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定语从句(Attributive clauses)
1)关系代词: 先行词为人:who, whom, that, whose
先行词为物:which, that, whose
2)关系副词:when, where, why
注意: 关系词起三个作用:①连接先行词和定于从句②替代先行词③在从句中担任成分 what不能引导定语从句.定语从句一般紧跟在先行词后,但有时也被一个短语隔开.
例如:I was the only person in my office who was invited.
I. 关系代词引导的定语从句
定语从句的构成: 先行词 + 关系词 + 从句
人 物
主格 Who/ that Which/ that
宾格 Whom/ that/ who Which/ that
定语 whose Whose: …of which
1)who, whom, that
Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是你想见的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语)
He is the man (whom/ that) I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人.(whom/that在从句中作宾语)
2)whose 用来指人或物,在定语从句中作定语,. 例如:
Please pass me the book whose cover is red.(指物)
The lawyer whose name is Wang Jin lives in Nanjing.(指人)
3)which, that所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可做主语、宾语等.例如:
Great changes which / that have never been seen before appears in the countryside.
(which / that在句中作主语)
The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了.(which / that在句中作宾语)
II. 关系副词引导的定语从句
关系副词when, where, why在从句中充当状语,分别可表时间、地点或原因.
I will never forget the day when I first came to Beijing.
This is the house where Lu Xun once lived.
I know the reason why he came late.
注:先行词是the way时,其后的定语从句关系词有三种,例如:
I like the way in which / (that) the teacher gives his lessons.
I will never forget the day (which/that) I spent in Hongkong.
( spent是及物动词,后缺宾语,因此用关系代词或省略 )
I will never forget the day when/on which Hongkong returned to its motherland.
( 从句主谓宾结构完整,缺状语,因此用关系副词或介词加关系代词 )
The reason (that/which)he gave for not coming to school yesterday is unbelievable.
( gave是及物动词,后缺宾语,因此用关系代词或省略 )
The reason why he didn’t come to school yesterday is unbelievable.
( 从句主谓宾结构完整,缺状语,因此用关系副词或介词加关系代词 )
Ⅲ. 关系代词引导的限制性与非限制性定语从句
The watch that I bought yesterday works well.
My father, who is a doctor, often encourages me to work hard.
Ⅳ. 介词+关系代词的用法
The man (who/whom/that) I talked about at the meeting is from Beijing University.
=The man about whom I talked at the meeting is from Beijing University.
Is this the book (which/that) you are looking for? ( 这里介词for一般不提前,因为look for是固定词组,意为“寻找”,介词for若被提前,单个的look意为“看”,句意不符.)
I. 单项选择
1. You’d better not drink water _____ has not been boiled.
A. which B. whom C. whose D. who
2. The director and his movie ___ you have just talked is really popular.
A. that B. which C. about which D. of whom
3. His dog, ______ was now very old, became ill and died.
A. who B. that C. whose D. which
4. This is the house _______ I was born on a rainy evening.
A. which B. that C. in which D. at which
5. She is my former classmate _______ handwriting is very good.
A. whom B. whose C. of whom D. which
6. Is the girl your friend _______ you shook hands just now?
A. which B. that C. to whom D. with whom
7. In fact the Sweden did not understand the three questions ____ were asked in French.
A. where B. who C. in which D. which
8. Didn't you see the man ________ I nodded to just now?
A. which B. whom C. whose D. to which
9. I can't find the gold ring _______ I spent 100 dollars.
A. that B. on which C. which D. in which
10. The radio set ____ I bought last week has gone wrong.
A. / B. for which C. over which D. what
定语从句(Attributive clauses)Part2
I. 关系代词that与which;that与who的一些特殊用法:
1)先行词是all, everything, something, anything, nothing, none, few, little, much等不定代词;或是先行词被all, every, some, any, no, few, little等修饰时:
Is there anything (that) I can do for you in town?
I have read all the books (that) you gave me.
There is something that/which keeps worrying me. “有一件事一直令我不安.”
2) 先行词被形容词最高级或有序数词the first, the second…, the last修饰时:
This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.
The first place (that) we’ll visit is the Great Wall.
3) 先行词被the only,the very修饰时:
The only thing that matters is to find our way home.
This is the very book (that) I’ve been looking for.
4) 先行词既有人又有物时:
They talked about the persons and things (that) they remembered in the school.
5) 当主句是由who或which引导的特殊问句时,为避免重复,定语从句中常用that:
Who is the man that is standing by the door?
Which is the dictionary (that) you bought yesterday?
