
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/11 14:12:02


Yang Mi is a chinese actress.she is very young,She is only 25 years.She is very cute and pretty.She starts her acting career when she was young.Now she is famous.She involved a hot drama series-Gong.More and more people like her

Yang mi (September 12, 1986-Chinese actress. Born in Beijing. A graduate of Beijing film academy level 2005 test performance this regular professional training. In April 2009 after the "80 new generat...


Yang mi (September 12, 1986-Chinese actress. Born in Beijing. A graduate of Beijing film academy level 2005 test performance this regular professional training. In April 2009 after the "80 new generation entertainment star" selection activities, Yang mi become new "opening the mainland" (with four HuangShengYi, los Dan and l) king of the year. Because in 2006 the "in" giant "small east evil" GuoXiang and attention by the audience in 2009, and with the JiXia preach "xianjian three to her popularity soared. 2011 years because the wearing of yue opera house (and name the heart of GongSuo jade play) los qingchuan corner to get her higher popularity.


Yang mi (September 12, 1986-中国China女female演员actor。.出生于Was born in北京Beijing。.毕业于Graduated from北京电影学院Beijing film academy表演系2005级本科班。Test performance level 2005 this regular prof...


Yang mi (September 12, 1986-中国China女female演员actor。.出生于Was born in北京Beijing。.毕业于Graduated from北京电影学院Beijing film academy表演系2005级本科班。Test performance level 2005 this regular professional training.在2009年4月的“80后新生代娱乐大明星”评选活动中,杨幂成为In April 2009 after the "80 new generation entertainment star" selection activities, Yang mi become内地mainland新“The new"四小花旦Opening four”(与"(and黄圣依HuangShengYi、王珞丹The king los Dan以及and刘亦菲l)之首。The).2006年因出演《Because in 2006 in"神雕侠侣giant》中“小东邪”"In" small east evil"郭襄GuoXiang而受到观众的关注,2009年又凭借《And attention by the audience in 2009, and with the仙剑奇侠传三Xianjian JiXia preach three》而令她的"And make her人气popularity飙升。Soaring.2011年因为在Because in 2011穿越剧Wear the shaoxing opera《宫palace》(又名《"(also named the宫锁心玉GongSuo heart jade》)中扮演") plays洛晴川Los qingchuan一角令她获得了更高的人气。One horn to get her higher popularity.
New name (nickname) : purple dongxi (佛教Buddhism上师guru所赠)[3]Gift) [3][4][4]  粉丝名:蜜蜂Name: fans bees  爱好:Hobbies:漫画comic(《火影忍者naruto》最爱"Love卡卡西kakashi[5][5])、购物、睡觉、写词、), shopping, sleep and write word,游戏The game[6][6][7][7]、绘画[8], painting [8].  偶像:Idols:梁朝伟Tony leung、巩俐Gong li[9][9]、张曼玉Maggie cheung、张柏芝cheung[9][9]、郭德纲GuoDeGang[10][10].  喜欢的歌手:Like singer:谢霆锋Nicholas tse、孙燕姿Stefanie sun、张韶涵Angela、梁静茹Fish leong  喜欢的颜色:Like the color:粉色pink、黑色black、白色white、紫色purple、绿色green  喜欢的电影:Like the movie:灵异psychics类恐怖片Kind of horror movies  家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、幂幂Family members: mom and dad, power power  圈中好友:Circle of friends:胡歌He jiong upon their arrival、袁弘YuanHong、刘诗诗LiuShiShi、霍建华HuoJianHua、唐嫣TangYan、张檬Zhang since the、白冰BaiBing、吕一Lu a、刘亦菲l、马天宇Horse tianyu、霍思燕HuoSiYan、熊乃瑾XiongNaiJin、方安娜FangAnNa、戚薇QiWei、李倩LiQian、董璇DongXuan、秦岚QinLan、李小璐Li xiaolu、佟丽娅TongLiYa、肖涵XiaoHan、甘薇GanWei、刘芸LiuYun、张翰ZhangHan、冯绍峰FengShaoFeng、张靓颖zhang等etc  座右铭motto:随遇而安[11]Make: [11][12][12][13][13][14][14]
学习经历Learning experience
  ·小学:北京宣武实验小学· elementary school: Beijing xuanwu experimental primary school  ·初中:· junior high school:北京市第十四中学The Beijing no. 14 middle school初中部coursework  ·高中:北京市第十四中学高中部High school: Beijing, no.14 middle school school  ·大学:· university:北京电影学院Beijing film academy2005级表演系本科班Test performance level 2005 this regular professional training
新名字(昵称):紫曦(佛教上师所赠)[3][4]   粉丝名:蜜蜂   爱好:漫画(《火影忍者》最爱卡卡西[5])、购物、睡觉、写词、游戏[6][7]、绘画[8].   偶像:梁朝伟、巩俐[9]、张曼玉、张柏芝[9]、郭德纲[10].   喜欢的歌手:谢霆锋、孙燕姿、张韶涵、梁静茹   喜欢的颜色:粉色、黑色、白色、紫色、绿色   喜欢的电影:灵异类恐怖片   家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、幂幂   圈中好友:胡歌、袁弘、刘诗诗、霍建华、唐嫣、张檬、白冰、吕一、刘亦菲、马天宇、霍思燕、熊乃瑾、方安娜、戚薇、李倩、董璇、秦岚、李小璐、佟丽娅、肖涵、甘薇、刘芸、张翰、冯绍峰、张靓颖等   座右铭:随遇而安[11][12][13][14]学习经历
  ·小学:北京宣武实验小学   ·初中:北京市第十四中学初中部   ·高中:北京市第十四中学高中部   ·大学:北京电影学院2005级表演系本科班
