
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 22:03:33


Flag :five white five-pointed star,symbolic Nanshizi constellation.SOARING yellow Birds of paradise (also known as the bird paradise,the country is unique to birds),the symbol of independence and freedom.Emblem :Papua New Guineans beautiful Birds of paradise as freedom and happiness birds,"a gift from God" The peace-loving,freedom of the nation put the Birds of paradise with the symbol of their national long history and culture to the traditional long,Amid drawn together in the national emblems.It depicts the people of Papua New Guinea in the past years percussion drums,spears held high,the heroic struggles,finally won the Birds of paradise as free,happy life,and in order to defend this life has not hesitated to once again take up arms fighting.
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National flag: Five white five pointed stars, symbolic 南十字 constellation. Spreads the wings the decadent bird of paradise which soars (also to call heaven bird, is this country unique bird), the symbo...


National flag: Five white five pointed stars, symbolic 南十字 constellation. Spreads the wings the decadent bird of paradise which soars (also to call heaven bird, is this country unique bird), the symbol independent, is free. National emblem: The Papua New Guinean people regard as the beautiful bird of paradise are free and the joyful bird, is "the God gracious gift", this liked peaceful, the free nationality on together with symbolizes the bird of paradise the oneself country glorious history and the cultural tradition long gives, the battle drum draws together in the national emblem. It reappeared the Papua New Guinean people to rap the battle drum in the past year, lifted up high the lance, the heroic struggle, has finally won the bird of paradise freedom, the happy life, and in order to defend this kind of life to do not hesitate to take up arms once more the fight


Flag : five white five-pointed star, symbolic Nanshizi constellation. SOARING yellow Birds of paradise (also known as the bird paradise, the country is unique to birds), the symbol of independence and...


Flag : five white five-pointed star, symbolic Nanshizi constellation. SOARING yellow Birds of paradise (also known as the bird paradise, the country is unique to birds), the symbol of independence and freedom. Emblem : Papua New Guineans beautiful Birds of paradise as freedom and happiness birds, "a gift from God" The peace-loving, freedom of the nation put the Birds of paradise with the symbol of their national long history and culture to the traditional long, Amid drawn together in the national emblems. It depicts the people of Papua New Guinea in the past years percussion drums, spears held high, the heroic struggles, finally won the Birds of paradise as free, happy life, and in order to defend this life has not hesitated to once again take up arms fighting.


英语翻译国旗:五颗白色的五角星,象征南十字星座.展翅飞翔的黄色极乐鸟(亦称天堂鸟,是该国特有鸟),象征独立、自由.国徽:巴布亚新几内亚人把美丽的极乐鸟看作是自由与快乐之鸟,是 我国国旗的象征意义是:红色象征(),旗上的五颗五角星及其相互象征()领导下的各族人民(). 国旗的红色象征( ),国旗正中的大五角星象征( ),四颗小五角星代表( 五星红旗的五角星代表什么中国国旗中的大五角星代表中国共产党,四颗小五角星代表工人、农民、小资产阶级和民族资产阶级四个阶级.五颗五角星互相联缀、疏密相间,象征中国人民大团结. 我国国旗上的大五角星象征着什么? 我国国旗上的四颗小五角星象征着什么 我国国旗上的四颗小五角星象征着什么? 五星红旗上的五颗五角星及其相互关系象征 中华人民共和国的国旗叫五星红旗,国旗是红色的,旗面左上方有五颗什么色的五角星.一颗大星,象征着什么;四颗小星,象征着什么. 请补充下面的内容:中华人民共和国国旗是( ).旗面为红色,象征( );五星呈黄色,表示( );旗上的五颗五角星及其相互关系象征( ).中华人民共和国国徽,中间是( ),周围是齿轮和 英语翻译一颗大星代表中国共产党,四颗小星代表中国当时的四大阶级,象征全国人民团结在党的周围.旗面的红色象征革命;旗上的五颗五角星及相互关系象征中国共产党领导下的革命人民大 中华人民共和国国旗上的五颗五角星,分别代表着什么? 中华人民共和国国旗,旗面的红色象征什么?大五角星代表什么? 五星红旗用黄色表示().旗上的五颗五角星及其互相关系,象征( ). 国徽上的五颗五角星、天安门城楼、麦穗、齿轮和绶带各象征着什么? 我国国旗上的颜色和五角星象征什么?国徽上的齿轮、麦穗和天安门象征什么? 国旗的五颗星星分别象征着什么?今天要说出来! 中国国旗五角星的含义?