来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 07:55:07
The cultural differences between China and France.
1) An overview of China & France
France and China are really different, concerning politic, geography, economy
people way of thinking and the past. Indeed, their pasts are nothing similar, neithe
their culture. There are 9063 km from Paris to Beijing, 62,9 millions of people an
1,3 billion in China. Chinese government, seeing this population, created law
about the number of children for each family, and create different jobs (like peopl
in elevators) in order to generate a population voluntary and devoted to the work
In China, a beggar is really badly seeing because Chinese have to search a job an
be useful for their country. In France, there is a big rate of unemployment an
people are enjoying the French social system by doing nothing and keep thei
unemployment status. China is a socialist system of market economy since 1949
and France is a Republic capitalist and democratic country. France is the firs
country who begin a relationship with China, and in spite of its development, there
are many cultural differences between them.
2) Education, values
Zhou Ji, the minister of education said in 2004 that the Chinese education
during 20 years was really developed and the instruction level of the population
increased, because of the scholarship of 9 years and the improvements of the
higher education. After 2000 (creation of the 9 years scholarship law), only 5% of
Chinese were illiterates and there were 210 millions of students in middle and high
school. Among countries in developing process, China is the best concerning the
education improvements. There were in 1998 1,08 million of students admitted in
higher schools against 4,2 millions in 2004. Recently, China is the country which
contains the most students, that is to say 20 millions. Besides, the quality of the
Chinese education did not stop improving. Since 2002, China signed treaties on the
mutual recognition of the qualifications of superior education and the university
ranks with the various countries, such as England, Germany, France, Australia and
New Zealand. In France, people have to learn during 15 years in order to follow
studies in universities or schools after their graduation. There is also a weak rate of
illiteracy and people are trying to follow hard studies in order to get a good job with good status.
In Chinese universities, all the students are eating approximately at the same
hour, after they are working until the buildings are closed, then go to their room
and there is no electricity anymore at 11pm, they have to sleep. They are living
these days years after years, that is representative of an old way of thinking,
working hard and succeeding in their work life. Foreign people are very surprised
by this way of doing, like in France people do as they want. French have regular
homework, but nobody is working every day a so long time, and they decided to go
to bed when they want.
Religions are not the same in China and in France, and the religion have an
important effect on people and their thoughts. For beginning, the philosophy in
China is Confucianism and in France it is more Greco and Latin philosophy which
affected the French life. In China, as the population is big, people believe in many
different religions, like Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, but
people who are praying it is also for pray the ancestors. In France, people believe in
Catholicism, Islam, Jewish, Protestantism and Buddhism, but they have not this
kind of respect about the old people. Old people are often in rest-home and some
families are forgetting them, but in China old people are really respected and
Chinese are venerating ancestors. The religions or philosophic thoughts have
influences on people. In the old China, women were less considerate than men.
They could work, have a politic status (vote and be elected), have propriety, choose
their own husband and give her advice about the family life or the world. The
children have to obey to his parents and not complain. That were traditional values,
in our days this things are changing, the women have a better status and are more
important in the social life, but the children have still to do what their parents want,
about studies, friends, wife, etc. Chinese people are often following the traditional
values and think what their ancestors thought.
3) Arts, organization, tradition
Nobody could ignore that Chinese arts are rich and interest the world. The
Chinese traditional theater, as renowned as the Greek tragedy and the comedy and
the theater in India are a part of the old three big theatrical cultures of the world.
We count in China more than 300 kinds of traditional theaters, which use the
singing and the dance as the average main things to develop the intrigues. The
calligraphy, the cinema, the artisan art really refined and the literature are the main
point of the Chinese cultural art. The French theater it is at first the text that have
to look in public film directors, comedians, decorators and technicians. The French
theater is rich in classic texts (ancient, modern or contemporary) among which to
every season "people of the theater" propose new, personal performances. There
are also many little theater group who are interpreting their own texts, funny,
dramatic or scary. There are in France many dancers and musicians of many
different king of music. French really love cinema, and France is one of the
countries which has the densest network of rooms. There are many festivals
organized, like festival of music, opera or again dance.
The fests in France are really different than in China. There are many religion
fests like Christmas for example which are not celebrated in China. In China, there
Chinese but unknown by the world.
Instead of the big social protection system in France, Chinese people invest
their money in the unemployment insurance, the oldness insurance and the health insurance. China made big improvements concerning the medical services and th
sanitary, many hospitals were built in many regions included the country-sid
There are still problems concerning the number of doctors, or their competence
but there are fewer deaths than before and China continues to keep thi
progression. In France, thanks to the social protection, it is easier to accede to
verified. They are many rules, many conventions against the carelessness and th
access to a treatment in case of diseases and sufferings.
