
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 07:16:57


editor:Kathryne Ogrod & Elsa Zhang 中国京剧艺术大师梅兰芳,舞台生涯五十多年.他与饭店感情颇深:天津是他每年必到之地,来即下榻来即下榻利顺德332房间,梅先生多次入住饭店与饭店员工结下了深情,饭店将332房间恭修为“兰芳套房”.梅先生的艺术风采和音容笑貌在这里留下了深深的回忆.京剧行当中梅兰芳最擅演的是“旦”.京剧中把女性统称为“旦”,其中按照人物的年龄、性格又可细分为许多行当,饰演大家闺秀和有身份的妇女称为“正旦”,正旦在京剧中俗称“青衣”,这就是因为正旦所扮演的角色常穿青色的长衫而得名.京剧《窦娥冤》中的女主角窦娥就是典型的青衣角色.青衣的表演庄重娴静,秀雅柔婉,以唱功为主,一般说来,青衣的唱腔旋律优美,细腻婉转.梅兰芳先生在促进我国与国际间文化交流方面作出了卓越的贡献.他是我国向海外传播京剧艺术的先驱.他曾于1919年、1924年和1956年三次访问日本,1930年访问美国,1935年和1952年两次访问苏联进行演出,获得盛誉,并结识了众多国际著名的艺术家、戏剧家、歌唱家、舞蹈家、作家和画家,同他们建立了诚挚的友谊.他的这些活动不仅增进了各国人民对中国文化的了解,也使我国京剧艺术跻入了世界戏剧之林.梅兰芳先生是中国表演艺术的象征,是我国人民的骄傲.a century of astor (6) beijing opera floats overseas Mr Meilanfang,the master of Peking Opera,spent more than fifty years on the stage.During those years he came to Tianjin every year and the Astor Hotel was his favorite hotel.The room 332 became his home for many years and he developed a deep friendship with the clerks there.The room is called the Lanfang Suite.Meilanfang is good at playing the role of women in Beijing operas,called “Dan”.According to the age and personality of the character,there are many different kinds of Dans.If she is a decent girl,will be called “Zhengdan” or “Qingyi” if she is just a young girl; the character on the stage is usually dressed in blue.The heroine of “Dou E’s Grievance” is a typical “Qingyi” character.This kind of character is supple and elegant; the singing skill is the most important technical point and the song itself is soft and beautiful.Mr Meilanfang increases international communication between China and other countries as the forerunner who spreads Beijing opera abroad.He has visited Japan in 1919,1924 and 1956.In 1930,he visited America.He visited Russia in 1935 and 1952,which gained him a high reputation.During this period he knew many famous artists,singers,dancers,writers and painters.Because of his travels,there was an improved culture understanding in many countries.From that time forward,Beijing opera is listed into the dictionary of international drama.Mr Meilanfang is the symbol of Chinese acting art and holds with him our pride.