英语翻译因为是新手,所以没有财富可悬赏,请大家多多见谅In previous work,we applied artificial neural networks (ANN) for short term load forecasting using real load and weather data from the Hydro-Quebec databases where three typ

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/13 22:50:43

英语翻译因为是新手,所以没有财富可悬赏,请大家多多见谅In previous work,we applied artificial neural networks (ANN) for short term load forecasting using real load and weather data from the Hydro-Quebec databases where three typ
In previous work,we applied artificial neural networks (ANN) for short term load forecasting using real load and weather data from the Hydro-Quebec databases where three types of variables were used as inputs to the neural network:(a) hour and day indicators,(b) weather related inputs and (c) historical loads.In general,for forecasting with a lead time of up to a few days ahead,load history (for the last few days) is not available,and therefore,estimated values of this load are used instead.However,a small error in these estimated values may grow up dramatically and lead to a serious problem in load forecasting since this error is fed back as an input to the forecasting procedure.In this paper,we demonstrate ANN capabilities in load forecasting without the use of load history as an input.In addition,only temperature (from weather variables) is used,in this application,where results show that other variables like sky condition (cloud cover) and wind velocity have no serious effect and may not be considered in the load forecasting procedure.
_ 2006 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.
Keywords:Power systems; Load forecasting; Artificial neural networks

英语翻译因为是新手,所以没有财富可悬赏,请大家多多见谅In previous work,we applied artificial neural networks (ANN) for short term load forecasting using real load and weather data from the Hydro-Quebec databases where three typ

英语翻译因为是新手,所以没有财富可悬赏,请大家多多见谅In previous work,we applied artificial neural networks (ANN) for short term load forecasting using real load and weather data from the Hydro-Quebec databases where three typ 英语翻译因为是新手,所以没有财富可悬赏,请大家多多见谅This approach has also been applied for short term load forecasting of a local load,the region of Mascouche.This is a small part of the Hydro-Quebec system where the loadvar 因为我财富不够,所以没有悬赏非常抱歉. 英语翻译最好是从初一至初十这几天的、新手所以没什么财富. 英语翻译求精确的官方翻译,我没有财富,所以悬赏不了,请理解, 利用马哲相关理论分析当今的环境问题——臭氧层被破坏因为是新手所以没有任何悬赏,就希望有心人可以帮帮忙····谢谢了····· 覆巢无完卵 文言文阅读答案不好意思,新手,没有财富悬赏…… 来自星星的你第八集教授上课时说对视相爱的台词求求求谢谢大神们 因为没有财富了所以没有悬赏拜托你们 《马说》文中第一段哪句话描述千里马悲惨处境?因为我没有财富值,所以就没有悬赏,呵呵, 英语翻译没钱了,所以没有悬赏. 择其善者而从之“而”是什么意思因为分很少,所以就没有悬赏财富希望好心人能拜拜忙 文言文中带”首”的句子.要给小孩起名字,想从文言文中找灵感.因为没有财富值了所以悬赏不了, 因为分数用光的缘故,所以没有财富. 求整片英语翻译,因为是晚上,所以悬赏比白天加20,急! 夏天用脸盆接自来水静置后,脸盆会出现小气泡,而冬天没有这种现象,这是因为…?我是新手,暂时没有悬赏,下次补. 已知2的a次方乘以27的b次方乘以37的c次方乘以47的d次方等于19998,其中a.b.c.d是自然数,求(a-b-c+d)的值Sorry,因为没有财富值了,所以就不给财富悬赏了.希望见谅 辩论会 零花钱该怎么利用 急!老师明天就要举行辩论会.因为是初次所以财富悬赏很少但是帮帮忙!拜托各位!正方反方都要 详细点 【邮政挂号信】国家局,挂号信目的地是北京.这个意思代表啥?是不是快到了?我没有财富了,所以没有悬赏,见谅了.