谁知道Santa Claus 这个词汇的来源?也就是说这个对圣诞老人的称呼的词汇怎么来的?如果说,美国的荷兰移民将其称为后来的“Santa Claus”。那这个称呼是不是来源于荷兰?能给出更深的来源吗
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 16:45:41
谁知道Santa Claus 这个词汇的来源?也就是说这个对圣诞老人的称呼的词汇怎么来的?如果说,美国的荷兰移民将其称为后来的“Santa Claus”。那这个称呼是不是来源于荷兰?能给出更深的来源吗
谁知道Santa Claus 这个词汇的来源?
如果说,美国的荷兰移民将其称为后来的“Santa Claus”。那这个称呼是不是来源于荷兰?能给出更深的来源吗?
谁知道Santa Claus 这个词汇的来源?也就是说这个对圣诞老人的称呼的词汇怎么来的?如果说,美国的荷兰移民将其称为后来的“Santa Claus”。那这个称呼是不是来源于荷兰?能给出更深的来源吗
The Origins of Santa Claus
As winter rolls around again this year and the days become chillier, millions of people around the world will break out their winter coats and look forward with anticipation to the approaching holiday season. That's right, Christmas is upon us again. For some, that means digging out those old lights and ornaments out of the closet to hang on the Christmas tree. For others, it means frantic days of gift-shopping at the mall. For many children, Christmas is the season of Santa Claus, that mysterious and jolly invader of chimneys, soaring through the sky on his magical sled, bearing gifts for the nice and coal for the naughty.
Most people who celebrate Christmas are familiar with the figure of Santa Claus. However, few know the details of his origins or the fairly complex history of his development. Who is Santa Claus, and where did he come from? In this month's Profile, Bilingual Time takes the time to briefly explore the background of this holiday icon.
The figure of Santa Claus actually has many different origins and is derived from a variety of traditions. Elements from these different traditions became incorporated together with time and produced the Santa Claus that we know today. The primary inspiration for Santa Claus is the 4th century Christian bishop Saint Nicholas of Myra. Nicholas resided in the ancient Lycian town of Myra, located in Byzantine Anatolia. Having devoted his entire life to Christianity at a young age, Nicholas became known for his generous gifts to the poor. One famous story tells of how he presented three impoverished daughters of a faithful Christian with dowries so that they would not have to become prostitutes. Today, we continue to use Saint Nicholas (or Saint Nick) as a pseudonym for Santa Claus.
Elements of Santa Claus folklore are also derived from Germanic traditions. In Proto-Germanic mythology, the god Odin would host a great hunting party for the gods and fallen warriors each year at Yule. It was an old tradition for children to fill their boots with carrots, straw, or sugar and place them near the chimney for Odin's flying horse, Sleipnir, to eat. Odin would then replace Sleipnir's food with gifts or candy to reward those children for their kindness. These practices survived after Germany's Christianization (also Belgium and the Netherlands) and the practice became associated with Saint Nicholas. Today, children continue to place stockings or socks near the chimney for Santa to place gifts in.
In the Netherlands, Saint Nicholas is also known by the shortened form of his name Sinterklass. The popular North American form Santa Claus is actually a mispronunciation of the Dutch form. Parallels in the lore of Santa's helpers can also be traced to stories told in the Netherlands about a young Ethiopian slave boy named Peter. According to the story, Saint Nicholas freed Peter from a Myra market, and the boy was so thankful he decided to stay with Nicholas as a helper. In Dutch, Nicholas's helper is known as Zwarte Piet (black Peter). Many have felt the name to contain racial connotations. Today, Zwarte Piet has become a modern servant who has a black face because he climbs through chimneys and gets soot all over him.
在荷兰,圣?尼克拉斯被简称为圣特克拉斯.北美普遍的称呼——Santa Claus事实上来自于荷兰发错音的Sinterklass.而谈到圣诞老人的助手,可追溯到荷兰的民间故事,那是有关一个叫做皮特的年少埃塞俄比亚奴隶男孩的故事:圣?尼克拉斯在迈拉的市场上给皮特赎身,皮特对此感激涕零,决定成为尼克拉斯的助手.在荷兰,尼克拉斯的助手被称为Zwarte Piet(黑皮特),很多人认为这个称呼包含种族方面的言外之意.今天,Zwarte Piet成为了现代的仆人,他因爬烟囱沾得满身烟灰,面色由此变黑.
在德国中部和北部地区,尼古拉斯被称为“圣诞老人”,在英国被称为“圣诞父亲”,被美国的荷兰移民称为后来的“Santa Claus”。
意大利的圣诞老人叫La Befana ;法国的圣诞老人叫Father Christmas或Pere Noel ;瑞士的圣诞老人叫Christkindl或Christ Child;斯勘的纳维亚地区的圣诞人叫jul...
在德国中部和北部地区,尼古拉斯被称为“圣诞老人”,在英国被称为“圣诞父亲”,被美国的荷兰移民称为后来的“Santa Claus”。
意大利的圣诞老人叫La Befana ;法国的圣诞老人叫Father Christmas或Pere Noel ;瑞士的圣诞老人叫Christkindl或Christ Child;斯勘的纳维亚地区的圣诞人叫julenisse 或 juletomte ;而英国的圣诞老人和法国一样也叫Father Christmas(圣诞之父),
圣诞节一词源于一个英语词组“Cristes Masse”,意思就是基督教徒的集会,在公元前354年12.25日那天,由罗马教皇创立的。他选择这个日子为官方的庆祝基督诞生的日子。在那以前,听说有好多个所谓耶稣诞生日,这些日子有些甚至都不确定是否为耶稣诞生日。
圣诞节一词源于一个英语词组“Cristes Masse”,意思就是基督教徒的集会,在公元前354年12.25日那天,由罗马教皇创立的。他选择这个日子为官方的庆祝基督诞生的日子。在那以前,听说有好多个所谓耶稣诞生日,这些日子有些甚至都不确定是否为耶稣诞生日。
在德国中部和北部地区,尼古拉斯被称为“圣诞老人”,在英国被称为“圣诞父亲”,被美国的荷兰移民称为后来的“Santa Claus”。