怎么给ETS发邮件取消GRE笔考?我想取消GRE笔试,我已经按照要求把姓名、生日、注册号什么的都发给ETS了我发的邮件是:(我已经按照要求把姓名、生日、注册号什么的都发给ETS了)I want to canc

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怎么给ETS发邮件取消GRE笔考?我想取消GRE笔试,我已经按照要求把姓名、生日、注册号什么的都发给ETS了我发的邮件是:(我已经按照要求把姓名、生日、注册号什么的都发给ETS了)I want to canc
I want to cancel my GRE exam in June,2011,paper-based portion of the GRE General Split Test. I have already taken the GRE Writing Assessment. Please let me know what I should do and what documents I need to deliver to you, and I also would like to know how and when can I get my GRE test fee refunds. Thank you so much for your help!
还是收到了ETS的同样的回复 ,到底是怎么回事呢?我再把我的信息资料发一遍,依然收到的是同样的邮件
Regarding your inquiry:
To cancel your paper-based GRE? General Test Verbal and Quantitative session and receive a partial refund of $35, you must call, fax, or write to GRE Services (see below) no later than three full days before your scheduled test date (not including the day of your test or the day of your request). Please include your name, date of birth, address, registration number, and test date. Requests by mail must be received at ETS no later than three full days before your test date.
Refunds are issued within six to eight weeks after the canceled test date. Note that you will not receive your CBT Analytical Writing score if you cancel your paper-based test session.

怎么给ETS发邮件取消GRE笔考?我想取消GRE笔试,我已经按照要求把姓名、生日、注册号什么的都发给ETS了我发的邮件是:(我已经按照要求把姓名、生日、注册号什么的都发给ETS了)I want to canc
Dear ETS,
After I have taken the CBT Analytical Writing Test, I want to cancle my paper-based Verbal and Quantitative sections of the GRE® Split General Test.
Name : 张三(SAN ZHANG)
Date of birth:01/01/1999(Month/Day/Year)
Reggistration Number:4200000
Test Center Number:10000
Test Date:06/11/2011 (Month/Day/Year)
E-Mail:[email protected]
I hope there will be no record about my GRE test. And please feel free to ask me for more information if you need.
[email protected]
注意邮件主题写明Cancle paper-based Verbal and Quantitative sections of the GRE
This e-mail is to confirm the cancellation of your June 11, 2011, paper-based portion of the GRE® General Split Test. A partial refund of $35 will be processed in your original form of payment approximately 6-8 weeks after the canceled test date

怎么给ETS发邮件取消GRE笔考?我想取消GRE笔试,我已经按照要求把姓名、生日、注册号什么的都发给ETS了我发的邮件是:(我已经按照要求把姓名、生日、注册号什么的都发给ETS了)I want to canc 我10月份考GRE笔考,准考证没有收到.官网无法打印.我10月份考GRE笔考,准考证没有收到.发邮件到ets,给我回复中要我去gre的官网注册,完毕后想打印准考证,可是怎么也进不去,总是提示错误.我该 GRE成绩取消,可是还是没有收到ETS发的邮件,怎么办呢?10月23日的GRE成绩取消了,ETS说最迟考生会在30日收到邮件,可是我现在还没有收到,怎么和ETS联系呢?要怎么说呢?各位大虾帮帮忙我注册过的 求问GRE笔考结束后如何取消成绩?我听说笔考结束两周之后在成绩没有出之前都可以取消成绩,请问是不是给[email protected]发EMAIL咧?需要在EMAIL里写明哪些内容才可以取消成绩呢? 两个月前给ETS发邮件说要退考GRE,现在还没有收到退款,应该怎么办?如果要电话联系,应该联系谁?已经申请退考了 GRE取消成绩刚参加了6G,当时没有取消,现在还能吗?怎么办?不是可以给ETS发传真吗,如果下次再考,是不是要取平均分? 请问GRE准考证都好几个月了没收到,去官网下载说信息不匹配,想法邮件给ETS,用中文还是英文发?怎么写啊速回速回啊! GRE笔考考场选择问题GRE机考的时候貌似没有选择笔考地点,不知道会被安排到什么考场.我给ETS发了邮件,它回复如下Regarding your inquiry:We received your registration form but cannot register you for the June 12,20 gre笔试退考已收到[email protected]的确认信 但是51test上没有显示取消我去年报的今年6月的gre,作文去年已经考了,由于今年有考试冲突想把笔试退了,给[email protected]发了信,然后收到了回复《This e-m 考完GRE机考后,选择了取消当次机试成绩,还能参加笔考吗?(已经选择了笔考地点)能否撤销“取消当次机试成绩“,给ETS写信可以吗? 关于参加明年6月check my GRE Account的问题今年10月GRE取消了,我想延期到6月,给ETS发信 ,然后ETS回信让我check my GRE account ,我检查admission ticket,但是我的讯息与记录不匹配怎么办啊,输入的机考认证 2011六月GRE笔考准考证收不到我二月考的GRE写作,但之后没有收到准考证.去官网打印,但总说我填的信息不对.之后我给ETS发邮件提供了Confirmation Number,他回复了我考试时候填的信息,而且说'You can 没有收到ETS寄来的GRE笔考准考证怎么办?我2006年8月28号考的GRE机考作文,都一个月了还没收到ETS寄来的笔考准考证,我今天(10月1日)刚给ETS发了一封电子邮件.想问一下这种情况下除了等待还 请问如何给ETS写GRE退款信?我GRE申请了退款~51Test告诉我要自己联系ETS退款事宜~请问我要给ETS提供哪些信息~退款邮件应该怎么写~ 我是07年考的GRE现在想查具体的分数,通过online的和ETS发邮件,均未果,还能找的回来么? GRE如何退款,我是发邮件申请退考的,没有收到回信但是51TEST上的状态显示为“已取消”,请教大家接下来我该如何申请退款咧?另外我报名时填写的地址可能也有问题,因为报名后我没有收到ETS gre笔试考点我是今年十月的笔试,没有收到准考证,听说是要给ETS发邮件,上面要写什么?而且能否告知怎样查询考点? 没收到成绩单给[email protected]发邮件用英文还是中午就可以了?是说中文还是英文