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威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日 --- 1616年4月23日 ),文艺复兴时期英国杰出的思想家、作家、戏剧家,诗人.1564年出生于一个富商家庭.他曾经在“文法学校”读书,后因父亲破产,中途辍学.21岁时到伦敦剧院工作,很快就登台演戏,并开始创作剧本和诗歌.他创作的大部分是诗剧,主要作品有《李尔王》《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《威尼斯商人》等.他的作品是人文主义文学的杰出代表,在世界文学史上占有极重要的地位.
William Shakespeare (William baptised, April 23, 1564-23 April 1616), the Renaissance England outstanding thinker, writer, dramatist, poet. Was born in a wealthy family in 1564. After he had read in "grammar schools", because of father's bankruptcy, dropped out. At the age of 21 to London theatre work, stage, soon and start to write screenplays and poetry. He is creating most of the poetic drama, major works have "king Lear" "Hamlet" "Othello," "romeo and Juliet" "the merchant of Venice", etc. His work is an excellent representative of humanism literature, holds the extremely important status in the history of world literature.
威廉·莎士比亚 - 生平
伟大的英国剧作家、诗人威廉·莎士比亚1564年生于英国中部瓦维克郡埃文河畔斯特拉特福.其父约翰·莎士比亚是经营羊毛、皮革制造及谷物生意的杂货商,1565年任镇民政官,3年后被选为镇长.莎士比亚幼年在当地文法学校读书.历史学家乔治·斯蒂文森说,后人从这些文字资料中大概勾勒出莎士比亚的生活轨迹:13岁时家道中落,此后辍学经商,22岁时前往伦敦,在剧院工作,后来成为演员和剧作家;1597年重返家乡购置房产,度过人生最后时光.他虽受过良好的基本教育,但是未上过大学.1582年,18岁 中,列举莎士比亚35岁以前的剧作,称赞他的喜剧、悲剧都“无与伦比”,能和古代第一流戏剧诗人们并称.但他生前没出版过自己的剧作.1596年,他以他父亲的名义申请到“绅士”称号和拥有纹章的权利,又先后3次购置了可观的房地产.1603年,詹姆士一世继位,他的剧团改称“国王供奉剧团”,他和团中演员被任命为御前侍从.1612年左右他告别伦敦回到家乡定居.1616年5月3日病逝,葬于镇上的圣三一教堂.死前留有遗嘱.他的两个据说比较可靠的肖像是教堂中的半身塑像和德罗肖特画像,手迹则有 6份签名和《托马斯·莫尔爵士》一剧中三页手稿.1623年,演员J.海明和H.康代尔把他的剧作印成对开本,收进36出戏(其中20出是首次付印),号称“第一对开本”.从1772年开始,有人对于莎剧的作者不断提出过疑问,并且企图证实作者是培根、C.马洛、勒特兰伯爵、牛津伯爵、德比伯爵等等,但都缺乏证据.
莎士比亚在伦敦住了二十多年,而在此期间他的妻子仍一直呆在斯特拉福.他在接近天命之年时隐退回归故里斯特拉福(1612年左右).莎士比亚在其五十二岁生日前后不幸去世,葬于圣三一教堂.死前留有遗嘱.他的两个据说比较可靠的肖像是教堂中的半身塑像和德罗肖特画像,手迹则有 6份签名和《托马斯·莫尔爵士》一剧中三页手稿.1623年,演员J.海明和H.康代尔把他的剧作印成对开本,收进36出戏(其中20出是首次付印),号称“第一对开本”.
大多数历史学家相信,在历史记录中所看到的演员和剧作家莎士比亚是同一个人.莎士比亚于1564年4月出生于英格兰特拉福德镇(Stratford-Upon-Avon),父亲叫约翰·莎士比亚(John Shakespeare),是个手套商人.根据记录,莎士比亚是在当年的4月26日受洗礼的,一般认为他的生日是4月23日(他的去世是52年后的同一天).莎士比亚的父亲在他出生时非常富有,但是后来被控卷入黑市羊毛交易,而家道中落,并失去了市议员的位置.有证据表明,莎士比亚的父母亲都有同情天主教徒的倾向.
1582年11月28日,莎士比亚与安妮·哈瑟维(Anne Hathaway)结婚,很可能是因为哈瑟维当时已经怀上了莎士比亚的孩子.从此之后莎士比亚的行踪我们完全无法得知,知道他在1590年代出现在伦敦的剧团中.
1597年,莎士比亚把他在特拉福德镇的“一栋家宅、两间畜舍、两个花园、两个果园,和其他所有东西”以60英镑的价格售出,到伦敦,成了一名著名的演员和作家.他最后还成为一家剧团——张伯伦勋爵剧团(The Lord Chamberlain's Men)的合伙人.与当时所有的剧团7一样剧团是以资助它的贵族的名字命名的.该剧团十分受到欢迎,以至于当伊丽莎白一世去世后,詹姆士一世赞助了它,剧团更名为国王剧团(该剧团到了今天已经成为象征着莎剧最高水准的英国皇家莎士比亚剧院).
1609年莎士比亚发表了他的十四行诗,其中很多是写给一个神秘的女人(“Dark Lady”)和一个男人(“Fair Lord”)的(因此有人相信莎士比亚可能是一位同性恋者).他大约在1611年离开了伦敦和剧坛,从此之后就再也没有发表重要作品(一般认为他的最后一部剧本是《暴风雨》),直到1616年5月3日去世.巧合的是,他与同时代的另一个西班牙大文豪塞万提斯死在同一天.中国著名剧作家汤显祖也于同一年去世.
