
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 19:57:59


Right before the new year,our company held a party at XX hotel.All the staff joined this venue.After one hard working year,everyone was pleased to have the chance to get together.Everyone looked wonderful,as the girls were in evening dresses and guys in black ties.It was indeed a grand party with both delicious feast and wonderful performances.As one of the performances,i was not able to enjoy the food and watch the show as the other audiences,but i felt exceptionally happy.With my contributions to the party,it made the night much more meaningful.

New Year approaching, the company held a party XX hotel. All employees have participated in this event. Hard work for a year, we are very pleased to have the opportunity to come together. We all dress...


New Year approaching, the company held a party XX hotel. All employees have participated in this event. Hard work for a year, we are very pleased to have the opportunity to come together. We all dress very beautiful, ladies wore gorgeous dresses, men dressed in formal clothing. This is a grand event, not only have a rich dinner, there are wonderful performances. I, as one of the actors to participate in performances, although not the same as the audience to enjoy food, enjoy the show. But I'm still very happy, because this evening I made my contribution, so that the party become more meaningless.


At the moment of soon coming New Year, our company held a party at ** hotel. All the staff attended this great party. It’s so happy for us to have a chance gathering together after a year of hard work...


At the moment of soon coming New Year, our company held a party at ** hotel. All the staff attended this great party. It’s so happy for us to have a chance gathering together after a year of hard working. Every one was dressed up pretty well, ladies with their gorgeous costumes and gentlemen with their suits. This is a great party, with not only abounding dishes but also wonderful artistic performance. As one of the performers, though I couldn’t enjoy the delicious food and performances, but I was still very happy. Because I’ve made my contribution for this party with my performance which made the party more meaningful.


On the occasion of arrival of New Year, the company will hold a evening party in XX hotel.All of the staffs have attend this party,who are working very hard for a whole year,so they're really very gla...


On the occasion of arrival of New Year, the company will hold a evening party in XX hotel.All of the staffs have attend this party,who are working very hard for a whole year,so they're really very glad have this oppotunity to get together. Everybody in this evening are dressed very beautiful, the ladies with gorgeous dresses, and also the gentlemen dressed very formal. This is not just a Sumptuous dinner,but also have splendid artist programs.As one of the actor,I can't enjoy the deliciouse dish and splendid programs as the common audiense,but i still feel very happy, to contribute my effort to the party make this evening more meaningful!


英语翻译新年来临之际,公司在XX酒店举办了晚会.公司全体员工都参加了这次盛会.辛勤工作了一年,大家都非常高兴有机会能够相聚在一起.大家都打扮得非常的漂亮,女士穿上了华丽的礼服,男 英语翻译新年贺词:新年复始,万象更新.在新年来临之际.我公司感谢您长期以来对我们的支持与帮助.在新的一年中,我们将秉承帮助合作伙伴实现梦想的公司使命.永怀感恩之心.继续为客户和 100字左右,给留守儿童祝福语,演讲用,例:在新年的来临之际,我们不能忘……. 英语作文、聚会邀请新年来临之际,英语2班想要举办一次新年聚会.假如你是组织者李欣,请你根据提示写一封邀请函,邀请新来的外教Rosa参加聚会. 英语翻译第一缕阳光是我对你嘀深深祝福,夕阳收起嘀最后一抹嫣红是我对你衷心嘀问候,在新年来临之际,送上真挚嘀祝福:元旦快乐! 英语翻译今晚我们激情满怀,心潮澎湃.今晚我们载歌载舞,欢聚一堂,共庆新年的到来.在这辞旧迎新之际,我代表XX幼儿园,全体同仁提前给大家拜年了!祝大家新年快乐,身体健康,阖家幸福!亲爱的 给留守儿童的新年祝福语,150字左右,给留守儿童的新年祝福语,演讲用,例:在新年的来临之际,我们不能忘…….(好的再加分) 英语翻译XX公司与当地和一些酒店签订了合作协议,该公司经理以上级别的员工,可以在这些酒店签单,酒店凭详细的消费纪录和员工签字按月与公司结算,公司财务部门以合同付款的形式按月支 英语翻译我们是酒店公司 英语翻译“我们真诚地邀请您参加2013年8月8日在XXX酒店举办的XXXXXXX公司2013年经销商大会,恭候您的光临.” XXXXXX有限公司 谨邀 英语翻译“在xx年的时候我在xx公司担任xx工作过一年的时间” 同学们,新年到了,你想在新年到来之际跟父母说些什么呢? 海燕 在暴风雨来临之际,周围环境怎样?海燕有什么样的表现? 收藏阳光,可以在严冬来临之际温暖自己的心房.{仿写句子2个} 收藏阳光,可以在严冬来临之际温暖你的心房.(仿写句子) 在母亲节来临之际,应该对妈妈写哪些祝福的话语? 鸭毛或鸡毛在冬天或夏天来临之际有什么变化 请你在父亲节来临之际,发一则短信给父亲.要求用上“台阶”二字