
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 11:13:22


Conversation 1 (对话1) Alexis:Hi,I'm Alexis.你好.我是亚历克西斯.Joe:Nice to meet you,Alexis.I'm Joe.见到你很高兴,亚历克西斯.我是乔.Alexis:Nice to meet you,Joe.Do you live here in Techville?见到你很高兴,乔.你住在Techville吗?Joe:Yes,I do.I live in an apartment across the street from here.是的.我住在这条街对过的一个公寓里.Alexis:Oh,really?真的吗?Joe:Yes.I work near here too,at Sisco Software Systems.I am a computer programmer.是的,我也在附近的新科软件公司工作.我是一名电脑程序编写员.Alexis:A computer programmer?That sounds interesting.电脑程序编写员?听起来挺有趣.Joe:Well,actually it's kind of boring.I do the same thing every day.实际上有点无聊.每天都做同样的事情.Conversation 2 (对话2) Alexis:Hey,Joe,is that a picture of you?嗨,乔,那是你的照片吗?Joe:Yeah,that was me ten years ago.没错,那是十年前的我.Alexis:So,did you live here in Techville ten years ago?那,十年前你就住在Techville吗?Joe:No,I lived with my parents in Greenville.We lived in a house in the country.I went to school here in Techville,though.不,以前我和我父母住在Greenville.我们住在乡村的一所房子里.尽管我在Techville的学校里读书.Alexis:Really?That's pretty far from here.How did you get to school?真的吗?那离这相当远.你怎么上学?Joe:Oh,I took the train to school.我坐火车上学.Conversation 3 (对话3) Alexi5:So,Joe,what do you think your life will be like in ten years?那么,乔,你认为十年后你的生活会是什么样?Joe:Oh,I think I'll be an astronaut.噢,我想我会成为一名宇航员.Alexis:An astronaut?Are you kidding?宇航员?你在开玩笑吗?Joe:No,I'm serious.I'll fly rockets to the moon.Maybe there will be flights to other planets.不,我是认真的.我要乘火箭去月球.可能会有到其他行星的飞行.Alexis:Oh,and where will you live?噢,那你会住在哪?Joe:I'll live on a space station.我会住在空间站里.
