这是我写的论文提要 ABSTRACT,不知道有没有写错的,或不符合语法的部分.精通英文的朋友过目一下.‘V+N’ structure is representative collocation relationship in modern chinese.There are very complicated and various res

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 13:52:07

这是我写的论文提要 ABSTRACT,不知道有没有写错的,或不符合语法的部分.精通英文的朋友过目一下.‘V+N’ structure is representative collocation relationship in modern chinese.There are very complicated and various res
这是我写的论文提要 ABSTRACT,不知道有没有写错的,或不符合语法的部分.精通英文的朋友过目一下.
‘V+N’ structure is representative collocation relationship in modern chinese.There are very complicated and various restrictions in cognitive process where ‘V+N’ structure is regarded as verb-object relationship and attributive-head relationship.This article analyzes various factors that affect understanding of ‘V+N’ structure and examines preceding studies and verifies whether the conclusions of the studies correspond to authentic language usage through corpus analysis.In addition,the causes that similar nouns have different ways of understanding ‘V+N’ structure are studied.
The full text is divided into seven chapters.ChapterⅠ begins with the purposes of this article,the method of this study,and preceding studies.ChapterⅡ analyzes prosodic features of ‘V+N’ structure.ChapterⅢ studies correlation between valence theory and ‘V+N’ structure.ChapterⅣ describes the roles and the restrictions of verbs in ‘V+N’ structure.ChapterⅤ describes the roles and the restrictions of nouns in ‘V+N’ structure.ChapterⅥ focuses on the reasons why ‘V+Power’ structure is particularly regarded as attributive-head relationship and studies correlation between ‘V+N’ collocation and N verb attribution.ChapterⅦ integrates all the studies and presents the conclusion on the factors affecting ‘V+N’ structure understanding.

这是我写的论文提要 ABSTRACT,不知道有没有写错的,或不符合语法的部分.精通英文的朋友过目一下.‘V+N’ structure is representative collocation relationship in modern chinese.There are very complicated and various res
representative of; Chinese;the understanding;the causes in which similar nouns have different ways of understanding ‘V+N’ structure ;
,and the introduction of preceding studies;conclusions;on the factors that affects(建议用从句)

这是我写的论文提要 ABSTRACT,不知道有没有写错的,或不符合语法的部分.精通英文的朋友过目一下.‘V+N’ structure is representative collocation relationship in modern chinese.There are very complicated and various res 论文提要怎么写 论文提要的格式? abstract 和 introduction 哪个用中英写一篇英语论文先是content然后abstract然后Introduction请问,应该用中英双语写的部分是abstract?还是Introduction呀?论文要求写3000个单词请问abstract 和 introduction 分别写 论文的提要和摘要区别?我是学体育教育的 我们的论文要求写三百字的提要 我不不太明白 提要和摘要有什么区别?麻烦明白的给详细说下,从别的地方转载些莫名的答案的人就算了. 英文论文中的abstract怎么写 如果一些人对你提要求,感觉好吗,你要这样做怎么的,当我的家人跟我提要求,控制性的提要求我会反感.内心会很纠结.这是为什么 论文的abstract conclusion 有什么区别 abstract和introduction的区别是什么?我要写一遍英文report 要求有abstract和introduction 可是这两个有什么区别啊 分别都应该写什么呢? 关于article,paper,abstract,summary几个词的辨析,前两者分别指什么论文?如果文学创作用哪个?我记得荷兰,比利时,德国喜欢用summary,其他国家多用abstract,不知道有没有严格意义上的区别?学位论文disse 《海思》 提要《海思》的提要 abstract的中文意思是 《中小企业融资难的原因及对策分析》论文的开题报告我不要复制的.1500字左右的,包括选题目的,意义,理由和论文提要 论文中的摘要是用Contents summary还是abstract表示? 作文:《我爱-----》 《有你真好》 各写300字的提要! 越狱前情提要这句话的英语 论文提纲怎么写我要写的论文题目是论农村信用社的改革模式,怎么写论文提纲. 运筹学在生活中的应用?或者运筹学在生活中的影响?要写论文!我写不出来!很是郁闷!