来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/26 12:16:58
乱哄哄的茶园里,坐满了人,穿西服的,穿军服的,穿长袍马褂的顾客,不断进进出出.这家设备舒适的高级茶园,向来是座无虚设的.每当星期天,更是拥挤不堪.到这里喝茶的,不仅有嗜爱品茗的名流,社会闻人和衣着华丽的男女,还有那些习惯在茶馆里了解行情,进行交易的掮客与富商,政界人物与银行家.喜欢在浑浊的人潮中消磨时光的人,也在这里约会、聚谈、互相传播琐事轶闻,纵谈天下大事.那些高谈阔论 的,嘻笑怒骂的声音,加上茶碗茶碟叮叮铛铛的响声,应接不暇的茶房的喊声,叫卖香烟、瓜子、画报杂志的嘈杂声,有时还混进一些吆喝乞丐的骂声,溶汇成一片人声鼎沸五光十色的闹市气氛.和那墙头上“休谈国事”的招贴,形成一种奇怪的对比和讽刺.
乱哄哄的茶园里,坐满了人,穿西服的,穿军服的,穿长袍马褂的顾客,不断进进出出.这家设备舒适的高级茶园,向来是座无虚设的.每当星期天,更是拥挤不堪.到这里喝茶的,不仅有嗜爱品茗的名流,社会闻人和衣着华丽的男女,还有那些习惯在茶馆里了解行情,进行交易的掮客与富商,政界人物与银行家.喜欢在浑浊的人潮中消磨时光的人,也在这里约会、聚谈、互相传播琐事轶闻,纵谈天下大事.那些高谈阔论 的,嘻笑怒骂的声音,加上茶碗茶碟叮叮铛铛的响声,应接不暇的茶房的喊声,叫卖香烟、瓜子、画报杂志的嘈杂声,有时还混进一些吆喝乞丐的骂声,溶汇成一片人声鼎沸五光十色的闹市气氛.和那墙头上“休谈国事”的招贴,形成一种奇怪的对比和讽刺.
The noisy tea house was full of people:people wearing suit,people wearing army uniforms,and people wearing long robes.There were people coming in and people leaving.With the comfort it provides,this high-class tea house is almost always full,especially on Sundays when this teahouse would be super crowded.People who come here for tea include not only the social elite,the famous and the rich who enjoy tea-tasting,but also businesspeople who come here for news,as well as politicians and bankers.People who like to spend their free time in crowded places also come here to meet,talk,gossip and argue about social events.The cacophony of people talking loudly,laughing ,arguing,the sound of tea plates tinkling,the replies of the waiters,the shouts of vendors selling cigarettes,sunflower’s seeds,and magazines,and sometimes the shooing of beggars,all comes together to form a crowded and lively market.Contrasted with the slogan on the wall that says No Discussion of State Affairs,this cacophony sounds so ironic.
At this time,there are two customers who are sitting face to face at an exquisite tea table.One is Li Jingone,who is wearing black-rimmed spectacles and coffee-coloured clothes.The other,wearing long blue robe,is Xu Yunfeng.Sitting in this crowded place,they are inconspicuous.This kind of environment is exactly the kind of place where under-cover agents meet up for discussions.
the raucous teahouse is full of people,with customers in suits,military uniforms velvets and mandarin jackets going in and out. it is not unusual for this comfortable teahouse with advanced equipment ...
the raucous teahouse is full of people,with customers in suits,military uniforms velvets and mandarin jackets going in and out. it is not unusual for this comfortable teahouse with advanced equipment to be fully occupied. on sunday, the situation get more serious. Those who come here are not only celebrities that love appreciating tea very much, social figures and men and women in gorgeous dresses, but also brokers and wealthy bussinessmen who are used to inspecting the market there and make deal there, pilititians and bankers. those who like to kill time in the muddy crowd also date,gather here,talk about and spread anecdote here ,talking about big events in the word. numerous voice, including eloquent talkings, laughing and curse,the tinkle of sauces and bowls, urgent shoutings of the associates, the mixed sound of shouting for selling ciggerettes,sunflower seeds, magzines and sometimes the voice of sending away the beggars form a colorful and heaving aura, which forms a weired contrast and irony with the post on the wall that shows "no talking about the nation's event."
at this moment, two clients are sitting by an exiquite tea table, face-to-face. one is Li Iingyuan, who is wearing a pair of black-frame glasses and clothes in coffee. another one in blue gown is Xu Yunfeng. the hide themselves in the sea of crowd in the teahouse and is not eyecatching at all. such environment is usually a good place for underground workers to meet each other and disscuss their work