急需一篇关于某污染(如水污染,大气污染,噪音污染等)的英语小短文,要求200字.大概格式:开头 描述一下问题-怎么引起的和结果,并举例 关于如何解决该问题 结论

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 13:58:02

急需一篇关于某污染(如水污染,大气污染,噪音污染等)的英语小短文,要求200字.大概格式:开头 描述一下问题-怎么引起的和结果,并举例 关于如何解决该问题 结论

急需一篇关于某污染(如水污染,大气污染,噪音污染等)的英语小短文,要求200字.大概格式:开头 描述一下问题-怎么引起的和结果,并举例 关于如何解决该问题 结论
Production caused by human activities,water body pollution.Industrial water pollution is the most serious cause.If industrial wastewater containing pollutants it more complex components,not only in water purification difficult,but also more difficult to deal with.Industrial wastewater,industrial pollution is the most important cause of water pollution is the cause.It accounted for the bulk of industrial emissions of pollutants.Pollutants in the industrial wastewater plant variety and diversity because,even similar factories,production processes,they do not contain the quality and quantity of pollutants.In addition to the industrial wastewater discharged directly into water bodies from pollution,solid waste and emissions will pollution to the water body......First of all agricultural pollution is due to land reclamation projects farming land surface or loose in the soil and topography,rainfall is not stable,a natural water flows,increased water suspended objects.Another important reason is that in recent years,pesticides,fertilizers usage growing,and the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers or absorb only a small amount,the vast majority of the remaining residue in the soil and floating in the atmosphere,through rain,through the dirt surface runoff into surface water and infiltration of surface water forming pollution.For the urban population is concentrated in urban pollution,urban sewage,garbage and water pollution caused by emissions from.Urban pollution to the water body pollution mainly sewage,it is the daily life of a sewage cooks,including the kitchen,wash room,bathroom and toilet discharge of sewage.Urban areas of the world only a year from industrial waste water and living up to 500 kilometers on,and each several times and even a few drops of sewage pollution will be 10 times the water body.
For sewage main measures are :1 :financial,administrative,legal safeguards (1) financial support is essential Obviously,financial support is one of the important conditions for pollution control,no funds all management measures can not be implemented.(2) government support for urban water pollution control is a wide range,not only involving residents,but also relates to field personnel,involving troops system involving minorities,but also involves the interests of the right holder.Therefore,water sector,the problem could not be solved alone,even coupled with the environmental sector,the forces remain unable to pale.Needs strong government support,the city government also needs the support of the central government.Without a strong government support,many of the mandatory measures will be difficult to work.(3) pollution control laws and regulations is,the common law requires compliance with the criteria and should develop local laws to protect the urban water environment for water management law,according to the law,which will be easier to do something.
(1) 资金支持是必不可少的条件
(2) 政府的支持是后盾

急需一篇关于某污染(如水污染,大气污染,噪音污染等)的英语小短文,要求200字.大概格式:开头 描述一下问题-怎么引起的和结果,并举例 关于如何解决该问题 结论 噪声污染与水污染,大气污染,固体废物污染的区别是什么 大气污染 水污染 固体废弃物污染 由于分子什么现象 大气污染水污染固体废弃污染解决大气污染水污染固体废弃污染我们该做什么.另外滥用农药,化肥是什么污染我们该做什么? 作文600至800字 调查你所居住地的水污染情况,(或大气污染或者其他污染),写一篇调查报告,并写明治理方 噪声污染,水污染,大气污染和固体废物污染是当代社会的四大污染,其中热机造成的污染有A只有大气污染 B大气污染和噪声污染 C噪声污染,水污染和大气污染 D四大污染都有顺便说下理由 城市环境污染主要有大气污染,水污染,噪音污染,固体废弃物污染等 A:对 B:错 固体废物污染与水污染大气污染,噪音污染相比有什么特点 水污染、大气污染、土壤污染、食品污染、垃圾污染、太空垃圾、酸雨、臭氧层破坏的危害.要一一列举 核工业带来的水污染,大气污染,固体废弃物污染,热污染以及如何处理放射性废物 治理环境污染的措施,急求!关于大气污染、水污染、噪音污染、土壤污染的多一点字请快一点 , 谢谢了! 八大公害事件中污染事件发生最多的是A 水污染B 食品污染C 大气污染D 重金属污染 如何理解固体废物的二重性,固体废物污染与水污染,大气污染,噪声污染相比的特点 求关于地球污染的资料!查遍百度了,没有我要的数据,关于地球污染的数据!水污染,大气污染等!知道的帮帮忙了,明天就要用的! 废旧电池对环境的污染主要是什么A 、大气污染 B、重金属污染 C 水污染 D 土壤污染 选一个 关于城市污染问题 (国外的城市)帮我举几个国外污染严重的城市(最好是不同种类的污染)和这些城市产生污染的原因污染包括大气污染,水污染,噪声污染,酸雨...只要能与污染搭上边就可 求一份环境污染与食品安全的选修课报告 要求结合这门课程,谈谈你对环境保护或食品安全的认识或想法范围是:大气污染水污染土壤污染农产品污染(化肥,农药,农用地膜等)兽药(如抗生 大气污染、水污染、垃圾污染和噪声等环境污染问题,这里的等是指还有其它污染问题还是就这些污染问题