查理卓别林英文简介如题 100~120词 要有中文翻译 不要把别人的删减了的给我
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查理卓别林英文简介如题 100~120词 要有中文翻译 不要把别人的删减了的给我
100~120词 要有中文翻译 不要把别人的删减了的给我
查理卓别林英文简介如题 100~120词 要有中文翻译 不要把别人的删减了的给我
1889年4月16日查理·卓别林出生于伦敦. 编辑本段|回到顶部 生平与创作: 在电影史上靠拍悲剧成为大师的人数不胜数,但靠喜剧片成为大师的人却是少之又少,这足以证明喜剧是一门多么难的艺术,喜剧要让人发笑的同时还要给人强烈的震撼,这比悲剧要难上一百倍.但卓别林做到了,百年来只此一人.脚登大皮鞋、手拿细手杖,迈着企鹅步的流浪汉形象,给一代又一代的观众带来了无尽的欢笑.这欢笑背后隐藏着人生的孤独与凄凉.这套DVD收录了卓别林10部长片,加上两张短片集锦,代表了卓别林一生最主要的成就,最令人高兴的是,其中最重要的电影如《城市之光》《淘金记》《摩登时代》等都是数码修复版,画质比原来清晰了不少,作为收藏是上佳的选择. 头戴一顶大礼帽,脚登一双尖头鞋,鼻子下留着一撮乌黑的小胡子,紧绷的上衣与肥大的裤子别扭地穿在身上,手里舞着一只手杖,鸭子般地出现银幕上——这就是卓别林为我们创造的绅士流浪汉形象.查理·卓别林是好莱坞默片时代的巨星,他和他所创造的夏尔洛形象一起被人们永远铭记.无论是流浪汉夏尔洛的善良、风趣、不幸,还是大独裁者的刚愎自用、自高自大,这些都成了世界电影史上的经典造型. 卓别林1889年4月16日生于英国伦敦,父亲和母亲都游艺场的歌唱演员. 1岁时父母分居,幼年卓别林便随母亲四处周游,并登台表演. 5岁时,因母亲嗓子沙哑,结束了演出生涯,卓别林遂独自登台从艺. 6岁时父亲去世,母亲病倒,卓别林与同母异父的哥哥流浪街头卖艺、乞讨,一度被送进孤儿院.后来两兄弟在游艺场和巡回剧团里演唱、跳舞和干各种杂活. 1913年,卓别林随卡尔诺哑剧团去美国巡回演出,被一位电影公司的制片人兼导演看中,签订了为期1年、周薪150美元的合同,从此,卓别林开始了他漫长的电影生涯. 1914年1月,卓别林拍摄了第1部影片《谋生》.同年2月18日,流浪汉夏尔洛的形象首次在喜剧电影《阵雨之间》里出现,这一形象后来就成为卓别林电影的主要银幕造型. 1年后,卓别林在美国成了被人们广泛热爱的演员. 1915年,卓别林的《流浪汉》等影片获得了巨大成功,卓别林也身价倍增.当他转投其他电影公司时,年薪已高达67万美元. 1917年,卓别林与米尔德丽德·哈丽斯结婚. 1924年两人离异后,卓别林与丽塔·格雷结为夫妻,并生有两个儿子. 1932年,卓别林又结了3次婚,新娘是宝莲·高黛. 卓别林从1919年开始独立制片,一生共拍摄了80多部喜剧影片,如《淘金记》(1925年)《城市之光》(1931年)《摩登时代》(1936年)《大独裁者》(1940年) 《凡尔杜先生》(1947年)《舞台生涯》(1952年)等.这些影片不仅在美国,而且也在世界各地引起了观众浓厚的兴趣.卓别林电影成了从20年代至50年代美国戏剧电影的最成功的代表,也成了那个时代电影的一种标志. 在第二次世界大战开始以前的1938年,卓别林开始筹划代名“七号”的工程,即后来拍摄完成的讽刺希特勒法西斯主义的电影《大独裁者》.当时,英、美当局都害怕这部影片会引起麻烦,从而对卓别林施加了种种压力,各地的纳粹组织也威胁卓别林.但卓别林无所畏惧,仍然坚持拍摄.二战全面爆发后,这部影片在世界引起了轰动. 卓别林的家庭生活经历了许多变化. 1942年,他与已经共同生活了10年的第3个妻子宝莲离婚后,一个曾与卓别林相好的年轻女性声称已经有了卓别林的孩子.这使卓别林卷进了桃色事件中.直到上了法庭,他的名誉才得到澄清.后来,54岁的卓别林与曾经获得过诺贝尔文学奖的著名戏剧大师尤金·奥尼尔的女儿、年仅18岁的乌娜·奥尼尔结婚,尽管这桩婚姻受到了新娘父亲的反对. Edit this paragraph|Back to top Life and Creation: Tragedy in the history of cinema by making a master of countless people, but by a master of comedy is very few people, it proves how difficult comedy is an art of comedy to make people laugh while also giving strong shock, which is harder than tragedy on a hundred times. However, Chaplin did, only this one hundred years. Board feet big shoes, small cane in hand, marching penguins step tramp image, generation after generation of viewers has brought endless laughter. This laughter hides a life of loneliness and desolation. This DVD contains 10 ministers Charlie Chaplin films, plus two video highlights, represents the most important achievements of his life Chaplin, the most gratifying is that the most important films such as "City Lights" " The Gold Rush, "" Modern Times ", which are Digitally Remastered, clear picture quality than the original lot, as the collection is a good choice. Wearing a top hat, a pair of feet Teng Jian Touxie, nose and keep a pinch of black mustache, tight pants, jackets and hypertrophy of awkward to wear on his body, brandishing a cane hand, camel, duck appear on screen - this is the Chaplin tramp created for us the image of a gentleman. Charlie Chaplin silent film era of the Hollywood star, he and his image created Ciarlo always be remembered together. Whether wandering Hanxiaerluo the good, funny, tragic, or The Great Dictator's opinionated, conceited, which became a classic style in the history of world cinema. Chaplin April 16, 1889 Born in London, his father and mother were singers entertainment field. 