只能用which 的两种情况
1) 非限制性定语从句,先行词为物
e.g. Yangtze river, which is the third longest river, lies in China.
2) 整句话当先行词
It rained a lot, which made a flood happened
只能用as, 不能用which, that, who 的两种情况
1) 先行词被such, the same 修饰时
e.g. I’ve never heard of such a terrible earthquake as you told me.
You are using the same pen as I lost yesterday. (像,两支)
You are using the same pen that I lost yesterday.(正是,同一支)
2) 非限制性定语从句提前,关系词用as,“正如…所知道,所期望…的一样”
e.g. As we know,Taiwan belongs to China,
当先行词是anyone, those, these, he, she等代词表“人”时,一般用who而不用that:
Anyone who wants a ticket please sign your name here.
Those who want to go to the English party must be at the school gate by 7:30 p.m.
He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.
He is no longer the man that he used to be.
II. 关系代词whose的特殊用法(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换, of which可置于其所修饰的名词前或后; 若指人, 可以同of whom互换).例如:
Please pass me the book whose cover is green.(指物)
=Please pass me the book the cover of which (of which the cover) is green.
The doctor, whose name was Johnson, lived in a small town in the north of England.(指人)
= The doctor, the name of whom was Johnson, lived in a small town in the north of England.
III. 一种特殊的非限制性定语从句
在非限制性定语从句中,有时根据句子意思,常把some, any, none, all, both, several, many, most, neither, either等词、分数或百分比与of whom或of which连用.
He has five children, two of whom are abroad.
(比较:He has five children, and two of them are abroad.)
We have tested three hundred types of boots, none of which is/are completely waterproof.
(比较:We have tested three hundred types of boots, but none of them is/are completely waterproof.)
Ⅳ. 定语从句中易犯的错误
1. 在定语从句中加了多余的定语
e.g. Some of the boys I invited them didn’t come. (them)
2. 把定语从句谓语动词的单复数弄错
e.g. Anyone who break the rules will be punished. (breaks)
Those who has finished may go home. (have)
He is the only one of the teachers who know English in our school. (knows)
This is one of the rooms that is free now. (are)
3. 误省略了定语从句中做主语的关系代词
e.g. Children ∧ eat a lot of sugar often have bad teeth. (who / that)
4. 定语从句中加了多余的关系副词或介词
a). The house where he lives in needs repairing. ( where he lives 或 that he lives in)
b) I still remember the day on when I first came to Beijing. ( the day when 或 the day on which)
5. 在作先行词的时间名词或地点名词后错用关系代词或关系副词
I still remember the day when we spent together. (that / which)
This is the house where we lived in last year. (that /which)
6. 在先行词reason 后错用关系副词why
I don’t believe the reason why he has given for his being late. (that /which)
7. 主句不完整,首先要补充完整
This factory is ∧ that I worked in. (the one )
8. what 引导的名词性从句做主语,宾语,表语
That can be done has already been done. (what)
9. 误将强调句型当定语从句
I was in the kitchen where the fire broke out. (that)
Correct the mistakes
1. This is the last lesson which Mr. Smith taught me.
2. I have read all the books which you lent me.
3. Is there anything else which I can do for you?
4. Tom and his dog which were here a moment ago have disappeared.
5. He lives in the room, the window of that faces the south.
6. Do you still remember the day when we first spent together?
7. He is the only one of the experts who know a little Chinese.
8. Who is the man who shook hands with you just now?
9. Is this museum that they visited yesterday?
10. His father died last year, who made him sad.
11. All what you should do now is to take a good rest.
12. Do you know the teacher whom I think will come to teach us English?.
13. The sun heats the earth, which make it possible for plants to grow.
14. I had never heard such an interesting story like he told.
15. People who has eyes can sometimes act just as foolishly as the blind men.
1.All ____ is needed is a supply of oil. ( ’89 )
A. the thing B. that C. what D. which
2.He paid the boys $10 for washing ten windows, most of ____ hadn’t been cleaned for at
least a year. ( ’90 )
A. these B. those C. that D. which
3.In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____ she could turn for help. ( ’92 )
A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom
点拨:本题考查定语从句中介词加关系代词的用法.根据句意“向某人求助”是turn to
sb. for help,其中介词to可提前,故答案为D.本句也可以如下表达:In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person (who/whom/that) she could turn to for help.)
4.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ____, of course, made the
others unhappy. ( 2000 )
A .who B. which C. this D. what
的角色,这件事当然令他人不快.”指代前面所说的整句话,用which.故答案为B.从句中插入of course增加了考测难度,解题时可先把它忽略.
5.①John is the only one of the students who ____ French.