大多数学者同意文豪莎士比亚确实就是那位出生在特拉福德镇、曾经做过演员的莎士比亚,但是这始终是多年来十分有争议性的问题.一些人认为弗朗西斯·培根、爱德华·德·维尔(Edward de Vere)等人才是一些或全部莎士比亚作品的真正作者,至少是一起参与了创作.
William Shakespeare - life
Shakespeare's former residence
The great English playwright and poet William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in central England evan Warwick county, riverside Stratford. His father, John Shakespeare is wool, leather and grain in the business of the grocer, 1565 town civil affairs officer, three years later was elected mayor. Shakespeare's childhood at a local grammar school. Historian George Stephenson said, later generations from these written materials about the outline of Shakespeare's life, at the age of 13 disjuncture, after dropping out of school to do business, at the age of 22 go to London to work in a theater, later as an actor and playwright; In 1597 to return to the home buying property, spend his last days. Although he received a good education, but did not attend college. List in 1582, 18 years old, Shakespeare's plays, 35 years ago, praised his "unparalleled" comedy, tragedy, and the ancient classic drama poets said. But I can't published his own plays, he was. In 1596, he in the name of his father's application for the title of "gentleman" and has the right to arms, has 3 times more to purchase the considerable real estate. James I of succession in 1603, his troupe called "king consecrate troupe", he and his group of actors was appointed to command the attendants. He said goodbye to London around 1612 returned home to settle down. On May 3, 1616, died buried in holy trinity church in the town. Before he died testate. His two reliable image is said to be the church busts and portraits, short of handwriting has 6 copies of signatures and "Sir Thomas more," a drama three pages of the manuscript. In 1623, the actors hamming and h. j. dyer print folios in pairs of his plays, drama in 36 (including 20 is the first time went to press), billed as "the first folio edition". Since 1772, some have raised questions for the author of Shakespeare constantly, and attempt to confirm the author's bacon, c. Marlowe, le tran earl, earl of Oxford, Derby county, etc., but a lack of evidence.
Shakespeare lived in London for more than 20 years, and during this time his wife is still staying in Stratford. Retreat return reason in he near the destiny of rees trafford (around 1612). Shakespeare died before, during, and after five twelve years old birthday, buried in the holy trinity church. Before he died testate. His two reliable image is said to be the church busts and portraits, short of handwriting has 6 copies of signatures and "Sir Thomas more," a drama three pages of the manuscript. In 1623, the actors hamming and h. j. dyer print folios in pairs of his plays, drama in 36 (including 20 is the first time went to press), billed as "the first folio edition".
Most historians believe that seen in historical records of the actor and playwright Shakespeare is the same person. Shakespeare was born in England in April 1564 rand Stratford town (Stratford Upon Avon), the father's name is John Shakespeare (John baptised), is a glove businessman. According to the records, Shakespeare was in his baptism on April 26, it is generally believed his birthday is on April 23, was 52 years (he died on the same day). Shakespeare's father was very rich when he was born, but was later accused of involvement in the black wool, and come down, and the location of the lost city councillor. There is evidence that Shakespeare's parents tend to sympathize with catholics.
On November 28, 1582, Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway (Anne Hathaway) married, probably because Hathaway was already pregnant with Shakespeare's children. After Shakespeare's whereabouts we completely don't know, know that he appeared in the theatre in London in the 1590 s.
On May 26, 1583, Shakespeare's first daughter, Susanna (Susanna) in trafford home town to accept baptism. His next to a son and a daughter and was baptized in February 2, 1585.
The only son Hamnet Shakespeare died in 1596, on August 11, buried in 1596. Many people believe that Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" (Hamlet) is in honor of his son, because Hamlet and Hamnet is similar.
In 1597, Shakespeare put him in the town of trafford "a house, two barns, two gardens and orchards, and all other things" to 60 pounds sold, to London, became a famous actor and writer. He finally become a theater - Lord Chamberlain company (The Lord Chamberlain 's Men) partner. With all of the theater troupe as 7 is based on fund named after its nobility. The theater is very popular, so when after the death of Elizabeth I, James I sponsored it, theater renamed the king troupe (the company today has become a symbol of the shakespearian the highest level of the royal Shakespeare theatre).
Now people from all sorts of legal documents and business contract at that time, Shakespeare in London years gradually become rich, make he bought a house in London's wealthiest parts, trafford still in home town have a biggest housing.
In 1609 published his sonnets, Shakespeare. Many of these are addressed to a mysterious woman (" Dark Lady ") and a man (" Fair Lord ") of (so it is possible that some believe Shakespeare is a gay). He left London and JuTan circa 1611, since then no published important works (his last play is generally recognized as the tempest), died on May 3, until 1616. Coincidentally, he and his contemporaries, another Spanish giant Cervantes died on the same day. The famous Chinese playwright tang xianzu and died the same year.
Most scholars agree that Shakespeare was really the birth in trafford town, is a former actor of Shakespeare, but it has always been a very controversial issue for years. Some people think that Francis Bacon, Edward DE Vere (Edward DE Vere) such as personnel is some or all of the true author of Shakespeare, at least is involved in the creation together.
Others wonder whether Shakespeare really created all of the works themselves, who is one of the real author of Shakespeare's problem has become a serious academic research subject.