请用英语叙述人们对于爱情和婚姻在过去和现在不同的态度这是原题:Explain different attitudes towards love and marriage between people in the past and now.请用英语表达,要求不能用百度在线翻译直译.在120字

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 15:27:39

请用英语叙述人们对于爱情和婚姻在过去和现在不同的态度这是原题:Explain different attitudes towards love and marriage between people in the past and now.请用英语表达,要求不能用百度在线翻译直译.在120字
这是原题:Explain different attitudes towards love and marriage between people in the past and now.

请用英语叙述人们对于爱情和婚姻在过去和现在不同的态度这是原题:Explain different attitudes towards love and marriage between people in the past and now.请用英语表达,要求不能用百度在线翻译直译.在120字
The present attitude to love and marriage is quite different from the past.In the part,at the old saying goes,“parents’ orders and gobetweens’ words” are the decisive issue of love and marriage between men and women.Boys and girls were not allowed to be serious with each other before marriage.They had to listen to their parents and gobetweens and the weddings were arranged by the boys parents.Mostly we can say two strangers,a boy and a girl,got married at the weding.After marriage,the wife was kept at home and the duty of a wife was to help the husband and teach the chidren.Naturally many unhappy things occurred between husband and wife,and between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law as well.We can roughly say,“marriage first,love behind.Maybe there was no love.”
But after liberation,love and marriage have been greatly changed.First our government have issued the Marriage Law.Men and woman have equal rights.They are free from the feudal shackle and be the master of their own destiny.They can talk love,and they can choose the one he or she loves.They can be serious with each other.Then they get married and form a happy family.We can say,“love first,marriage behiand”

请用英语叙述人们对于爱情和婚姻在过去和现在不同的态度这是原题:Explain different attitudes towards love and marriage between people in the past and now.请用英语表达,要求不能用百度在线翻译直译.在120字 爱情和婚姻 两者的交集? 英语翻译女性的人生理想和追求往往集中在爱情婚姻上,女性就其心理特征来说,整个心灵几乎就是一个情感世界.所以女性对于爱情的理解以及感受往往比男性更加深切透彻.《聊斋志异》中的 爱情和婚姻是平行线还是相交线爱情等同婚姻么 为什么那么迷茫 世界上所有的爱情和婚姻是否都建立在物质基础上现在人现实吗 爱情婚礼和婚姻 LOVE WEDDING MARRIAGE怎么样 孙中山和宋庆龄的婚姻是爱情还是政治? 古希腊二贤教你理解什么是爱情、婚姻和幸福 没婚姻的爱情你要不?用英语怎么说 以下这句话在阐述一种什么样的社会关系结构?请解释.字数300字左右亲属关系是根据生育和婚姻事实发生的社会关系.从生育和婚姻所结成的网络,可以一直推出去,包括无穷的人,过去的、现 关于哈代,急!请告诉我哈代的爱情和婚姻的经历?以及他家人的一些遭遇.谢谢! 民政局 和 婚姻登记处 用英语怎么说?谁知道? 用英语回答跨国婚姻的好处和坏处 英语翻译婚姻是建立在爱情的基础上的,虽然古代有很多指腹为婚的现象,但只有建立在爱情基础上的婚姻,才是美满的.很多人说婚姻是爱情的坟墓,其实不然,虽然婚姻给夫妻双方以责任和限制, 找这一类的英语作文:对于结婚来说浪漫的爱情爱和金钱哪个更重要?找这一类的英语作文:对于结婚来说真爱和金钱哪个更重要?一种观点:真爱是婚姻最重要的条件另一种观点:爱情是浪 英语作文金钱和婚姻的关系 爱情和物质哪个是婚姻的基础能不能在引经据典的前提下给我一个合适的理由,比如说引用马克思的话没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的.最好自我辩论一下 现在完成时和过去时的区别?(英语)告诉我现在完成时和过去时的区别?在什么情况下应该用现在完成时,在什么情况下应该用过去时?请讲清楚点!(英语)