②John is one of the students who ____ French.
A.know B.knows C.knowing D.known
点拨:答案是①B②A.在句①中的句意是“约翰是学生中唯一懂法语的那个学生”,其重心是the only one故从句谓语动词应与one一致.在句②中的句意是“约翰是懂法语的学生中的一个”,也就是“懂法语的学生不止一个,约翰只是其中之一”,其重心是the students,故从句中谓语动词应与students一致.
6.①This is the knife ____ I usually cut my pencil.
②This is the knife ____ I usually use to cut my pencil.
A.with which B.which C.by which D.with that
点拨:答案是①A②B.在句①中,定语从句的句式是cut my pencil with the knife,故用with which引导定语从句.在句②中,定语从句的结构是use the knife to cut my pencil,故用which引导定语从句.
7.①Who lives in the house ____ windows face south?
② Who lives in the house ____ the windows face south?
A.whose B.which C.of which D.that
点拨:答案是①A②C.在句①中windows前没有定冠词,它所缺的是定语形容词,而whose的用法就是在定语从句中作定语且既可指人也可指物.在句②中windows前有定冠词,所以要填的内容不能作前置定语,又因为“房子的窗户”用英语表达是“the windows of the house”,故可用of which引导定语从句.
8.①Is this factory ____ you visited last year?
②Is this the factory ____ you visited last year?
A.that B.of which C.the one D.where
点拨:答案是①C②A.在句①中factory前没有定冠词,这说明this是作它的定语.这样,句中就缺少表语,也就是说定语从句缺少先行词,故选C(the one后省略了that).在句②中this作主语,the factory作表语,其后带一个that引导的定语从句,故选A.
9.①When I have trouble,he is the only one ____I can ask for help.
②When I have trouble,he is the only one ____ I can go for help.
A.whom B.to whom C.which D.to who
点拨:答案是①A②B.句①中,在结构上所要添的内容在从句中作ask的宾语其句式是ask sb.for sth.,故用whom引导定语从句.在句②中,go是不及物动词其句式是go to sb.for sth.,故用to whom引导定语从句.
10.①The reason ____ he gave us was that his car broke down on the way.
②The reason ____he was late was that his car broke down on the way.
A.for which B.which C.how D.what
点拨:答案是①B②A.在句①中,所要填的内容在定语从句中应作gave的宾语,故应填关系代词which.在句②中,所要填的内容在定语从句中作原因状语,故应填关系副词for which(=why).
一.定语从句与并列句(注意用标点符号和连接词and, but等来区别.)
1.Mr Li has three daughters, none of________ is an engineer.
2.Mr Li has three daughters, but none of__________ is a dancer.
3.Mr Li has three daughters; __________ are doctors.
答案:1.whom 2. them 3. None/They
二. 定语从句与地点状语从句(看是否有先行词,如果有,就是定语从句,如果没有,就是状语从句)
1.Rice doesn’t grow well _____ there is not enough water.
2.I still remember the farm_____ my parents worked ten years ago.
答案:1.where 2. where/on which
He left the key where he had been an hour ago.
He left the place where he lived for many years.
练习:The visitor asked the guide to take his picture _____ stands
the famous tower.
A. that B. where C. which D. there
答案: B.
三. 定语从句与强调句
强调句型可以还原成正常语序的句子,也就是说,强调句型中去掉It be… that后,句子仍然通顺,意义也依然完整,只是没有那么强调突出.而定语从句去掉了It be… that后句子就不完整了.
1. It is on the morning of May 1st _____ I met John at the airport.
It is the morning of May 1st _____ I met John at the airport.
2. It is in the factory _______John works.
It is the factory _______John works.
练习:3.It was 5 o’clock in the morning _____he arrived home.
答案:1. that ,when 2.that, where 3. where
四. 定语从句与结果状语从句
在定语从句中,若先行词被such 修饰时,关系词要用as, 组成such…as结构.这个结构与状语从句such…that…(如此…以致…)很相似,要注意区别.若从句中的及物动词后无宾语,就是定语从句, 用such…as.否则就是状语从句,用such…that.
1.I have the same computer _____you have. ( as)
2. She is such a kind girl _____all of us like to make friends with her. (that)
He is such a good teacher as we all love and respect.
He is such a good teacher that we all love and respect him.
练习:It is such a good place _____everybody wants to visit _____it is well-known all over the world. ( C)
A. which; that B. as ; as C. as ;that D. that; as
五. 定语从句与习惯句型.
注意固定句型:It is the first/second/third time that+ 从句(从句用现在完成时)
1.It is the first time ______she has been in Shanghai.