1 year old parents separated, young Charlie Chaplin returned with his mother traveled around, and stage performances. 5 years old, hoarse voice because of her mother, ending a performance career, Chaplin then alone on stage for art. 6 years old his father died, her mother fell ill, Chaplin and the half-brother, street performers, beggars, once sent to an orphanage. Later the two brothers in the entertainment field and touring troupe in singing, dancing and dry all kinds of odd jobs. In 1913, Chaplin Theatre with Carnaud dumb tour to the United States, was a movie producer and director fancy, signed a one year contract for 150 U.S. dollars weekly, then on, Chaplin began His long film career. January 1914, Charlie Chaplin films shot 1 "to make a living." 18 February the same year, vagrant Hanxiaerluo image the first time in comedy film "between showers" in there, the image later became the main screen the film Charlie Chaplin style. 1 years later, Chaplin in the United States became a widely loved actor. In 1915, Chaplin's "tramp" and other films was a great success, Chaplin also worth double. When he switched to other film companies, the annual salary has been as high as 67 million. In 1917, Charlie Chaplin and married Mildred Ha Lisi. They divorced in 1924, Chaplin and Litagelei married and had two sons. In 1932, Chaplin then end up with three times married, the bride is the Po Lin Gao Dai. Chaplin independent films from 1919, his life taken a total of more than 80 comedy films, such as "Gold Rush" (1925) "City Lights" (1931), "Modern Times" (1936) "big dictatorship persons "(1940)," Monsieur Verdoux "(1947)" life stage "(1952) and so on. These films not only in the United States, but also attracted visitors from around the world interested. Chaplin's films became from 20 to 50 of the American theater's most successful representative of the film, the film has become a symbol of that era. Before the beginning of World War II in 1938, Chaplin began to plan on behalf of the name "VII" project, which was filmed satire of Hitler fascism, the film "The Great Dictator." At that time, the British and American authorities fear the film will cause trouble to the pressures exerted on Chaplin, around the threat of Nazi organizations Chaplin. But Chaplin fearless, still insist on filming. After the outbreak of World War II, this film caused a sensation in the world. Chaplin's family life has undergone many changes. In 1942, he had been living together for 10 years, the 3rd wife, Pauline, after divorce, a good friend with Chaplin young women claim to have had a child of Charlie Chaplin. This Chaplin rolled into peach event. Until the court, his reputation was clarified. Later, the 54-year-old Chaplin and has won the Nobel Prize-known playwrights, Eugene O'Neill's daughter, Una O'Neill, age 18, married, although marriage by the bride's father's objections.