看看下列句子有哪些错89 The Olympic games golden medal have more worth than any other Golden medal of evevry P.E match奥运会金牌的价值要比其他比赛金牌价值高90 The olympic Games held every four years 奥运会每四年举

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/07 21:48:35

看看下列句子有哪些错89 The Olympic games golden medal have more worth than any other Golden medal of evevry P.E match奥运会金牌的价值要比其他比赛金牌价值高90 The olympic Games held every four years 奥运会每四年举
89 The Olympic games golden medal have more worth than any other Golden medal of evevry P.E match奥运会金牌的价值要比其他比赛金牌价值高
90 The olympic Games held every four years 奥运会每四年举办一次
94 When people buy in Internet,should pay attention to safe of postcard 当人们在网上买东西时应注意信用卡的安全
95 Your station let me study abroad possible 你的部署让我可能去外国学习
96 To sake of country,Frank only obey command为了国家的利益,弗兰克只能服从命令

看看下列句子有哪些错89 The Olympic games golden medal have more worth than any other Golden medal of evevry P.E match奥运会金牌的价值要比其他比赛金牌价值高90 The olympic Games held every four years 奥运会每四年举
89.The Olympic gold medal is worth more than any gold medals in other sports events.
90.The Olympic Games is held every four years.
94.When people buy things in Internet should pay attention to credit card security.
95.Your deployment would let me go abroad for further study .
96.For the interests of our country ,Frank cannot help but obey the order.

看看下列句子有哪些错89 The Olympic games golden medal have more worth than any other Golden medal of evevry P.E match奥运会金牌的价值要比其他比赛金牌价值高90 The olympic Games held every four years 奥运会每四年举 帮我检查一篇英语文章有什么语法错误吧~总觉得自己错了很多.希望亲们能尽量改完、、、In February 11,2010,it was to let each Nanjinger’s days of one’s blood boils with indignation.On that day,the International Oly 关于农家风光的诗句看看有哪些农家风光的好句子, 看看句子有什么错的地方吧 Our winter vacation formal begin when weget the notice.翻译 看看这个句子有没有错误. 英语短文看看有没有语法错误或者哪些句子写的不好要改的,给点建议 每个括号里的算一排,不作为标点,每排都有错,请指出并改正,有一排无错误(I have read your advertisement in the newrpaper)(yesterday and I'm writing to tell you what I'd like to)( work as the volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Oly 帮我检查检查,看看下列句子有没有语法错误There is no water and no air on the moon.There is no gravity on the moon,either.You should wear spacesuit to take a spaceship to the moon.If you are 60 kilograms on the Earth,and you will be 1 有哪些辅导书可以看看 请看看下列句子错在那里:1.Are you ZhaoHong?--Yes ,I'm.2.Are you Kate?--Yes ,I'm. 求英语大神帮我看看这个句子哪里有错误,如题,请大神帮我看看这句子哪错了 帮我改下 Because its function is similar to the cultivation of crops’ greenhouse,hence the name “the greenhouse effect”.我在word上输 大虾帮我看看这个英语句子有没有错误,Impact test values are not satisfied the requirements of the EN 10250-2,so the tests are failed.表语后面接的是不是错的? look for a girl under the tree希望大家能帮我看看这个句子那有问题, 大家看看这句句子的语法有没有错误:She was at the office this moring. 看看我的句子有没有问题 We can make friends all with others over the world 句子有哪些表达方式 诺言有哪些句子 句子有哪些?