2.It was the time _______Chinese people had a hard life.
答案: 1.that 2.when
六. 定语从句与单句(注意标点符号.两个单句间用句号, 而定语从句两个句子间用逗号.)
1.The mother told the lazy boy to work, ____didn’t help
2.The mother told the lazy boy to work. _____didn’t help.
练习:3.There are 56 students in our class, most of ____are girls.
A. which B. whom C. them D. that
答案: 1. which 2. It 3. B
七. 定语从句与名词从句
首先看引导从句的关系词that是否在从句中充当句子成分.如果在从句中充当主、宾、表,则是定语从句.再看that前的名词是否是一些需要有内容的名词,如:idea, fact, thought, news等.后面的从句是说明其内容的,(这个名词在后面的从句中部充当任何成分),这个从句则是同位语从句
2.强调句型与主语从句的区别:强调句型可以还原成正常语序的句子,也就是说,强调句型中去掉It be… that后,句子仍然通顺,意义也依然完整,只是没有那么强调突出.而含主语从句的复合句中的it是指示代词,后面多为系表结构或被动语态.如果去掉It be…that,句子就不通顺了.
1.The news ______came from the front was true.
2.The news ______he won the game was true.
3.She was not ______she used to be.
4.The city is no longer a place _____ it used to be.
5._____ is known to us all, paper was first made in China.
6._____ is known to us all that paper was first made in China.
7. She was not the woman ______she used to be.
The city is no longer _____it used to be.
答案: 1. that/which 2. that 3. what 4.that 5. As 6. It 7. that, what
1.The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _____ the sailing time was 226 days.(全国03 2004 .28)
A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which
2. George Orwell, _______ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. (北京,2004.26)
A. the real name B. what his real name
C. his real name D. whose real name
3. ______ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress. (北京2004.34) A. It B. As C. That D. What
4.There was time I hated to go to school .(湖北2004.23)
A.a; that B.a; when C.the; that D.the ; when
5.There are two buildings , stands nearly a hundred feet high .(湖北2004. 25) A.the larger B.the larger of them
C.the larger one that D.the larger of which
6.What surprised me was not what he said but he said it . (湖南2004 29) A.the way B.in the way that C.in the way D.the way which
7. Playing tricks on others is _____ we should never do. (湖南2004 21)
A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing
8. I work in a business _________ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.(湖南2004 23) A. how B. which C. where D. that
9. ________ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan. (江苏2004 33 )
A. Which B. When C. What D. As
10.The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year , 80% are sold abroad .(全国 2004 35)
A.of which B.which of C.of them D.of that
11. The English play _______ my students acted at the New Year's party was a great success.(全国2004 23)
A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which
12. There were dirty marks on her trousers ______ she had wiped her hands.
A. where B. which C. when D. that
13. American women usually identify their best friend as someone _____ they can talk frequently.
A. who B. as C. about which D. with whom
14.—Is that the small town you often refer to?
—Right, just the one you know I use

我要高中定语从句的专讲以及附答案的习题,最好全面要有些难度,与竞赛接轨 高中定语从句习题要带答案 高中定语从句的讲解 英语定语从句的题,答案以及原因是什么? 初中英语定语从句练习-附答案 要给初中生讲定语从句 怎么引入呢 我很苦恼 又没有那个老师讲的定语从句视频 叫我看看 高中英语语法总结我要的只是语法的名称,如倒装,定语从句 定语从句中只能用which的习题(要详细解释)!附:定语从句中只能用which的三种情况:(1)在介词后面的关系代词用which.即“介词+which(代物)”(2)在非限制性定语从句中只能用which. 谁有定语从句的用法?还有典型例句?加上习题(有答案的哦)不用太杂.我才高一...不要超纲超太多拉答案最好有讲解 高中状语从句与定语从句的区别 宾语从句和定语从句的概念以及用法. 英语翻译我从没听说过他讲的这个故事 as引导定语从句他有三个儿子,两个出国了 定语从句没什么好担心的 定语从句 定语从句和状语从句的详细解释以及定语从句与强调句的区别 求 一些高难度的定语从句专练~我定语从句不太好,一般的还成,就是有些难的我就蒙了,谁能帮我找点习题啊?就是特别容易错的那种! 求一些定语从句练习,越多越好,附答案,有追加. 求定语从句的题的答案! 高中英语语法专练答案就是范虎彪编的那本,告诉一下第一章定语从句里综合练习的答案.谢谢 复合句的有关问题讲一下主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同谓语从句,定语从句,状语从句.要通俗一懂点的,