on the bias的中文意思
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:27:46
on the bias的中文意思
on the bias的中文意思
on the bias的中文意思
利用缝纫机上的滚边装置,用牵条包住织物的毛边缉缝即可.The accelerometer bias errors result in an average constant offset plus an oscillatory component
加速度计的偏置误差形成一平均的常值偏离加上一振荡分量.The reason for the British bias towards airships at this stage is not hard to deduce
弄清英国人在这个阶段如此热衷于建造飞艇的原因并不难.Many people today consider this shows sexual bias and try to avoid it.
如今很多人认为这种用法有性别偏见之嫌,因而尽量加以避免.Stretching on the true bias will line up the yarns squarely (Figure 16- 2).
on the bias的中文意思
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