in order to grasp the detailed facts.He also advised him to prepare the next question depending on.what the person says,use a small recorde to get all the facts straight,if permitted by the
interviewee,and finally judge .whether the interviewed person is lying or not~

Zhou Yang /will never forget his first assignment /at the office /of China Daily/.At the first
time/,Hu Xin/,his new boss/,sent him with an experience reporter /and a photographer
/to cover the story/.before going out to work/,he told him to be curious /and must have a good "nose"/ for the story./and listen to the speakers carefully /in order to grasp the detailed facts/.He also advised him/ to prepare the next question /depending on what the person says,/using a small recorde to get all the facts straight,/if permitted by the
interviewee,/and finally judge /.whether the interviewed person is lying or not~

谁能帮我英语的段落划分?就是读一段句子需要转换气,但我总把握不好在哪个位置停下来转换气然后继续读~谁能帮我把以下的句子划分一下转换气的位置,另外如果可以教一下方法也好~句子 我现在读初2,我想知道怎么样划分句子的成分(英语),什么主谓宾,状语,怎么样划分 求“水滴石穿”的句子划分.就是划分什么主谓宾. 给我一段描写月夜的段落. 《我的叔叔于勒》应该怎么划分段落,各个段落的意思是什么? 《林中小溪》的文章思路(段落划分).每一段和每一层的意思 这样的英语句子划分叫什么?规则是什么?我就是想知道这种划分方法的规则是什么,比如从句怎么分,具体一点的话就是比如Some English teacher call verbose writing "flabby"和The discussion digresse 歌颂母亲的英语句子或段落? word里面怎么调整一段内句子和句子间的距离?知道,选中,右键,段落,行距可是不起作用我需要减少句子和句子间的距离 有优美句子的段落我需要有优美的文章,一段就好,但要把题目写上 英语句子结构划分 求一段描写冬天小麦的句子求一段描写冬天小麦的段落 山永远在的段落划分 文章《神奇的克隆》段落划分 鲁迅的《故乡》怎么划分段落呀. 理想的风筝段落划分今天 大家帮我找一下环境描写和心理描写的段落这个补充很重要,别忽视!第一:段落的话最少要有2句话,要不然就是句子!第二:每一段话字数别太多,抄抄很累的,每段差不多50或60字第三:环境描 我急需一段托物言志的段落,100字左右.