谁写出来我把我所有分都送了!请以 save our world 为题,写一篇400字左右关于保护环境的英语文章!谁写出来我把我所有分都送了!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 17:29:13

谁写出来我把我所有分都送了!请以 save our world 为题,写一篇400字左右关于保护环境的英语文章!谁写出来我把我所有分都送了!
谁写出来我把我所有分都送了!请以 save our world 为题,写一篇400字左右关于保护环境的英语文章!

谁写出来我把我所有分都送了!请以 save our world 为题,写一篇400字左右关于保护环境的英语文章!谁写出来我把我所有分都送了!
save our world
As is known to all,earth is the place where we live.To protect it is to protect ourselves.However,much to our regret ,owning to the damage made by people,recent years has witnessed the increasingly serious disasers of our planet ,such as earthquake ,tsunami ,rainstorm and so on .As a consequence ,a growing number of people become aware of the great importance of protecting our environment .
There is no doubt that there are so many ways for us to save our earth.On the one hand ,we ,as a senior high student ,should play an active part in this kind of activityies .Firstly ,we should pick up rubbish from the ground whenever we see it and never litter useless things everywhere so as to keep our living environment clean and tidy .Secendly ,don't buy anything from the endangered animals and don't boil more water than necessary.Thirdly ,turn off the lights when you leave the room and go somewhere by bus instead of driving a car .On the other hand ,it is high time for the government did something to save our world .To begin with ,many trees can be planted every year.Besides ,good habit and sound moral values ought to be developed and advocated.
All in all,we should "reduce,reuse,recycle and respond”.Only in this way can we save our world in all-round way ,which is of utmost significance to our society and ourselves .


谁写出来我把我所有分都送了!请以 save our world 为题,写一篇400字左右关于保护环境的英语文章!谁写出来我把我所有分都送了! 我读了《 》感触很深,我要把我的收获写出来请赐教! 【别饿坏了那匹马】“我点了点头,使劲忍着,没让眼泪掉下来.”请发挥想象把我没有说出的话写出来 如何展现青春期的活力作文300字,要是男生写的,要用表格的形式,可以想保证书一样,大哥大姐,我把我所有财富都搬出来了,求你们了!急基金基金急! 有关落叶的现代诗要有赏析,最好还有仿写.求求大家了!谁回答的符合要求,我会把我所有财富给她! 谁叫寒山问拾得?请把我删我帖子的理由说出来? 帮我把我写的那个方程解出来 我和陈明是好朋友一天我们把在手工小组做的小木船拿出来玩陈明不小心把我的摔坏争执中他又把它踩坏了我非常生气写一篇作文怎么写请回答 初一有理数的所有概念!请大哥大姐给我写一下!如题。最好清晰点。有方法的最好写出来 快月考了。 中国古代科学技术发展对环境的影响我已经把我所有积分拿出来了 如有文章就更好了! 谁能用香港拼音把我名字写出来.“鲜彬” 123456组成的所有四位数 我知道有15种 但请写出来 我现在要以(八荣八耻)写作文,忘了那八句是什么了,谁帮我写出来------------急用 我把所有分都拿出来了啊 四年级下册作文想象——《我走进了动物王国》怎么写?非常急!一定要把我变成什么动物写出来! 以热爱生命,探索自然为题的作文,1000字的.我已经把我所有的分都拿出来了,注意要1000字的! 我不会写五猖会 读后感请以写作文的形式写出来 求以“胸怀”为话题写一篇800字的文章一定尽快给我这篇作文!谁写好了我愿意把我所有的分全部给他!但要求必须自创!跪下了!