介词,动词,形容词,名词后分别跟词性?需要举一些例子给我,另外可以附带一些初中的词性转化 给我.比如 名词interest 形容词interested形容人/interesting形容物 请给我一些详细点的资料 谢谢了.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 21:58:32

介词,动词,形容词,名词后分别跟词性?需要举一些例子给我,另外可以附带一些初中的词性转化 给我.比如 名词interest 形容词interested形容人/interesting形容物 请给我一些详细点的资料 谢谢了.
需要举一些例子给我,另外可以附带一些初中的词性转化 给我.比如 名词interest 形容词interested形容人/interesting形容物 请给我一些详细点的资料 谢谢了.

介词,动词,形容词,名词后分别跟词性?需要举一些例子给我,另外可以附带一些初中的词性转化 给我.比如 名词interest 形容词interested形容人/interesting形容物 请给我一些详细点的资料 谢谢了.
介词后面是跟名词或者动名词:on the desk(名词) upon finishing my schoollife(动名词)
动词后面一般都是跟宾语,或者是doing的形式:如finish my homework(名词) finish reading my books(doing的形式) enjoy doing sth
形容词后面一般就是名词了:beautiful girl
一般名词都是跟在一些词后面,名词后面还是可以接名词和名词性从句:a football(名词) match(名词) mother(名词) tongue(名词) He told me the news that I got the first price in that match.
英语中有一部分动词,通过在词尾加上-ed或-ing可变为形容词,但通过这两种形式所构成的形容词在意义上是不同的.这里特对这些动词加以归纳和总结,以帮助同学们复习和掌握好这两种形容词.这些动词中常见的有amaze,bore,excite,frighten,interest,move,please,relax,surprise,disappoint等.在其后加-ed所构成的形容词,可表示人的感觉,一般将它们译成“感到……的”;在其后加-ing所构成的形容词,可表示物本身所具有的特点,一般将其译为“令人……的”.请看:1.amazed/amazingamazed感到惊讶的;amazing令人惊异的.例如:He was amazed at all the colors and the beautiful fish.这么多色彩斑斓、美丽的鱼,使他感到非常惊讶.It was an amazing finish to an exciting match.一场令人激动的比赛有这样的结果,惊人得很.2.bored/boringbored感到厌烦的;boring令人厌烦的.
1. amazed/amazing
amazed 感到惊讶的; amazing 令人惊异的.例如:
He was amazed at all the colors and the beautiful fish.
It was an amazing finish to an exciting match. 一场令人激动的比赛
2. bored/boring
bored 感到厌烦的; boring 令人厌烦的.例如:
The film was so boring that he felt bored. 电影很无聊,他感到厌烦.
He spent a boring evening with her. 他陪她度过了一个百无聊赖的
3. excited/exciting
excited 兴奋的,激昂的; exciting 令人兴奋的,令人激动的.例如:
Are you excited about going to America? 你对去美国感到兴奋吗?
I've never seen such an exciting boxing match before. 以前我从没看
4. frightened/frightening
frightened 受惊的,感到害怕的; frightening 惊险的,令人害怕的.
A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened to
move. 火车快速驶近,那个男孩吓得不会动了.
He said he had not read so frightening a detective novel before. 他说
5. interested/interesting
interested 感兴趣的; interesting 有趣的.例如:
Most of the students are interested in playing interesting computer
games. 大部分学生对玩有趣的电脑游戏感兴趣.
6. moved/moving
moved 感动的; moving 活动的,令人感动的,动人的.例如:
We were moved by what she had said. 她说的话让我们感动不已.
This is a moving story and we all like reading it. 这是一个动人的故
7. pleased/pleasing
pleased 欣喜的,满意的; pleasing 使人愉快的,快活的,惹人喜欢
Other people won't be pleased if you jump the queue. 如果你不按次
Miss Wang was very pleased with their performance. 王老师对他们
The pet dog is so pleasing. 这只宠物狗很逗人.
She has a pleasing voice. 她的嗓音很悦耳.
8. relaxed/relaxing
relaxed 感到放松的; relaxing 令人放松的
He appeared relaxed and confident before the match. 比赛前, 他显
It was such a relaxing evening that they all enjoyed themselves. 那是
9. surprised/surprising
surprised 感到惊奇的; surprising 惊人的.例如:
They were surprised when the waiter asked whether they would have
dinner there that night. 侍者问他们晚上是否在那儿吃饭时, 他们感到
The little boy has got surprising memories. 这个小男孩有惊人的记
10. disappointed/disappointing
disappointed 感到失望的; disappointing 令人失望的.例如:
He was very disappointed to find her away. 发现她不在家, 他非常
It was disappointing news. 那是令人失望的消息.

介词,动词,形容词,名词后分别跟什么? 动词.名词.介词.副词.形容词后或前面跟什么词性的词? 英语名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、介词后分别跟什么词 介词,动词,形容词,名词后分别跟词性?需要举一些例子给我,另外可以附带一些初中的词性转化 给我.比如 名词interest 形容词interested形容人/interesting形容物 请给我一些详细点的资料 谢谢了. 谁给我总结一下英语词性的结构比如 形容词后接名词 介词/动词后接宾格 之类的 英语问题:动词、名词、形容词、副词、介词分别是什么意思? 名词动词形容词副词代词介词分别怎么用? 英语名词、动词、形容词、介词、副词后+什么啊? 英语的词性简写:名词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词、代词等 ce结尾的英文单词大多数是什么词性?名词?介词?动词?形容词? 西班牙语词性有哪些?如英语有形容词名词动词副词介词代词 小学英语里有哪几种词性?比如:名词,动词,形容词 well和good的区别~(后面跟什么词性:形容词 名词 系动词等等) 用十二种词性的词造一句句子. 12种词性为:名词、动词、形容词、数词...用十二种词性的词造一句句子. 12种词性为:名词、动词、形容词、数词、量词、 代词、副词、介词、连词、助词、 介词后面是不是名词 动词 形容词 什么都可以跟的呀 在英语中,名词,介词,代词,动词,连词,形容词,副词等词后面分别可以跟什么词?以及他们的作用是什么? 什么是 动词 名词 形容词等等词性 请说具体点动词 名词 形容词等等词性 death、die、dead的词性分别是什么?哪个是名词,哪个是动词,哪个是形容词?