
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 10:16:44


在商务活动中,我们常遇到要向客户介绍公司和业务的情况,那么,如何得体的向客户做公司的“自我介绍”呢?来看看下面的例子吧.(公司的介绍)We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as one of the most reputable rain wears exporters.我们有这个荣幸向您介绍,敝公司是一家信誉优良的雨具出口商.原文范例Dear Sirs,We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as one of the most reputable rain wears exporters in Taiwan,who has been engaged in this line of business since 1985; particularly we have been having a good sale of umbrellas and are desirous of expanding our market to your country.We would appreciate it if you could kindly introduce us to the relative importers by announcing in your publication as follows:“An Export Company of rain wears in Taiwan is now making a business proposal for umbrellas which is said to have built a high reputation at home and abroad.Contact them by sending your e-mail to [email protected]”We solicit your close cooperation with us in this matter.翻译范例敬启者:我们有这个荣幸向您介绍,敝公司是台湾最具信赖度的雨具出口商之一,我们自从一九八五年即开始从事这个(雨具)行业;特别是我们的雨伞很畅销,而我们想要在贵国扩展敝公司的经营市场.如果您能在您的出版品上刊登以下的说明,将敝公司介绍给相关的进口商,敝公司将感激不尽:据说一家在台湾生产雨具信誉极佳的出口商,拟计划发展雨伞相关的业务,若欲和其联络,请发电子邮件至以下信箱 [email protected]」我们恳求您对于此一事件能给予协助.(业务的介绍)We take this opportunity to place our name before you as being a buying,shipping agent.我们希望藉由这个机会向您介绍敝公司有关采购船务的业务代理.原文范例Gentlemen:In a recent issue of the “American Trade”from TIME magazine,we saw your name listed as being interested in making certain purchases in Taiwan.We take this opportunity to place our name before you as being a buying,shipping and forward agent.We have been engaged in this business for the past 20 years.We,therefore,feel that because of our past years' experience,we are well qualified to take care of your interest.We look forward to receiving your reply in acknowledgement of this letter.翻译范例 敬启者:在《时代杂志》最新一篇《美国商业》的报导中,我们看见贵公司名列在的名单中.我们希望藉由这个机会向您介绍敝公司有关采购、船务及转运的代理业务.敝公司从事这个业务已经有二十年的经验,由于我们过去的经验,因此我们是具有极佳的胜任能力来照顾您的权益.我们期望能收到您有关于此事的回复.