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红梅阁始建于唐代昭宋年间,距今一千多年的历史,现在的红梅阁是清光绪年间重建的.阁高17米,分上下两层,上层为祀玉室,斗老,文昌;下层为祀师堂,祀道教的祖师爷张天师等.整个建筑古朴厚重,气势雄伟,为一般楼阁所少见.每到冬末春初之时,红梅怒放,人们或游园赏梅,或登楼眺望雪景,自有乐趣.红梅阁的对面有一千古珍奇遗迹冰梅石.清代常州著名诗人赵翼曾如此称赞红梅阁的美景“出郭寻春羽客家,红梅一树灿如霞.樵阳未即游仙去,先向瑶台扫落花……”.红梅阁楼上还辟有“常州历史名人陈列馆”.中共早期领导人瞿秋白和广州起义领导人之一的张太雷,早年经常到红梅阁攻读嬉戏.-------------Plum Park is located in the northeast of Changzhou City,the largest city is a comprehensive park covers 37 hectares.of which seven hectares of water area.Why park name of "Plum" word?This is because the park's well-known ancient architecture-named the Plum Pavilion.Plum Park layout of the eight scenic wonders divided into three zones,namely heritage areas in the southern part,Plum Court and writing tower.Park entertainment district in the northwest,there Stadium,Chun tearooms,youth activities,sailing,Ting-song and dance hall floor; Another popular science education,in the eastern part of the park,a zoo,bonsai garden,rose garden and then carcasses together Root Carving Art Museum.Yan,a famous ancient capital of China in the eight scenic wonders,it is the people,not the place to go after,and Plum Park,According to the different characteristics of various attractions,as well as the eight scenic wonders :it is divided into red MEI Chun-xiao,ancient temple bell,Quchi Wind Load Green ranges Mirror.Bridge th e cut folwer diameter.Also Fung,T.W.Qiu - xia,Lingyuan City cedar wrote afterglow.Plum Garden Pavilion by the famous ancient buildings named Plum park is divided into three zones of the eight scenic wonders."zones" that the heritage areas (Plum Pavilion in the park in southern Tajikistan and writing).entertainment (at the Park's northwest,there Stadium,Chun tearooms,activities and pleasure craft.Ting-song and dance hall floor),and popular science education (in the eastern part of the park,a zoo,Bonsai Garden.Rose Garden,and then carcasses together Root Carving Art Museum); "Eight Scene" :red MEI Chun-xiao,ancient temple bell,Quchi Wind Load Green ranges Mirror.Bridge th e cut folwer diameter.Also Fung,T.W.Qiu - xia,Lingyuan City cedar wrote afterglow.Plum Pavilion built in the Tang Dynasty,Zhao Song,a history of over 1,000 years ago,is now the Plum Pavilion in 1887 years of reconstruction.17-meter high cabinet,sub-layer,the upper-room for worship,old struggle,Wenchang; Lower division for worship hall Zhang Tian-chairman of worship such as Taoism.Simple thick throughout the building,full of majestic,rare for the general pavilion.Every late winter and early spring when the Applicant in full bloom,people or Enjoying the garden,or I went to the roof -- look at snowy landscapes in America,own fun.Plum Court,the opposite is rare relics of a famous U.S.ice stone.Changzhou has so famous poet Qing Zhao Yi praised the beauty of Plum Pavilion "find out Kuo Chun-yu Hakka.Can Ru Xia Hongmei a tree.Yang is not the beginning of Immortals,falling…… So first poetry." Applicant also mezzanine section on "Celebrity Changzhou history museum." Early leaders of the CPC Guangzhou Uprising Qu Qiubai and Zhang Tailei one of the leaders,who often play to study Plum Court.