主词:put 搭配词 :on off up put on 穿 put off 延迟 put up 举起 请帮仿照例子写多几个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 09:06:18

主词:put 搭配词 :on off up put on 穿 put off 延迟 put up 举起 请帮仿照例子写多几个
主词:put 搭配词 :on off up put on 穿 put off 延迟 put up 举起 请帮仿照例子写多几个

主词:put 搭配词 :on off up put on 穿 put off 延迟 put up 举起 请帮仿照例子写多几个
put on:穿(衣,鞋,袜),带(帽、眼镜),增加(体重),表演(节目),装模作样
--Put on your coat,thick socks and hat when you go out,it's very cold outside.
--You should put on the sun glasses to protect your eyes.你该带上太阳眼镜保护你的眼睛.
-- She has put on a lot of weight since last year.她从去年以来体重增加了很多.
-- The children put on a show to celebrate the Children's Day.孩子们用演出来庆祝儿童节.
-- The old lady has put on an American accent.那老妇人装了一副美国腔.
put off:推迟(会议)、延误(飞机),脱(衣服),拖欠(付款),冷漠
-- The boss is not back yet,let's put off the company meeting.
-- The flight has been put off because of the heavy snow.由于大雪,航班被推迟了.
-- Put off your jacket,it's too warm inside.把你的夹克衫脱掉吧,里面太热了.
-- You shouldn't put off paying your rent.你不应该拖欠房租.
-- His bad behavior has put us all off.他的坏行为使我们都远而离之.
put up:建造,提名,挂起,举行了
-- They put up a new house in the yard.他们在院子里盖了间新房.
-- The committee put up a young member as the candidate.
-- I like the picture,you can put it up.我喜欢这幅画,你可以把它挂起来了.
--The boxer put up a good fight last week.那个拳击手上周打了一场好拳.
put up with 忍受 (同义词 bear)
-- The mother can't put up with her daughter's laziness any more.

主词:put 搭配词 :on off up put on 穿 put off 延迟 put up 举起 请帮仿照例子写多几个 英语主词和搭配词加例句例:主词 搭配词 例句on 穿(衣服) 略put off 延期;推迟 略up 举起 略我的意思是求短语加例句 英语:主词 搭配词 例句谢谢了,英语:主词 搭配词 例句 例如:put ,put on ,穿(衣服),Tom is putting on his shirt. 请按照所给例子写:主词-put 搭配词--on 解释--穿(衣服) 例句--TOm is putting on his shirt.主词-put 搭配词--off 解释--延期 例句--the meeting is putting off till tomorrow.(按照这样的例子写出其他类似于举 英语主词和搭配词E.g.put(主词)+on(搭配词) Tom is putting on his shirt(列句)按这个格式写....一定要有例句! 总结你所学的短语,并写出他们的意义!例子如下:主词 搭配词 解释 例句 on 穿(衣服) Tom is putting on his shirt.put off 延期,推迟 The meeting is putting off til tomorrow. 请总结你所学过的短语,并写出其意义.例如put(主词) on/off/up(搭配词) 然后解释.再写出例句!感谢...抱歉写这些会浪费您很多的时间... 英语 主词+搭配词 E.g.put(主词)+on(搭配词) Tom is putting on his shirt(列句)按这个格式写...至少50个~.⊙﹏⊙b汗) 主词+搭配词+解释+例句 get +off+下+The got off the bus oneboys. 请总结你所学过的短语,并写出其意义.(所给内容为举例) 要例句主词 搭配词 例句put on 穿(衣服) Tom is putting on his shirt.off 延期,推迟 The meeting is putting off till tomorrowup 举起 . 请总结你所学过的短语,并写出其意义.(所给内容为举例)主词 搭配词 例句put on 穿(衣服) Tom is putting on his shirt.off 延期,推迟 The meeting is putting off till tomorrowup 举起 . 请总结你所学过的短语,并写出其意义.(所给内容为举例)主词 搭配词 例句put on 穿(衣服) Tom is putting on his shirt.off 延期,推迟 The meeting is putting off till tomorrowup 举起 . 写出短语和例句格式为:主词 搭配词 解释 例句 put on 穿 I put on my coat. 每个搭配词不少于2个,谢了.急........ 急 ...........急...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 主词、搭配词、解释、例句写一下 像put on/off/up这样主次不变搭配词变的短语还有例句 急阿 求:主词+搭配词+解释+例句.一定要有例句啊! 英语主词和搭配词加例句 回答加分 格式:主词+搭配词(多个)+解释+例句