Indeed, as the revenue in China is less than in Western countries, it i
sometimes difficult to access to western medicines and also products. That is th
reason of the counterfeiting in China. It is in our days very difficult to fin
products with a good looking if it is not counterfeiting. Moreover, it is a rea
problem for foreigners at the customs because this is totally not tolerated i
France. Generally, Chinese people are often
spend it in anything. They are always eating for the less they can (except ric
special occasions. The prices in China are not really enormous, for foreigner the lif
there is easier than in their own country. The life is easier, but the revenue i
adapted to the prices so there is still a stability. Despite prices and traditional culture, Chinese are really taking part of the
fashion world. They wear many wild-looking clothes (like clothes with Mickey
Mouse), short skirts, but never plunging necklines. Chinese girls, according to the
fashion, want a white skin, there are many creams for this and Chinese girls have
always an umbrella in order to be protected of the sun. In France this is the
opposite, French girls put creams for being suntanned, always put their all body on
the sun and wear classic and common clothes.
Towns in China are arranged as a checkerboard, and in France as a star. There
is also a way of thinking based on Taoism movement, for example people put their
furniture in their apartment in a special way based on the cult of the ying and the
yang, and it is the same things for the place of doors and windows. Towns in China are arranged as a checkerboard, and in France as a star. There
is also a way of thinking based on Taoism movement, for example people put their
furniture in their apartment in a special way based on the cult of the ying and the
yang, and it is the same things for the place of doors and windows.
the same way of transport. Chinese are often in bicycles, bus or use a taxi and
French use subway, trains and cars. The subways and trains are in development in
china, but this is still not enough big for the satisfaction of Chinese. Chinese people
streets are also very different than French streets. The way of driving is sometimes
suicidal in china, there are not the same rules about the driving like in France, we
can think that there is less security but people in china pay more attention because
of this way of driving. You can see in the streets horses with products like fruits or
vegetables, there are also little artisans like cobblers and many food stands. There is
employment and people are reassured.
The hours for eating and the food are not really similar in France and in China.
Chinese people are eating very early, French very late. For example you can eat in France pastas and beef cooked with red wine, and in China jiaozi, baozi with
Cantonese rice. The Chinese preferences are different than western people, so
foreign companies have to adapt their product to the Chinese habits in order to be
successfully implanted.
In China there is a big censure of erotic scene on television, and for Chinese it is
also really bad seeing to have sexual relations before the wedding. However in the
DVD stores, pornographic movies are far from being hidden at the bottom of the
shop, but rather indifferently exposed close to films for children. In France you can ook on it.
There is a recent law which is saying that pornographic movies on television
and there is also a parental code in order to protect the children. There is not only
in China an erotic censure, the personal freedoms are reduced. Whereas China
opens more and more economically, the censure does not cease being reinforced,
in all the forms of media, including Internet, and journalists are fired, passed to
tobacco or carried out if they exceed the governmental censure.
4) France interested by China, China interested b
the western side
Chinese people are very open about the foreign people; they are really intereste
by them and want to discover all the foreign things. They are friendly with them
they are not hidden themselves and say what they are thinking. French people arand however it is more and mor
usual that French are going to another country for studying or working and the
are interested by foreign cultures. Chinese want to do study in other countries, bu
in spite of the government help, it is sometimes difficult because of the difference
about the prices. The tourism in China is a little easier for foreigners than th
tourism in France for Chinese people. Chinese are really open-minded concernin
also in order to have a contact with the world outside of China and introduce thei
children to this new behavior. The world sees China as a real good place fo
investments and for implantation because of this quick development and this bi
capacity. Because of this process of development though globalization, on th
future China will become one of the biggest powerful country of our world and thi
is not negligible.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic
relations between China and France, crossed Years China-France is organized in
both countries: the activities of the Year of China in France which took place
between October, 2003 and July, 2004 in the form of parades and of various
exhibitions, presented completely the Chinese, ancient, modern and multicolored
culture and the development of the construction quibbles. The activities of the Year of France in China, which take place between autumn, 2004 and the summer,
2005 have the "romanticism" and the "innovation" as the subjects and present
everywhere the traditional and modern cultural aspects of France. Crossed Years
China-France is the most important activities of cultural exchanges between China
and foreign country since the foundation of new China. It is also a grand business
in the history of the Sino-French exchanges.
The behavior of Chinese differs enormously from that of French, and Westerns
in general. Indeed the Chinese appear much more natural and traditional than
French, but there are good and bad things in both of them way of life. China is
following the globalization process, however this country is still keeping its
traditional values but modify some points according to the population and the
better thing for the land. France and China are really different but they can keep a
good relation between them and can evolve together.